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This is a mod that adds a lot of signs to the game

Information For Developers

To use this fork in your workspace, add the following to your build.gradle:
repositories {  
    maven {url ""}

dependencies {
    deobfCompile "se.gory_moon:MoarSigns:<MOARSIGNS_VERSION>"

MOARSIGNS_VERSION can be found by browsing through the maven.


git clone [git-repo-url]

If you don't have Gradle installed on your computer you can use gradlew or gradlew.bat instead

For help setting up a ForgeGradle workspace, go to this forum page.

How to install it is a bit different depending on what IDE you are using.

Instructions on how to install is in README.txt

Test with more signs

To test with more signs go to the CurseForge page and download the mods that are listed as supported.

You can add other mods that you want to have, but it's up to you what mod that is.
