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Open Service Catalog Manager Open Service Catalog Manager

Open Service Catalog Manager is an open source application. More details can be found on its homepage.


Newest releases can be found here.

Getting started and building from sources

Please follow the guide from top to bottom, this is the easiest way to avoid errors later on.


Setting up a workspace

  1. Download the latest sources for this and documentation repositories.
  2. Import the project into your IDE. You should adjust some of the preferences:
  • Set the compiler level to the installed version of Java 1.7.
  • Set UTF-8 file encoding and Unix line endings.

Setting up the database

  1. Install the database using a path without any whitespaces for installation directory. During installation a system-startup service and a database specific user should be created.
  2. Update <postgres-root-dir>/data/postgresql.conf properties:
Property Value Comment
max_prepared_transactions 50 Sets the maximum number of transactions that can be in the "prepared" state simultaneously.
max_connections 210 Determines the maximum number of concurrent connections to the database server.
listen_addresses '*' Specifies the TCP/IP address(es) on which the server is to listen for connections from client applications.
  1. Update <postgres-root-dir>/data/pg_hba.conf properties:
host all all trust 
host all all trust 
host all all <host-ipv6>/128 trust
  1. Confirm all changes and restart PostgreSQL service to apply changes.

Setting up the mail server

  1. Download and install any mail server.
  2. Create any domain and at least one user account in it.

Setting up server

  1. Install the GlassFish server following instructions.
  2. Check if the Java location is valid in the following configuration files:

Building the application

  1. Update the properties in /oscm-devruntime/javares/local/. You can also look for examples in this directory:
Property Note
/oscm-devruntime/javares/local/<hostname>/ Database connection details.
/oscm-devruntime/javares/local/<hostname>/ Database connection details.
/oscm-devruntime/javares/local/<hostname>/ Mostly server settings like ports etc.
/oscm-devruntime/javares/local/<hostname>/ Mostly server settings like ports etc.
/oscm-devruntime/javares/local/property-templates Folder containing templates files.
  1. Add the Eclipse ECJ and Apache Ivy libraries to Ant runtime in your IDE.
  2. Add the following arguments to JVM: -Dhttp.proxyHost=<proxy-host> -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080.
  3. Add the following scripts to Ant view in your IDE:
Script Note
/oscm-devruntime/javares/devscripts/build-dev-Database.xml Handles database operations, e.g. initialization, schema update etc.
/oscm-devruntime/javares/devscripts/build-dev-GlassFish.xml Handles server tasks like starting or stopping domains.
/oscm-devruntime/javares/devscripts/build-dev-PackageDeploy.xml Used to build application source code and to deploy its artifacts.
/oscm-portal-webtests/run_in_eclipse.xml Executes UI tests.
/oscm-integrationtests-setup/resources/build.xml Used to create all neccessary resources for integration environment.
  1. Build the source code of the application using All.BUILD target from /oscm-devruntime/javares/devscripts/build-dev-PackageDeploy.xml. The result will be located in /oscm-build/result.
  2. Create the database and server resources using STANDALONE.setup target from /oscm-integrationtests-setup/build.xml. It will also deploy all artifacts to the appropriate domains.

Deploying the application

After the environment is set, developers can use the Ant targets to build/redeploy only specific modules. For example, to redeploy the portal Portal.BUILD and then Portal.REDEPLOY should be run one after another.

Deploying eclipse-birt-runtime

OSCM uses eclipse-birt-runtime to generate reports. After OSCM is deployed, it is time for you to download and deploy eclipse-birt-runtime. You can find it under the link. Birt.war is the application you should be interested in. We advise you to get the latest version. When you have deployed the application, you may upload all the reports that we have designed for you. The reports are delivered with every release in Just unpack the content to a folder on glassfish where the application has been deployed (usually: ${glassfishHome}\glassfish\domains\{domain}\applications\{ecilpse_runtime_folder}).