public void doGetDDS(ReqState rs) throws Exception { HttpServletResponse response = rs.getResponse(); GuardedDataset ds = null; try { ds = getDataset(rs); if (null == ds) return; response.setContentType("text/plain"); response.setHeader("XDODS-Server", getServerVersion()); response.setHeader("Content-Description", "dods-dds"); OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(response.getOutputStream()); ServerDDS myDDS = ds.getDDS(); if (rs.getConstraintExpression().equals("")) { // No Constraint Expression? // Send the whole DDS myDDS.print(out); out.flush(); } else { // Otherwise, send the constrained DDS // Instantiate the CEEvaluator and parse the constraint expression CEEvaluator ce = new CEEvaluator(myDDS); ce.parseConstraint(rs); // Send the constrained DDS back to the client PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out)); myDDS.printConstrained(pw); pw.flush(); } } finally { // release lock if needed if (ds != null) ds.release(); } }
public void doGetHELP(ReqState rs) throws Exception { HttpServletResponse response = rs.getResponse(); response.setContentType("text/html"); response.setHeader("XDODS-Server", getServerVersion()); response.setHeader("Content-Description", "dods-help"); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(response.getOutputStream())); printHelpPage(pw); pw.flush(); }
public void doGetVER(ReqState rs) throws Exception { HttpServletResponse response = rs.getResponse(); response.setContentType("text/plain"); response.setHeader("XDODS-Server", getServerVersion()); response.setHeader("Content-Description", "dods-version"); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(response.getOutputStream())); pw.println("Server Version: " + getServerVersion()); pw.flush(); }
private void level2level3catalog( RadarType radarType, String pathInfo, PrintWriter pw, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException { try { String type; if (pathInfo.contains("level2")) type = radarType.toString() + "/level2"; else type = radarType.toString() + "/level3"; ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(10000); InvCatalogFactory factory = InvCatalogFactory.getDefaultFactory(false); factory.writeXML(cat, os, true); InvCatalogImpl tCat = factory.readXML(new ByteArrayInputStream(os.toByteArray()), catURI); Iterator parents = tCat.getDatasets().iterator(); while (parents.hasNext()) { ArrayList<InvDatasetImpl> delete = new ArrayList<InvDatasetImpl>(); InvDatasetImpl top = (InvDatasetImpl); Iterator tDatasets = top.getDatasets().iterator(); while (tDatasets.hasNext()) { InvDatasetImpl ds = (InvDatasetImpl); if (ds instanceof InvDatasetScan) { InvDatasetScan ids = (InvDatasetScan) ds; if (ids.getPath() == null) continue; if (ids.getPath().contains(type)) { ids.setXlinkHref(ids.getPath() + "/dataset.xml"); } else { delete.add(ds); } } } // remove datasets for (InvDatasetImpl idi : delete) { top.removeDataset(idi); } } if (pathInfo.endsWith("xml")) { String catAsString = factory.writeXML(tCat); pw.println(catAsString); pw.flush(); } else { HtmlWriter.getInstance().writeCatalog(req, res, tCat, true); // show catalog as HTML } } catch (Throwable e) { log.error("RadarServer.level2level3catalog failed", e); if (!res.isCommitted()) res.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } return; }
public void doGetDAP2Data(ReqState rs) throws Exception { HttpServletResponse response = rs.getResponse(); GuardedDataset ds = null; try { ds = getDataset(rs); if (null == ds) return; response.setContentType("application/octet-stream"); response.setHeader("XDODS-Server", getServerVersion()); response.setHeader("Content-Description", "dods-data"); ServletOutputStream sOut = response.getOutputStream(); OutputStream bOut; DeflaterOutputStream dOut = null; if (rs.getAcceptsCompressed() && allowDeflate) { response.setHeader("Content-Encoding", "deflate"); dOut = new DeflaterOutputStream(sOut); bOut = new BufferedOutputStream(dOut); } else { bOut = new BufferedOutputStream(sOut); } ServerDDS myDDS = ds.getDDS(); CEEvaluator ce = new CEEvaluator(myDDS); ce.parseConstraint(rs); checkSize(myDDS, false); // Send the constrained DDS back to the client PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(bOut)); myDDS.printConstrained(pw); // Send the Data delimiter back to the client pw.flush(); bOut.write("\nData:\n".getBytes()); bOut.flush(); // Send the binary data back to the client DataOutputStream sink = new DataOutputStream(bOut); ce.send(myDDS.getEncodedName(), sink, ds); sink.flush(); // Finish up sending the compressed stuff, but don't // close the stream (who knows what the Servlet may expect!) if (null != dOut) dOut.finish(); bOut.flush(); } finally { // release lock if needed if (ds != null) ds.release(); } }
/** * ************************************************************************ Prints the Bad URL * Page page to the passed PrintWriter * * @param pw PrintWriter stream to which to dump the bad URL page. */ private void printBadURLPage(PrintWriter pw) { String serverContactName = ThreddsConfig.get("", "UNKNOWN"); String serverContactEmail = ThreddsConfig.get("", "UNKNOWN"); pw.println("<h3>Error in URL</h3>"); pw.println("The URL extension did not match any that are known by this"); pw.println("server. Below is a list of the five extensions that are be recognized by"); pw.println("all OPeNDAP servers. If you think that the server is broken (that the URL you"); pw.println("submitted should have worked), then please contact the"); pw.println("administrator of this server [" + serverContactName + "] at: "); pw.println("<a href='mailto:" + serverContactEmail + "'>" + serverContactEmail + "</a><p>"); }
public void doGetASC(ReqState rs) throws Exception { HttpServletResponse response = rs.getResponse(); GuardedDataset ds = null; try { ds = getDataset(rs); if (ds == null) return; response.setHeader("XDODS-Server", getServerVersion()); response.setContentType("text/plain"); response.setHeader("Content-Description", "dods-ascii"); log.debug( "Sending OPeNDAP ASCII Data For: " + rs + " CE: '" + rs.getConstraintExpression() + "'"); ServerDDS dds = ds.getDDS(); CEEvaluator ce = new CEEvaluator(dds); ce.parseConstraint(rs); checkSize(dds, true); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(response.getOutputStream()); dds.printConstrained(pw); pw.println("---------------------------------------------"); AsciiWriter writer = new AsciiWriter(); // could be static writer.toASCII(pw, dds, ds); // the way that getDAP2Data works // DataOutputStream sink = new DataOutputStream(bOut); // ce.send(myDDS.getName(), sink, ds); pw.flush(); } finally { // release lock if needed if (ds != null) ds.release(); } }
private void sendErrorResponse(HttpServletResponse response, int errorCode, String errorMessage) { try {, -1)); response.setStatus(errorCode); response.setHeader("Content-Description", "dods-error"); response.setContentType("text/plain"); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(response.getOutputStream()); pw.println("Error {"); pw.println(" code = " + errorCode + ";"); pw.println(" message = \"" + errorMessage + "\";"); pw.println("};"); pw.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("sendErrorResponse: " + e); } }
/** * ************************************************************************ Prints the OPeNDAP * Server help page to the passed PrintWriter * * @param pw PrintWriter stream to which to dump the help page. */ private void printHelpPage(PrintWriter pw) { pw.println("<h3>OPeNDAP Server Help</h3>"); pw.println("To access most of the features of this OPeNDAP server, append"); pw.println( "one of the following a eight suffixes to a URL: .das, .dds, .dods, .ddx, .blob, .info,"); pw.println(".ver or .help. Using these suffixes, you can ask this server for:"); pw.println("<dl>"); pw.println("<dt> das </dt> <dd> Dataset Attribute Structure (DAS)</dd>"); pw.println("<dt> dds </dt> <dd> Dataset Descriptor Structure (DDS)</dd>"); pw.println("<dt> dods </dt> <dd> DataDDS object (A constrained DDS populated with data)</dd>"); pw.println("<dt> ddx </dt> <dd> XML version of the DDS/DAS</dd>"); pw.println( "<dt> blob </dt> <dd> Serialized binary data content for requested data set, " + "with the constraint expression applied.</dd>"); pw.println("<dt> info </dt> <dd> info object (attributes, types and other information)</dd>"); pw.println("<dt> html </dt> <dd> html form for this dataset</dd>"); pw.println("<dt> ver </dt> <dd> return the version number of the server</dd>"); pw.println("<dt> help </dt> <dd> help information (this text)</dd>"); pw.println("</dl>"); pw.println("For example, to request the DAS object from the FNOC1 dataset at URI/GSO (a"); pw.println("test dataset) you would appand `.das' to the URL:"); pw.println(""); pw.println("<p><b>Note</b>: Many OPeNDAP clients supply these extensions for you so you don't"); pw.println("need to append them (for example when using interfaces supplied by us or"); pw.println("software re-linked with a OPeNDAP client-library). Generally, you only need to"); pw.println("add these if you are typing a URL directly into a WWW browser."); pw.println("<p><b>Note</b>: If you would like version information for this server but"); pw.println("don't know a specific data file or data set name, use `/version' for the"); pw.println("filename. For example: will"); pw.println("return the version number for the netCDF server used in the first example. "); pw.println("<p><b>Suggestion</b>: If you're typing this URL into a WWW browser and"); pw.println("would like information about the dataset, use the `.info' extension."); pw.println("<p>If you'd like to see a data values, use the `.html' extension and submit a"); pw.println("query using the customized form."); }
private void datasetInfoHtml( RadarType radarType, String pathInfo, PrintWriter pw, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException { pathInfo = pathInfo.replace("/dataset.html", ""); pathInfo = pathInfo.replace("/catalog.html", ""); Element root = new Element("RadarNexrad"); Document doc = new Document(root); if (pathInfo.startsWith("/")) pathInfo = pathInfo.substring(1); for (int i = 0; i < datasets.size(); i++) { InvDatasetScan ds = (InvDatasetScan) datasets.get(i); if (!(pathInfo.equals(ds.getPath()))) { continue; } // at this point a valid dataset // fix the location root.setAttribute("location", "/thredds/radarServer/" + ds.getPath()); // spatial range ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage gc = ds.getGeospatialCoverage(); LatLonRect bb = new LatLonRect(); gc.setBoundingBox(bb); String north = Double.toString(gc.getLatNorth()); String south = Double.toString(gc.getLatSouth()); String east = Double.toString(gc.getLonEast()); String west = Double.toString(gc.getLonWest()); Element LatLonBox = new Element("LatLonBox"); LatLonBox.addContent(new Element("north").addContent(north)); LatLonBox.addContent(new Element("south").addContent(south)); LatLonBox.addContent(new Element("east").addContent(east)); LatLonBox.addContent(new Element("west").addContent(west)); root.addContent(LatLonBox); // get the time range Element timeSpan = new Element("TimeSpan"); CalendarDateRange dr = ds.getCalendarDateCoverage(); timeSpan.addContent(new Element("begin").addContent(dr.getStart().toString())); timeSpan.addContent(new Element("end").addContent(dr.getEnd().toString())); root.addContent(timeSpan); ThreddsMetadata.Variables cvs = (ThreddsMetadata.Variables) ds.getVariables().get(0); List vl = cvs.getVariableList(); for (int j = 0; j < vl.size(); j++) { ThreddsMetadata.Variable v = (ThreddsMetadata.Variable) vl.get(j); Element variable = new Element("variable"); variable.setAttribute("name", v.getName()); root.addContent(variable); } // add pointer to the station list XML /* Element stnList = new Element("stationList"); stnList.setAttribute("title", "Available Stations", XMLEntityResolver.xlinkNS); stnList.setAttribute("href", "/thredds/radarServer/"+ pathInfo +"/stations.xml", XMLEntityResolver.xlinkNS); root.addContent(stnList); */ // String[] stations = rns.stationsDS( dataLocation.get( ds.getPath() )); // rns.printStations( stations ); // add accept list Element a = new Element("AcceptList"); a.addContent(new Element("accept").addContent("xml")); a.addContent(new Element("accept").addContent("html")); root.addContent(a); } ServerMethods sm = new ServerMethods(log); InputStream xslt = sm.getInputStream(contentPath + getPath() + "radar.xsl", RadarServer.class); try { // what's wrong here xslt = getXSLT( "radar.xsl" ); XSLTransformer transformer = new XSLTransformer(xslt); Document html = transformer.transform(doc); XMLOutputter fmt = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); String infoString = fmt.outputString(html); res.setContentType("text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"); pw = res.getWriter(); pw.println(infoString); pw.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("radarServer reading " + contentPath + getPath() + "radar.xsl"); log.error("radarServer XSLTransformer problem for web form ", e); } finally { if (xslt != null) { try { xslt.close(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("radarServer radar.xsl: error closing" + contentPath + getPath() + "radar.xsl"); } } } return; }
private void datasetInfoXml(RadarType radarType, String pathInfo, PrintWriter pw) throws IOException { try { pw.println( "<catalog xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\" name=\"Radar Data\" version=\"1.0.1\">\n"); // add service pw.println( " <service name=\"radarServer\" base=\"/thredds/radarServer/\" serviceType=\"DQC\" />\n"); pathInfo = pathInfo.replace("/dataset.xml", ""); pathInfo = pathInfo.replace("/catalog.xml", ""); if (pathInfo.startsWith("/")) pathInfo = pathInfo.substring(1); for (int i = 0; i < datasets.size(); i++) { InvDatasetScan ds = (InvDatasetScan) datasets.get(i); if (!(pathInfo.equals(ds.getPath()))) { continue; } pw.println(" <dataset ID=\"" + ds.getID() + "\" serviceName=\"radarServer\">"); pw.println(" <urlpath>" + ds.getPath() + "</urlpath>"); pw.println(" <dataType>" + ds.getDataType() + "</dataType>"); pw.println(" <dataFormat>" + ds.getDataFormatType() + "</dataFormat>"); pw.println(" <serviceName>radarServer</serviceName>"); pw.println(" <metadata inherited=\"true\">"); pw.println(" <documentation type=\"summary\">" + ds.getSummary() + "</documentation>"); CalendarDateRange dr = ds.getCalendarDateCoverage(); pw.println(" <TimeSpan>"); pw.print(" <start>"); if (pathInfo.contains("IDD")) { pw.print(rm.getStartDateTime(ds.getPath())); } else { pw.print(dr.getStart().toString()); } pw.println("</start>"); pw.println(" <end>" + dr.getEnd().toString() + "</end>"); pw.println(" </TimeSpan>"); ThreddsMetadata.GeospatialCoverage gc = ds.getGeospatialCoverage(); LatLonRect bb = new LatLonRect(); gc.setBoundingBox(bb); pw.println(" <LatLonBox>"); pw.println(" <north>" + gc.getLatNorth() + "</north>"); pw.println(" <south>" + gc.getLatSouth() + "</south>"); pw.println(" <east>" + gc.getLonEast() + "</east>"); pw.println(" <west>" + gc.getLonWest() + "</west>"); pw.println(" </LatLonBox>"); ThreddsMetadata.Variables cvs = (ThreddsMetadata.Variables) ds.getVariables().get(0); List vl = cvs.getVariableList(); pw.println(" <Variables>"); for (int j = 0; j < vl.size(); j++) { ThreddsMetadata.Variable v = (ThreddsMetadata.Variable) vl.get(j); pw.println( " <variable name=\"" + v.getName() + "\" vocabulary_name=\"" + v.getVocabularyName() + "\" units=\"" + v.getUnits() + "\" />"); } pw.println(" </Variables>"); String[] stations = rm.stationsDS(radarType, dataLocation.get(ds.getPath())); rm.printStations(stations, pw, radarType); pw.println(" </metadata>"); pw.println(" </dataset>"); } pw.println("</catalog>"); pw.flush(); } catch (Throwable e) { log.error("RadarServer.datasetInfoXml", e); } return; }
// get pathInfo and parmameters from servlet call public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException { PrintWriter pw = null; try { long startms = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (cat == null || rm.nexradList == null) { // something major wrong res.sendError( HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "radarServer Radar Station/Catalog initialization problem"); return; } // setup String pathInfo = req.getPathInfo(); if (pathInfo == null) pathInfo = ""; RadarType radarType = RadarType.nexrad; // default if (pathInfo.indexOf('/', 1) > 1) { String rt = pathInfo.substring(1, pathInfo.indexOf('/', 1)); radarType = RadarType.valueOf(rt); } // default is xml, assume errors will be recorded by logger from this point if (!pathInfo.endsWith("html")) { pw = res.getWriter(); res.setContentType("text/xml; charset=iso-8859-1"); // default } // radar query if (req.getQueryString() != null) { // log.debug("RadarServer query ="+ req.getQueryString() ); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("<documentation>\n" + req.getQueryString() + "</documentation>\n"); rm.radarQuery(radarType, req, res, pw); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("after doGet " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startms)); pw.flush(); return; } // return radarCollections catalog xml or html if (pathInfo.startsWith("/catalog.xml") || pathInfo.startsWith("/dataset.xml")) { InvCatalogFactory factory = InvCatalogFactory.getDefaultFactory(false); // no validation String catAsString = factory.writeXML(cat); pw.println(catAsString); res.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); pw.flush(); return; } else if (pathInfo.startsWith("/catalog.html") || pathInfo.startsWith("/dataset.html")) { try { int i = HtmlWriter.getInstance().writeCatalog(req, res, cat, true); // show catalog as HTML } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Radar HtmlWriter failed ", e); res.sendError( HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "radarServer HtmlWriter error " + pathInfo); return; } return; } // level2 and level3 catalog/dataset if (pathInfo.contains("level2/catalog.") || pathInfo.contains("level3/catalog.") || pathInfo.contains("level2/dataset.") || pathInfo.contains("level3/dataset.")) { level2level3catalog(radarType, pathInfo, pw, req, res); return; } // return stations of dataset if (pathInfo.endsWith("stations.xml")) { pathInfo = pathInfo.replace("/stations.xml", ""); Element rootElem = new Element("stationsList"); Document doc = new Document(rootElem); doc = rm.stationsXML(radarType, doc, rootElem, pathInfo.substring(1)); XMLOutputter fmt = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); pw.println(fmt.outputString(doc)); pw.flush(); return; } // return specific dataset information, ie IDD if (pathInfo.endsWith("dataset.xml") || pathInfo.endsWith("catalog.xml")) { datasetInfoXml(radarType, pathInfo, pw); return; } // needs work nobody using it now // return Dataset information in html form format if (pathInfo.endsWith("dataset.html") || pathInfo.endsWith("catalog.html")) { datasetInfoHtml(radarType, pathInfo, pw, res); return; } // mal formed request with no exceptions res.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { if (!res.isCommitted()) res.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND); } catch (Throwable e) { log.error("RadarServer.doGet failed", e); if (!res.isCommitted()) res.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } } // end doGet