Esempio n. 1
 public void processMultiple(Collection<IndexMaster> indexes, ContentRequest req, XMLWriter xml)
     throws BerliozException, IOException {
   String facets = req.getParameter("facets", "");
   int maxNumber = req.getIntParameter("max-facets", 20);
   // get first catalog as they should all have the same one
   SearchQuery query = buildQuery(req, indexes.iterator().next().getCatalog());
   if (query == null) {
   SearchPaging paging = buildPaging(req);
   ArrayList<Index> theIndexes = new ArrayList<Index>();
   for (IndexMaster index : indexes) {
   try {
     SearchResults results = LuceneIndexQueries.query(theIndexes, query, paging);
     List<FieldFacet> facetsList =
             Arrays.asList(facets.split(",")), maxNumber, query.toQuery(), theIndexes);
     outputResults(query, results, facetsList, xml);
   } catch (IndexException ex) {
         "Fail to retrieve search result using query: {}", (Object) query.toString(), (Object) ex);
Esempio n. 2
 private SearchQuery buildQuery(ContentRequest req, String catalog) {
   String field = req.getParameter("field", "fulltext");
   String typed = req.getParameter("term");
   if (typed == null) return null;
   // compute parameters
   List<SearchParameter> params = new ArrayList<SearchParameter>();
   String with = req.getParameter("with");
   if (with != null) {
     for (String w : with.split(",")) {
       String[] both = w.split(":");
       if (both.length == 2) {
         LOGGER.debug("Adding facet with field {} and term {}", both[0], both[1]);
         params.add(new TermParameter(both[0], both[1]));
       } else {
         LOGGER.warn("Ignoring invalid facet {}", w);
   // check if we should tokenize
   Catalog theCatalog = Catalogs.getCatalog(catalog);
   boolean tokenize = theCatalog != null && theCatalog.isTokenized(field);
   BasicQuery<?> query;
   if (tokenize) {
     query = BasicQuery.newBasicQuery(new PhraseParameter(field, typed), params);
     LOGGER.debug("Search in field {} for phrase {}", field, typed);
   } else {
     query = BasicQuery.newBasicQuery(new TermParameter(field, typed), params);
     LOGGER.debug("Search in field {} for term {}", field, typed);
   Sort sort = buildSort(req);
   if (sort != null) query.setSort(sort);
   return query;
Esempio n. 3
 private SearchPaging buildPaging(ContentRequest req) {
   SearchPaging paging = new SearchPaging();
   int page = req.getIntParameter("page", 1);
   int results = req.getIntParameter("results", 100);
   return paging;
Esempio n. 4
 public void processSingle(IndexMaster index, ContentRequest req, XMLWriter xml)
     throws BerliozException, IOException {
   String facets = req.getParameter("facets", "");
   int maxNumber = req.getIntParameter("max-facets", 20);
   SearchQuery query = buildQuery(req, index.getCatalog());
   if (query == null) {
   SearchPaging paging = buildPaging(req);
   try {
     SearchResults results = index.query(query, paging);
     List<FieldFacet> facetsList =
             Arrays.asList(facets.split(",")), maxNumber, query.toQuery(), index.getIndex());
     outputResults(query, results, facetsList, xml);
   } catch (IndexException ex) {
         "Fail to retrieve search result using query: {}", (Object) query.toString(), (Object) ex);
Esempio n. 5
 private Sort buildSort(ContentRequest req) {
   // field name
   String field = req.getParameter("sort");
   if (field == null) return null;
   // reverse order
   boolean reverse = field.startsWith("-");
   if (reverse) field = field.substring(1);
   // sort type
   SortField sfield = null;
   String type = req.getParameter("sort-type", "score");
   if ("int".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) sfield = new SortedNumericSortField(field, Type.INT, reverse);
   else if ("double".equalsIgnoreCase(type))
     sfield = new SortedNumericSortField(field, Type.DOUBLE, reverse);
   else if ("float".equalsIgnoreCase(type))
     sfield = new SortedNumericSortField(field, Type.FLOAT, reverse);
   else if ("long".equalsIgnoreCase(type))
     sfield = new SortedNumericSortField(field, Type.LONG, reverse);
   else if ("document".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) sfield = SortField.FIELD_DOC;
   else if ("set".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) sfield = new SortedSetSortField(field, reverse);
   else if ("string".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) sfield = new SortField(field, Type.STRING, reverse);
   else sfield = SortField.FIELD_SCORE;
   // build sort field
   return new Sort(sfield);