   * Returns the drag icon used to represent a cell in all drag operations.
   * @param tree the parent tree object
   * @param dragObject the dragged object
   * @param index the index of the dragged object in the tree
   * @return the drag icon
  public Icon getDragIcon(JTree tree, Object dragObject, int index) {
    ContactListTreeCellRenderer dragC =
                false, // is selected
                false, // is expanded
                true, // is leaf
                true // has focus

    // We should explicitly set the bounds of all components in order that
    // they're correctly painted by paintIcon afterwards. This fixes empty
    // drag component in contact list!
    dragC.setBounds(0, 0, dragC.getIconWidth(), dragC.getIconHeight());

    Icon rightLabelIcon = rightLabel.getIcon();
    int imageHeight = 0;
    int imageWidth = 0;
    if (rightLabelIcon != null) {
      imageWidth = rightLabelIcon.getIconWidth();
      imageHeight = rightLabelIcon.getIconHeight();
      dragC.rightLabel.setBounds(tree.getWidth() - imageWidth, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight);

    dragC.statusLabel.setBounds(0, 0, statusLabel.getWidth(), statusLabel.getHeight());

        statusLabel.getWidth(), 0, tree.getWidth() - imageWidth - 5, nameLabel.getHeight());


    return dragC;
   * Initializes buttons panel.
   * @param uiGroup the <tt>UIGroup</tt> for which we initialize the button panel
  private void initButtonsPanel(UIGroup uiGroup) {
    if (!isSelected) return;

    int x = (statusIcon == null ? 0 : statusIcon.getIconWidth()) + LEFT_BORDER + H_GAP;
    int gridX = 0;

    // The list of the actions
    // we will create a button for every action
    Collection<SIPCommButton> contactActions = uiGroup.getCustomActionButtons();

    int lastGridX = gridX;
    if (contactActions != null && contactActions.size() > 0) {
      lastGridX = initGroupActionButtons(contactActions, gridX, x);
    } else {

    if (lastAddedButton != null) setButtonBg(lastAddedButton, lastGridX, true);

    this.setBounds(0, 0, treeContactList.getWidth(), getPreferredSize().height);
   * Initializes buttons panel.
   * @param uiContact the <tt>UIContact</tt> for which we initialize the button panel
  private void initButtonsPanel(UIContact uiContact) {


    if (!isSelected) return;

    UIContactDetail imContact = null;
    // For now we support instance messaging only for contacts in our
    // contact list until it's implemented for external source contacts.
    if (uiContact.getDescriptor() instanceof MetaContact)
      imContact = uiContact.getDefaultContactDetail(OperationSetBasicInstantMessaging.class);

    int x = (statusIcon == null ? 0 : statusIcon.getIconWidth()) + LEFT_BORDER + H_GAP;

    // Re-initialize the x grid.
    constraints.gridx = 0;
    int gridX = 0;

    if (imContact != null) {
      x += addButton(chatButton, ++gridX, x, false);

    UIContactDetail telephonyContact =

    // Check if contact has additional phone numbers, if yes show the
    // call button
    ContactPhoneUtil contactPhoneUtil = null;

    // check for phone stored in contact info only
    // if telephony contact is missing
    if (uiContact.getDescriptor() != null
        && uiContact.getDescriptor() instanceof MetaContact
        && telephonyContact == null) {
      contactPhoneUtil = ContactPhoneUtil.getPhoneUtil((MetaContact) uiContact.getDescriptor());

      MetaContact metaContact = (MetaContact) uiContact.getDescriptor();
      Iterator<Contact> contacts = metaContact.getContacts();

      while (contacts.hasNext()) // && !hasPhone)
        Contact contact = contacts.next();

        if (!contact.getProtocolProvider().isRegistered()) continue;

            contact, new DetailsListener(treeNode, callButton, uiContact));

    // for SourceContact in history that do not support telephony, we
    // show the button but disabled
    List<ProtocolProviderService> providers =
        AccountUtils.getOpSetRegisteredProviders(OperationSetBasicTelephony.class, null, null);

    if ((telephonyContact != null && telephonyContact.getAddress() != null)
        || (contactPhoneUtil != null && contactPhoneUtil.isCallEnabled() && providers.size() > 0)) {
      x += addButton(callButton, ++gridX, x, false);

    UIContactDetail videoContact =

    if (videoContact != null
        || (contactPhoneUtil != null && contactPhoneUtil.isVideoCallEnabled())) {
      x += addButton(callVideoButton, ++gridX, x, false);

    UIContactDetail desktopContact =

    if (desktopContact != null
        || (contactPhoneUtil != null && contactPhoneUtil.isDesktopSharingEnabled())) {
      x += addButton(desktopSharingButton, ++gridX, x, false);

    // enable add contact button if contact source has indicated
    // that this is possible
    if (uiContact.getDescriptor() instanceof SourceContact
        && uiContact.getDefaultContactDetail(OperationSetPersistentPresence.class) != null
        && AccountUtils.getOpSetRegisteredProviders(
                    OperationSetPersistentPresence.class, null, null)
            > 0
        && !ConfigurationUtils.isAddContactDisabled()) {
      x += addButton(addContactButton, ++gridX, x, false);

    // The list of the contact actions
    // we will create a button for every action
    Collection<SIPCommButton> contactActions = uiContact.getContactCustomActionButtons();

    int lastGridX = gridX;
    if (contactActions != null && contactActions.size() > 0) {
      lastGridX = initContactActionButtons(contactActions, gridX, x);
    } else {

    if (lastAddedButton != null) setButtonBg(lastAddedButton, lastGridX, true);

    this.setBounds(0, 0, treeContactList.getWidth(), getPreferredSize().height);