Esempio n. 1
  // get signs with additional args for a known special token const, target pred and target rel
  private SignHash getSignsFromWord(
      Word w, String specialTokenConst, String targetPred, String targetRel) throws LexException {

    Collection<MorphItem> morphItems =
        (specialTokenConst == null) ? (Collection<MorphItem>) _words.get(w) : null;

    if (morphItems == null) {
      // check for special tokens
      if (specialTokenConst == null) {
        specialTokenConst =
        targetPred = w.getForm();
      if (specialTokenConst != null) {
        Word key = Word.createSurfaceWord(w, specialTokenConst);
        morphItems = (Collection<MorphItem>) _words.get(key);
      // otherwise throw lex exception
      if (morphItems == null) throw new LexException(w + " not in lexicon");

    SignHash result = new SignHash();

    for (Iterator<MorphItem> MI = morphItems.iterator(); MI.hasNext(); ) {
      getWithMorphItem(w,, targetPred, targetRel, result);

    return result;