demo5() { f = new Frame(); f.setSize(300, 300); // f.setBackground(; f.setLayout(null); s1 = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.VERTICAL, 0, 5, 0, 260); s1.setBackground(; s1.setBounds(30, 35, 20, 255); s2 = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.VERTICAL, 0, 5, 0, 260); s2.setBackground(; s2.setBounds(60, 35, 20, 255); s3 = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.VERTICAL, 0, 5, 0, 260); s3.setBackground(; s3.setBounds(90, 35, 20, 255); f.add(s1); f.add(s2); f.add(s3); s1.addAdjustmentListener(this); s2.addAdjustmentListener(this); s3.addAdjustmentListener(this); p1 = new Panel(); p1.setBounds(120, 35, 170, 255); f.add(p1); f.setVisible(true); }
public void init() { /* * O construtor usado cria "uma barra" com valor inicial 0, * de largura 10 pixels, valor m�ni,o poss�vel 0 e m�ximo 265 * como a barra de rolagem tem 10 pixels, seu canto inferior * esquerdo d� pode chegar ate 255 (valor m�ximo em RGB) */ redScroll = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, 0, 10, 0, 265); greenScroll = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, 0, 10, 0, 265); blueScroll = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, 0, 10, 0, 265); /* Create Labels showing current RGB and HSB values. */ redLabel = new Label(" R = 0"); greenLabel = new Label(" G = 0"); blueLabel = new Label(" B = 0"); /* Set background colors for Scrollbars and Labels, so they don't inherit the gray background of the applet. */ redScroll.setBackground(Color.lightGray); greenScroll.setBackground(Color.lightGray); blueScroll.setBackground(Color.lightGray); redLabel.setBackground(Color.white); greenLabel.setBackground(Color.white); blueLabel.setBackground(Color.white); /* Set the applet to listen for changes to the Scrollbars' values */ redScroll .addAdjustmentListener(this); greenScroll.addAdjustmentListener(this); blueScroll.addAdjustmentListener(this); /* Create a canvas whose background color will always be set to the currently selected color. */ colorCanvas = new Canvas(); colorCanvas.setBackground(; /* Create the applet layout, which consists of a row of three equal-sized regions holding the Scrollbars, the Labels, and the color patch. The background color of the applet is gray, which will show around the edges and between components. */ setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 3, 3, 3)); setBackground(Color.gray); Panel scrolls = new Panel(); Panel labels = new Panel(); add(scrolls); add(labels); add(colorCanvas); /* Add the Scrollbars and the Labels to their respective panels. */ scrolls.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 1, 2, 2)); scrolls.add(redScroll); scrolls.add(greenScroll); scrolls.add(blueScroll); labels.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 1, 2, 2)); labels.add(redLabel); labels.add(greenLabel); labels.add(blueLabel); setSize(new Dimension(500, 100)); // curiosamente, aqui n�o funcionou setPreferredSize() !!! } // end init();