Esempio n. 1
  * Load a collection of parse trees from a Reader. Each tree may optionally be encased in parens
  * to allow for Penn Treebank style trees.
  * @param r The reader to read trees from. (If you want it buffered, you should already have
  *     buffered it!)
  * @param id An ID for where these files come from (arbitrary, but something like a filename. Can
  *     be <code>null</code> for none.
 public void load(Reader r, String id) {
   try {
     // could throw an IO exception?
     TreeReader tr = treeReaderFactory().newTreeReader(r);
     int sentIndex = 0;
     for (Tree pt; (pt = tr.readTree()) != null; ) {
       if (pt.label() instanceof HasIndex) { // so we can trace where this tree came from
         HasIndex hi = (HasIndex) pt.label();
         if (id != null) {
   } catch (IOException e) {
     System.err.println("load IO Exception: " + e);
Esempio n. 2
   * Load a collection of parse trees from the file of given name. Each tree may optionally be
   * encased in parens to allow for Penn Treebank style trees. This methods implements the <code>
   * FileProcessor</code> interface.
   * @param file file to load a tree from
  public void processFile(File file) {
    TreeReader tr = null;

    // SRL stuff
    CollectionValuedMap<Integer, String> srlMap = null;
    if (this.srlMap != null) {
      // there must be a better way ...
      String filename = file.getAbsolutePath();
      for (String suffix : this.srlMap.keySet()) {
        if (filename.endsWith(suffix)) {
          srlMap = this.srlMap.get(suffix);
      if (srlMap == null) {
        System.err.println("could not find SRL entries for file: " + file);

    try {
      // maybe print file name to stdout to get some feedback
      if (PRINT_FILENAMES) {
      // could throw an IO exception if can't open for reading
      tr =
                  new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), encoding())));
      int sentIndex = 0;
      Tree pt;
      while ((pt = tr.readTree()) != null) {
        if (pt.label() instanceof HasIndex) { // so we can trace where this tree came from
          HasIndex hi = (HasIndex) pt.label();
        if (srlMap == null) {
        } else {
          Collection<String> srls = srlMap.get(sentIndex);
          //           pt.pennPrint();
          //           System.err.println(srls);
          if (srls.isEmpty()) {
            //            parseTrees.add(pt);
          } else {
            for (String srl : srls) {
              //              Tree t = pt.deepCopy();
              String[] bits = srl.split("\\s+");
              int verbIndex = Integer.parseInt(bits[0]);
              String lemma = bits[2].split("\\.")[0];
              //              Tree verb = Trees.getTerminal(t, verbIndex);
              Tree verb = Trees.getTerminal(pt, verbIndex);
              //              ((CoreLabel)verb.label()).set(SRLIDAnnotation.class, SRL_ID.REL);
              ((CoreLabel) verb.label()).set(CoreAnnotations.CoNLLPredicateAnnotation.class, true);
              for (int i = 4; i < bits.length; i++) {
                String arg = bits[i];
                String[] bits1;
                if (arg.indexOf("ARGM") >= 0) {
                  bits1 = arg.split("-");
                } else {
                  bits1 = arg.split("-");
                String locs = bits1[0];
                String argType = bits1[1];
                if (argType.equals("rel")) {
                for (String loc : locs.split("[*,]")) {
                  bits1 = loc.split(":");
                  int term = Integer.parseInt(bits1[0]);
                  int height = Integer.parseInt(bits1[1]);
                  //                  Tree t1 = Trees.getPreTerminal(t, term);
                  Tree t1 = Trees.getPreTerminal(pt, term);
                  for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
                    //                    t1 = t1.parent(t);
                    t1 = t1.parent(pt);
                  Map<Integer, String> roleMap =
                      ((CoreLabel) t1.label()).get(CoreAnnotations.CoNLLSRLAnnotation.class);
                  if (roleMap == null) {
                    roleMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
                    ((CoreLabel) t1.label()).set(CoreAnnotations.CoNLLSRLAnnotation.class, roleMap);
                  roleMap.put(verbIndex, argType);
                  //                  ((CoreLabel)t1.label()).set(SRLIDAnnotation.class,
                  // SRL_ID.ARG);
              //               for (Tree t1 : t) {
              //                 if (t1.isLeaf()) { continue; }
              //                 CoreLabel fl = (CoreLabel)t1.label();
              //                 if (fl.value() == null) { continue; }
              //                 if (!fl.has(SRLIDAnnotation.class)) {
              //                   boolean allNone = true;
              //                   for (Tree t2 : t1) {
              //                     SRL_ID s = ((CoreLabel)t2.label()).get(SRLIDAnnotation.class);
              //                     if (s == SRL_ID.ARG || s == SRL_ID.REL) {
              //                       allNone = false;
              //                       break;
              //                     }
              //                   }
              //                   if (allNone) {
              //                     fl.set(SRLIDAnnotation.class, SRL_ID.ALL_NO);
              //                   } else {
              //                     fl.set(SRLIDAnnotation.class, SRL_ID.NO);
              //                   }
              //                 }
              //               }
              //              parseTrees.add(t);

    } catch (IOException e) {
      System.err.println("loadTree IO Exception: " + e + " in file " + file);
    } finally {
      try {
        if (tr != null) {
          tr.close(); // important: closes file even if error!
      } catch (IOException e) {
        // do nothin'