public static String getRsuiteTaskUrl(ExecutionContext context) {
   return "http://"
       + context.getRSuiteServerConfiguration().getHostName()
       + ":"
       + context.getRSuiteServerConfiguration().getPort()
       + "/rsuite-cms/tasks/";
 public static void updateListOfTEWorkflowAdmins(
     ExecutionContext context, User sessionUser, List<String> workflowAdminUserIds)
     throws RSuiteException {
   // Could merge with updateListOfTEAdmins, but possible the logic for workflow admins will
   // diverge
   AuthorizationService authSvc = context.getAuthorizationService();
   if (userIsTEWorkflowAdmin(sessionUser) || userIsAdmin(sessionUser)) {
     List<User> users = authSvc.getLocalUserManager().getUsers();
     for (User user : users) {
       if (userIsTEUser(user)) {
         if (workflowAdminUserIds.contains(user.getUserID())) {
           if (!userIsTEWorkflowAdmin(user)) {
             String roleList =
                 getUserRolesList(user, ",") + "," + TEConstants.RSUITE_WORKFLOW_ADMIN_ROLE;
                 .updateUser(user.getUserId(), user.getFullName(), user.getEmail(), roleList);
         } else {
           if (userIsTEWorkflowAdmin(user)) {
             String roleList = getUserRolesList(user, ",");
             roleList = roleList.replace(TEConstants.RSUITE_WORKFLOW_ADMIN_ROLE, "");
                 .updateUser(user.getUserId(), user.getFullName(), user.getEmail(), roleList);
   } else {
     throw new RSuiteException(TEConstants.MESSAGE_USER_MUST_BE_ADMIN);
 public static void updateListOfTEAdmins(
     ExecutionContext context, User sessionUser, List<String> adminUserIds)
     throws RSuiteException {
   AuthorizationService authSvc = context.getAuthorizationService();
   if (userIsTEAdmin(sessionUser) || userIsAdmin(sessionUser)) {
     List<User> users = authSvc.getLocalUserManager().getUsers();
     for (User user : users) {
       if (userIsTEUser(user)) {
         if (adminUserIds.contains(user.getUserID())) {
           if (!userIsTEAdmin(user)) {
             String roleList = getUserRolesList(user, ",") + "," + TEConstants.TE_ADMIN_ROLE;
                 .updateUser(user.getUserId(), user.getFullName(), user.getEmail(), roleList);
         } else {
           if (userIsTEAdmin(user)) {
             String roleList = getUserRolesList(user, ",");
             roleList = roleList.replace(TEConstants.TE_ADMIN_ROLE, "");
                 .updateUser(user.getUserId(), user.getFullName(), user.getEmail(), roleList);
   } else {
     throw new RSuiteException(TEConstants.MESSAGE_USER_MUST_BE_ADMIN);
 public static void resetAndMailPassword(
     ExecutionContext context, User currentUser, String targetUserId) throws RSuiteException {
   if (!userIsTEAdmin(currentUser)
       && !userIsAdmin(currentUser)
       && !currentUser.getUserId().equals(targetUserId)) {
     throw new RSuiteException(TEConstants.MESSAGE_USER_MUST_BE_SELF_OR_ADMIN);
   AuthorizationService authSvc = context.getAuthorizationService();
   User targetUser = authSvc.getLocalUserManager().getUser(targetUserId);
   String password = generatePassword();
   authSvc.getLocalUserManager().setUserPassword(targetUserId, password);
   String mailBody =
       "Dear "
           + targetUser.getFullName()
           + ",\n\n"
           + "Your RSuite Team Edition password has been reset. \n\n"
           + "Username: "******"\n"
           + "Password: "******"\n\n"
           + "Click here to log in: "
           + getRsuiteTaskUrl(context)
           + "\n\n"
           + "Regards,\nRSuite Team Edition";
   try {
     sendPasswordEmail(context, targetUser, mailBody);
   } catch (RSuiteException e) {
     log.error("Exception sending new password to user:"******"Exception sending new password to user:" + e);
 public static Integer getTEUserCount(ExecutionContext context) throws RSuiteException {
   Integer teUserCount = 0;
   for (User user : context.getAuthorizationService().getLocalUserManager().getUsers()) {
     if (userIsTEUser(user)) {
   return teUserCount;
  private static void sendPasswordEmail(ExecutionContext context, User user, String mailBody)
      throws RSuiteException {
    String mailFrom = "*****@*****.**";
    String mailSubject = "RSuite Team Edition Password";
    String mailTo = user.getEmail();

    MailMessageBean msg = new MailMessageBean();
    MailService mailSvc = context.getMailService();
 public static void deleteTEUser(ExecutionContext context, User user, String userToDeleteId)
     throws RSuiteException {
   AuthorizationService authSvc = context.getAuthorizationService();
   User userToDelete = authSvc.findUser(userToDeleteId);
   if (userIsTEAdmin(user) || userIsAdmin(user)) {
     // TODO better to check in UI whether can add more before prevent this way
     if (!userIsTEAdmin(userToDelete) || getTEAdminUserCount(context) > 1) {
     } else {
       throw new RSuiteException(TEConstants.MESSAGE_CANNOT_DELETE_ONLY_ADMIN);
   } else {
     throw new RSuiteException(TEConstants.MESSAGE_USER_MUST_BE_ADMIN);
 public static void makeTEUserAnAdmin(
     ExecutionContext context, User user, String userToMakeAdminId) throws RSuiteException {
   AuthorizationService authSvc = context.getAuthorizationService();
   User userToMakeAdmin = authSvc.findUser(userToMakeAdminId);
   if (userIsTEAdmin(user) || userIsAdmin(user)) {
     if (!userIsTEAdmin(userToMakeAdmin)) {
       String roleList = getUserRolesList(userToMakeAdmin, ",") + "," + TEConstants.TE_ADMIN_ROLE;
   } else {
     throw new RSuiteException(TEConstants.MESSAGE_USER_MUST_BE_ADMIN);
  * Create a new local user using a generated password, then email the password to the user.
  * @param context
  * @param user Current session user. Must be a TE admin or RSuite admin.
  * @param userId User id for new user
  * @param fullName First and last name of new user
  * @param email Email address for new user
  * @param roles Comma-separated list of roles for new user. Should include RSuiteTeamEditionUser.
  * @throws RSuiteException
 public static void addTEUser(
     ExecutionContext context,
     User user,
     String userId,
     String fullName,
     String email,
     String roles)
     throws RSuiteException {
   if (userIsTEAdmin(user) || userIsAdmin(user)) {
     if (teUserLicenseAvailable(context)) {
       String password = generatePassword();
       AuthorizationService authSvc = context.getAuthorizationService();
       authSvc.getLocalUserManager().defineUser(userId, password, fullName, email, roles);
       User newUser = authSvc.getLocalUserManager().getUser(userId);
       String mailBody =
           "Dear "
               + newUser.getFullName()
               + ",\n\n"
               + "An RSuite Team Edition account has been created for you!\n\n"
               + "Username: "******"\n"
               + "Password: "******"\n\n"
               + "Click here to log in: "
               + getRsuiteTaskUrl(context)
               + "\n\n"
               + "Regards,\nRSuite Team Edition";
       try {
         sendPasswordEmail(context, newUser, mailBody);
       } catch (RSuiteException e) {
         log.error("Exception sending password to new user:"******"Exception sending password to new user:" + e);
     } else {
       throw new RSuiteException(TEConstants.MESSAGE_USER_COUNT_EXCEEDED);
   } else {
     throw new RSuiteException(TEConstants.MESSAGE_USER_MUST_BE_ADMIN);
 public static Integer getTEUserMaxCount(ExecutionContext context) {
   String countS =
       context.getConfigurationProperties().getProperty(TEConstants.USER_LICENSE_COUNT, "5");
   Integer count = Integer.valueOf(countS);
   return count;