Esempio n. 1
   * Calculate the positions of the header and the body.
   * @param header The header Figure
   * @param body The body Figure
  private void calculatePositions(IWidgetFigure header, IWidgetFigure body) {
    FigureConstants fc = getFigureConstants();

    // We begin at widgetSpacing in order to add an equal spacing between the Column
    // and the Widgets that it contains.
    // If we do not do this we will be unable to select the Column.
    int xPos = fc.getWidgetSpacing();
    int yPos = fc.getWidgetSpacing();

    // Header
    Rectangle hb = header.getBounds();
    hb.x = xPos;
    hb.y = yPos;

    // Body
    Rectangle bb = body.getBounds();
    bb.x = xPos;
    bb.y = yPos + hb.height;
Esempio n. 2
   * Calculate the size of the header and the body.
   * @param header The header figure
   * @param body The body figure
   * @param cb The bounds of the container
  private void calculateSizes(IWidgetFigure header, IWidgetFigure body, Rectangle cb) {
    FigureConstants fc = getFigureConstants();

    // The width of each Widget is equal to its containers width (minus the spacing).
    int allocatedWidth = cb.width - 2 * fc.getWidgetSpacing();
    int minWidth = Math.max(header.getMinWidth(), body.getMinWidth());

    // Header
    int hw = allocatedWidth;
    if (hw < minWidth) {
      hw = minWidth;
    Rectangle nb = new Rectangle(0, 0, hw, header.getMinHeight());

    // Body
    int bw = allocatedWidth;
    if (bw < minWidth) {
      bw = minWidth;
    Rectangle bb =
        new Rectangle(0, 0, bw, cb.height - header.getMinHeight() - fc.getWidgetSpacing() * 2);