Esempio n. 1
   * Returns true if and only if all voters in set vote true. Each voter must be called exactly
   * once.
   * @param voters
   * @return Conjunction of all the votes
  public boolean census(Set<Voter> voters) {
    boolean census = true;
    for (Voter voter : voters) {
      census = census &;

    return census;
  public Histogram[][] computeHistograms(PixelGradientVector[][] pgv) {
    int ySize = pgv.length; // number of rows
    int xSize = pgv[0].length; // number of coloumns
    int histogram_width = xSize / cell_width;
    int histogram_height = ySize / cell_height;

    Histogram histogram[][] = new Histogram[histogram_height][histogram_width];

    // Getting the cells:
    //	- the step is "this.cellSize"
    //  - right and bottom border pixels may be excluded
    for (int y = cell_height; y <= ySize; y += cell_height) {
      for (int x = cell_width; x <= xSize; x += cell_width) {
        // Foreach cell, create Histogram exploring all the pixels
        int xPos = x / cell_width - 1;
        int yPos = y / cell_height - 1;
        histogram[yPos][xPos] = new Histogram(bins, cell_width, cell_height, signed);
        for (int i = x - cell_width; i < x; i++) {
          for (int j = y - cell_height; j < y; j++) {
            float magnitude = pgv[j][i].getMagnitude();
            float vote =;
            float angle = pgv[j][i].getAngle();
            int bin = getBin(angle, bins, signed);
            histogram[yPos][xPos].addVote(vote, bin);

    return histogram;
Esempio n. 3
 public Candidate elect(Populace populace, Vector<Candidate> ballot) {
   int[][] votes = new int[ballot.size()][ballot.size()];
   for (int i = 0; i < votes.length; i++) {
     Arrays.fill(votes[i], 0);
   int n = populace.getSize();
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     Voter voter = populace.getRandomVoter();
     double[] vote =;
     count(votes, vote);
   int winner = 0;
   for (int round = 0; round < votes.length; round++) {
     winner = Utilities.max(votes[round]);
     if (votes[round][winner] * 2 >= n || round == votes.length - 1) break;
     for (int i = 0; i < votes[round].length; i++) {
       votes[round + 1][i] += votes[round][i];
   return ballot.get(winner);
Esempio n. 4
  public boolean voting(ArrayList<Voter> voters) throws Exception {
    int notNullVotes = 0;
    int nullVotes = 0;
    boolean result = true;

    if (Evaluator.evaluate("VotersNull", voters, Operator.NOTEQUAL, null)) {
      // if(voters != null) {
      for (Voter v : voters) {
        if (Evaluator.evaluate("VoteNull", v, Operator.NOTEQUAL, null)) {
          // if (v != null) {
          if (Evaluator.evaluate("VoteValue",, Operator.EQUAL, false)) {
            // if ( == false) {
            result = false;
          notNullVotes += 1;
        } else {
          nullVotes += 1;
    } else {
      return true;

    if (Evaluator.evaluate(
        "DubbleVote", notNullVotes + nullVotes, Operator.BIGGER, voters.size())) {
      // if (notNullVotes + nullVotes > voters.size()) {
      throw new Exception("Valid voters has voted more than once.");
    } else {
      if (Evaluator.evaluate(
          "NotVoted", notNullVotes + nullVotes, Operator.SMALLER, voters.size())) {
        // if (notNullVotes + nullVotes < voters.size()) {
        throw new Exception("Valid voters has not voted.");
      } else {
        return result;
Esempio n. 5
  // This is where all the action happens.  If an action is performed (button press for example), it
  // goes through this method
  // that takes an ActionEvent, which is created at the time of the action.
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    // Try to cast the ActionEvent source as JToggleButton (if successful, the button is a ballot
    // choice)
    try {
      JToggleButton theButton = (JToggleButton) e.getSource();
      String buttonText = theButton.getText();

      if (theButton.isSelected()) {
        switchButton = true;
        switchButtonText = buttonText;
            buttonText); // switches this button's respective vote position to 1 (true), meaning it
                         // is selected
      } else if (!theButton.isSelected()) {
        unvoteButton = true;
        unvoteButtonText = buttonText;
      // If the program can't cast the source to a JToggleButton, cast it as a JButton, which is
      // 100% what the source will be at this point.
      // This button will be one of two things: the login button or the cast vote button.
    } catch (Exception exception) {
      JButton theButton = (JButton) e.getSource();

      String buttonText = theButton.getText();

      // If the user hits the Login button, check if the ID is valid.
      // If the ID is not valid, don't let them vote.  However, if it is valid, disable login and
      // enable everything else.
      if (buttonText.equals("Login")) {
        String voterID =
            JOptionPane.showInputDialog(theButton, "Enter your voter ID: ", "Login", 3);
        FileIO votersFile = new FileIO("voters.txt");
        ArrayList<Voter> voters = votersFile.createVoters();

        if (votersFile.checkValidID(voterID)) {
          Voter theVoter = voters.get(votersFile.getVoterIndex(voterID));
          if (theVoter.getVotedStatus().equals("false")) {
          } else {
                theButton, "You already voted " + theVoter.getVoterName() + "!");
        } else {
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(theButton, "Invalid ID!", "Error", 0);
        // If the user hits the cast vote button, update the respective ballot files and disable
        // every button except
        // for the login button.
      } else if (buttonText.equals("Cast vote")) {
        int confirm = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(theButton, "Are you sure?");
        FileIO votersFile = new FileIO("voters.txt");
        ArrayList<Voter> voters = votersFile.createVoters();
        Voter theVoter = voters.get(votersFile.getVoterIndex(voterID));

        if (confirm == 0) {
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(theButton, "Thanks for voting!");