   * Finds out the actual starting index of lig/kern program in case there is a restart instructions
   * and checks for validity. TFtoPL[67]
   * @param start the starting index of lig/kern program given in a character info.
   * @return Returns the actual starting index.
  private int ligStart(final int start) {

    int newstart = start;
    if (newstart < ligkerncommand.length) {
      TfmLigKernCommand lkc = ligkerncommand[start];
      if (lkc.meansRestart()) {
        newstart = lkc.restartIndex();
        if (newstart < ligkerncommand.length
            && lkc.getActivity() == TfmLigKernCommand.UNREACHABLE) {
    return newstart;
   * Tries to find the information about lig/kerns for word boundaries in tfm lig/kern table and
   * checks for errors. TFtoPL[69]
  private void setupBoundary() {

    // first entry
    TfmLigKernCommand lkc = ligkerncommand[0];

    if (lkc.meansBoundary()) {
      boundaryChar = lkc.nextChar();

    // last entry
    lkc = ligkerncommand[ligkerncommand.length - 1];
    if (lkc.meansBoundary()) {
      int start = lkc.restartIndex();
      if (start < ligkerncommand.length) {
        labels.add(start, BOUNDARYLABEL);