Esempio n. 1
  public void copyTo(
      TextImage destination,
      int startRowIndex,
      int rows,
      int startColumnIndex,
      int columns,
      int destinationRowOffset,
      int destinationColumnOffset) {

    // If the source image position is negative, offset the whole image
    if (startColumnIndex < 0) {
      destinationColumnOffset += -startColumnIndex;
      columns += startColumnIndex;
      startColumnIndex = 0;
    if (startRowIndex < 0) {
      startRowIndex += -startRowIndex;
      rows = startRowIndex;
      startRowIndex = 0;
    // Make sure we can't copy more than is available
    columns = Math.min(buffer[0].length - startColumnIndex, columns);
    rows = Math.min(buffer.length - startRowIndex, rows);

    // Adjust target lengths as well
    columns = Math.min(destination.getSize().getColumns() - destinationColumnOffset, columns);
    rows = Math.min(destination.getSize().getRows() - destinationRowOffset, rows);

    if (columns <= 0 || rows <= 0) {

    TerminalSize destinationSize = destination.getSize();
    if (destination instanceof BasicTextImage) {
      int targetRow = destinationRowOffset;
      for (int y = startRowIndex;
          y < startRowIndex + rows && targetRow < destinationSize.getRows();
          y++) {
            ((BasicTextImage) destination).buffer[targetRow++],
    } else {
      // Manually copy character by character
      for (int y = startRowIndex; y < startRowIndex + rows; y++) {
        for (int x = startColumnIndex; x < startColumnIndex + columns; x++) {
              x - startColumnIndex + destinationColumnOffset,
              y - startRowIndex + destinationRowOffset,
Esempio n. 2
  public TextGraphics drawImage(
      TerminalPosition topLeft,
      TextImage image,
      TerminalPosition sourceImageTopLeft,
      TerminalSize sourceImageSize) {

    // If the source image position is negative, offset the whole image
    if (sourceImageTopLeft.getColumn() < 0) {
      topLeft = topLeft.withRelativeColumn(-sourceImageTopLeft.getColumn());
      sourceImageSize = sourceImageSize.withRelativeColumns(sourceImageTopLeft.getColumn());
      sourceImageTopLeft = sourceImageTopLeft.withColumn(0);
    if (sourceImageTopLeft.getRow() < 0) {
      topLeft = topLeft.withRelativeRow(-sourceImageTopLeft.getRow());
      sourceImageSize = sourceImageSize.withRelativeRows(sourceImageTopLeft.getRow());
      sourceImageTopLeft = sourceImageTopLeft.withRow(0);

    // cropping specified image-subrectangle to the image itself:
    int fromRow = Math.max(sourceImageTopLeft.getRow(), 0);
    int untilRow =
            sourceImageTopLeft.getRow() + sourceImageSize.getRows(), image.getSize().getRows());
    int fromColumn = Math.max(sourceImageTopLeft.getColumn(), 0);
    int untilColumn =
            sourceImageTopLeft.getColumn() + sourceImageSize.getColumns(),

    // difference between position in image and position on target:
    int diffRow = topLeft.getRow() - sourceImageTopLeft.getRow();
    int diffColumn = topLeft.getColumn() - sourceImageTopLeft.getColumn();

    // top/left-crop at target(TextGraphics) rectangle: (only matters, if topLeft has a negative
    // coordinate)
    fromRow = Math.max(fromRow, -diffRow);
    fromColumn = Math.max(fromColumn, -diffColumn);

    // bot/right-crop at target(TextGraphics) rectangle: (only matters, if topLeft has a negative
    // coordinate)
    untilRow = Math.min(untilRow, getSize().getRows() - diffRow);
    untilColumn = Math.min(untilColumn, getSize().getColumns() - diffColumn);

    if (fromRow >= untilRow || fromColumn >= untilColumn) {
      return this;
    for (int row = fromRow; row < untilRow; row++) {
      for (int column = fromColumn; column < untilColumn; column++) {
        setCharacter(column + diffColumn, row + diffRow, image.getCharacterAt(column, row));
    return this;
Esempio n. 3
 public TextGraphics drawImage(TerminalPosition topLeft, TextImage image) {
   return drawImage(topLeft, image, TerminalPosition.TOP_LEFT_CORNER, image.getSize());