 public void testBuildConstruction() {
   this.logger.entering(this.sourceClassName, "testBuildConstruction");
   Factory<Builder<TestPair>> temp = ReflectionBuilderFactory.createFactory(TestPair.class);
   TestBuilder builder = (TestBuilder) temp.newInstance();
   TestPair result = builder.setLeft("MyKey").setRight("MyValue").build();
   this.logger.info("String representaion of pair: " + result);
   this.logger.exiting(this.sourceClassName, "testBuildConstruction");
Esempio n. 2
 public static Test suite() {
   TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
   return suite;
  public void ableToCreateUrlWithExtraParameters() {
    final TestBuilder builder = createBuilder("prefix", null);
    builder.addParameter("what", "string");

    final HelpUrlMatcher matcher =
        new HelpUrlMatcher().key("key").url("prefixurl?what=string#anchor");
    assertThat(builder.build(), matcher);

    assertThat(builder.build(), matcher);

    builder.addParameter("what2", "string2");
    assertThat(builder.build(), matcher);
  public static HashMap<String, Test> processScriptFile(File file) {
    HashMap<String, Test> tests = new HashMap<String, Test>();
    try {
      Parser parser = new Parser(new Lexer(new PushbackReader(new FileReader(file))));
      Start root = parser.parse();
      AScript a1 = (AScript) root.getPScript();
      for (PScriptTail tail : a1.getScriptTail()) {
        AScriptTail a2 = (AScriptTail) tail;
        Test test = TestBuilder.buildTest(a2.getTest());
        tests.put(test.getName(), test);

      System.out.println("SUCESSFULLY PARSED!");
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return tests;
  public void ableToCreateAbsoluteUrls() {
    final TestBuilder builder = createBuilder("prefix", null);
    builder.addParameter("what", "string");

    final HelpUrlMatcher matcher = new HelpUrlMatcher().key("key").url("https://atlassian.com");
    assertThat(builder.build(), matcher);

    assertThat(builder.build(), matcher);
  public void test() throws Exception {
    TestBuilder test = new TestBuilder(new GitHistoryRefactoringMiner2(), "tmp");
    test.project("https://github.com/danilofes/refactoring-toy-example.git", "master")
        // Danilo's refactorings
            "Pull Up Attribute	private age : int from class org.animals.Labrador to class org.animals.Dog",
            "Pull Up Attribute	private age : int from class org.animals.Poodle to class org.animals.Dog",
            "Pull Up Method	public getAge() : int from class org.animals.Labrador to public getAge() : int from class org.animals.Dog",
            "Pull Up Method	public getAge() : int from class org.animals.Poodle to public getAge() : int from class org.animals.Dog")
            "Extract Method	public takeABreath() : void extracted from public bark() : void in class org.animals.Dog")
        .containsOnly("Rename Class	org.animals.Cow renamed to org.animals.CowRenamed")
            "Extract Superclass	org.animals.Bird from classes [org.animals.Chicken, org.animals.Duck]")
        .containsOnly("Move Class	org.animals.Cat moved to org.felines.Cat")
        .containsOnly("Extract Superclass	org.felines.Feline from classes [org.felines.Cat]")

        // Thiago's refactorings
        .containsOnly("Extract Interface	org.felines.AnimalSuper from classes [org.felines.Animal]")
            "Push Down Attribute	protected age : int from class org.reptile.AnimalMarilho to class org.reptile.Reptile",
            "Push Down Attribute	protected name : int from class org.reptile.AnimalMarilho to class org.reptile.Reptile",
            "Push Down Method	public getName() : int from class org.reptile.AnimalMarilho to public getName() : int from class org.reptile.Reptile",
            "Push Down Method	public setName(name int) : void from class org.reptile.AnimalMarilho to public setName(name int) : void from class org.reptile.Reptile")
            "Push Down Method	public equals(obj Object) : boolean from class org.reptile.Reptile to public equals(obj Object) : boolean from class org.reptile.TurtleMarinha",
            "Push Down Method public equals(obj Object) : boolean from class org.reptile.Reptile to public equals(obj Object) : boolean from class org.reptile.TurtleTerrarium")
            "Push Down Method	public hashCode() : int from class org.reptile.AnimalMarilho to public hashCode() : int from class org.reptile.Reptile")
            "Push Down Method	public equals(obj Object) : boolean from class org.reptile.AnimalMarilho to public equals(obj Object) : boolean from class org.reptile.Reptile")
            "Pull Up Attribute	protected age : int from class org.reptile.Reptile to class org.reptile.AnimalMarilho",
            "Pull Up Attribute	protected name : int from class org.reptile.Reptile to class org.reptile.AnimalMarilho",
            "Pull Up Attribute	protected spead : int from class org.reptile.Reptile to class org.reptile.AnimalMarilho",
            "Pull Up Attribute	protected action : String from class org.reptile.Reptile to class org.reptile.AnimalMarilho",
            "Pull Up Method	public getName() : int from class org.reptile.Reptile to public getName() : int from class org.reptile.AnimalMarilho",
            "Pull Up Method	public setName(name int) : void from class org.reptile.Reptile to public setName(name int) : void from class org.reptile.AnimalMarilho",
            "Pull Up Method	public getSpead() : int from class org.reptile.Reptile to public getSpead() : int from class org.reptile.AnimalMarilho",
            "Pull Up Method	public setSpead(spead int) : void from class org.reptile.Reptile to public setSpead(spead int) : void from class org.reptile.AnimalMarilho",
            "Pull Up Method	public getAction() : String from class org.reptile.Reptile to public getAction() : String from class org.reptile.AnimalMarilho",
            "Pull Up Method	public setAction(action String) : void from class org.reptile.Reptile to public setAction(action String) : void from class org.reptile.AnimalMarilho",
            "Pull Up Method	public hashCode() : int from class org.reptile.Reptile to public hashCode() : int from class org.reptile.AnimalMarilho",
            "Pull Up Method	public equals(obj Object) : boolean from class org.reptile.Reptile to public equals(obj Object) : boolean from class org.reptile.AnimalMarilho")
            "Extract Superclass	org.reptile.AnimalMarilho from classes [org.reptile.Reptile]")
            "Push Down Method	public getAge() : int from class org.reptile.Reptile to public getAge() : int from class org.reptile.TurtleMarinha",
            "Push Down Method public getAge() : int from class org.reptile.Reptile to public getAge() : int from class org.reptile.TurtleTerrarium",
            "Push Down Method	public setAge(age int) : void from class org.reptile.Reptile to public setAge(age int) : void from class org.reptile.TurtleMarinha",
            "Push Down Method public setAge(age int) : void from class org.reptile.Reptile to public setAge(age int) : void from class org.reptile.TurtleTerrarium")
        .containsOnly("Rename Class	org.reptile.Turtle renamed to org.reptile.TurtleMarinha")
        .containsOnly("Extract Superclass	org.reptile.Reptile from classes [org.reptile.Turtle]")
            "Push Down Attribute	private speed : int from class org.felines.Feline to class org.felines.Tiger",
            "Push Down Method	public getSpeed() : int from class org.felines.Feline to public getSpeed() : int from class org.felines.Tiger",
            "Push Down Method	public setSpeed(speed int) : void from class org.felines.Feline to public setSpeed(speed int) : void from class org.felines.Tiger")
            "Extract Method	private sleepNight() : void extracted from public sleep() : void in class org.felines.Cat")
        //			.atCommit("c0a051fdeb02fd4374ebe625d6af9e3125a2b9af").containsOnly(
        //			    "Pull Up Attribute	private speed : int from class org.felines.Tiger to class
        // org.felines.Feline")
        //			.atCommit("7ebd3deba1ae42ff1e9c8585fc304839c5288863").containsOnly(
        //			    "Pull Up Method	public action() : void from class org.felines.Cat to public
        // action() : void from class org.felines.Feline")
            "Pull Up Attribute	private age : int from class org.felines.Tiger to class org.felines.Feline",
            "Pull Up Attribute	private name : int from class org.felines.Tiger to class org.felines.Feline",
            "Pull Up Method	public getAge() : int from class org.felines.Tiger to public getAge() : int from class org.felines.Feline",
            "Pull Up Method	public setAge(age int) : void from class org.felines.Tiger to public setAge(age int) : void from class org.felines.Feline",
            "Pull Up Method	public getName() : int from class org.felines.Tiger to public getName() : int from class org.felines.Feline",
            "Pull Up Method	public setName(name int) : void from class org.felines.Tiger to public setName(name int) : void from class org.felines.Feline")
            "Pull Up Method	public meow() : void from class org.felines.Cat to public meow() : void from class org.felines.Feline")
        .containsOnly("Move Class	org.felines.Feline moved to org.birds.Feline")
        .containsOnly("Move Class	org.animals.Tiger moved to org.felines.Tiger")
            "Move Class	org.animals.Bird moved to org.birds.Bird",
            "Move Class	org.animals.Chicken moved to org.birds.Chicken",
            "Move Class	org.animals.Duck moved to org.birds.Duck")
            "Rename Method public bark() : void renamed to public barkBark() : void in class org.animals.Dog")

        // More refactorings
            "Move Attribute public magicNumber : int from class org.DogManager to class org.animals.Dog")
            "Move Method public barkBark(manager DogManager) : void from class org.animals.Dog to public barkBark(dog Dog) : void from class org.DogManager");