// return the matrix-vector product b = Ax
 public SparseVector times(SparseVector x) {
   SparseRowMatrix A = this;
   if (N != x.size()) throw new RuntimeException("Dimensions disagree");
   SparseVector b = new SparseVector(N);
   for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) b.put(i, A.rows[i].dot(x));
   return b;
 /** prune all values whose magnitude is below threshold */
 public void prune(double threshold) {
   // for (SparseVector v : this) {
   for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
     SparseVector a = get(i);
  * immutable multiply this times the vector: A * x, i.e., rowwise.
  * @param v
  * @return
 public SparseVector times(SparseVector v) {
   SparseVector w = new SparseVector();
   for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
     w.add(i, get(i).times(v));
   return w;
  * normalise rows to rowsum
  * @param rowsum for each row
  * @return vector of old row sums
 public SparseVector normalise(double rowsum) {
   SparseVector sums = new SparseVector();
   int i = 0;
   for (SparseVector vec : this) {
     sums.put(i, vec.normalise(rowsum));
   return sums;
  * get a column of the sparse matrix (expensive).
  * @return
 public SparseVector getColum(int i) {
   SparseVector s = new SparseVector();
   for (int row = 0; row < size(); row++) {
     double v = get(row, i);
     if (v != 0.) {
       s.put(row, v);
   return s;
 public final void plusEqualsSparse(SparseVector v) {
   if (indices.length == 0) return;
   if (index2location == null) setIndex2Location();
   for (int i = 0; i < v.numLocations(); i++) {
     int index = v.indexAtLocation(i);
     if (index >= index2location.length) break;
     int location = index2location[index];
     if (location >= 0) values[location] += v.valueAtLocation(i);
Esempio n. 7
   * get a row sparse vector of a matrix
   * @param row row id
   * @return a sparse vector of {index, value}
  public SparseVector row(int row) {

    SparseVector sv = new SparseVector(numColumns);

    for (int j = rowPtr[row]; j < rowPtr[row + 1]; j++) {
      int col = colInd[j];
      double val = get(row, col);
      if (val != 0.0) sv.set(col, val);

    return sv;
Esempio n. 8
 // sucks, but so does the visitor pattern.  not often used.
 public void plusEquals(ConstantMatrix m, double factor) {
   if (m instanceof SparseVector) {
     values.plusEqualsSparse((SparseVector) m, factor);
   } else if (m instanceof SparseMatrixn) {
     SparseMatrixn smn = (SparseMatrixn) m;
     if (Arrays.equals(sizes, smn.sizes)) {
       values.plusEqualsSparse(smn.values, factor);
     } else {
       throw new UnsupportedOperationException("sizes of " + m + " do not match " + this);
   } else {
     throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't add " + m + " to " + this);
   * Unit test checking that the sparse vector does not end up ever using more than "size" elements.
  public void testOverAllocation() {
    for (int d = 0; d < 10; d++) {
      SparseVector v = new SparseVector(d, 0);
      assertEquals(0, v.index.length);
      assertEquals(0, v.data.length);

      // Fill with non-zero elements.
      for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) {
        v.set(i, 1.0 + i);

      assertEquals(d, v.index.length);
      assertEquals(d, v.data.length);
  public void testBug27() {
    double[] tfVector = {0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.4, 0.0};
    DenseVector dense = new DenseVector(tfVector, false);
    SparseVector vectorTF = new SparseVector(dense);

    assertTrue(vectorTF.getUsed() == 2); // vectorTF.getUsed() returns 5

    for (Iterator<VectorEntry> it = vectorTF.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
      VectorEntry ve = it.next();
      int index = ve.index();
      double value = ve.get();
      assertTrue(tfVector[index] == value);
Esempio n. 11
  public Vector slice(int from, int to) {

    SparseVector res = new SparseVector();
    int fi = find(from);
    if (fi < 0) {
      fi = -fi - 1;
    int ti = find(to);
    if (ti < 0) {
      ti = -ti - 1;
    for (int idx = fi; idx < ti; idx++) {
      res.set(index(idx) - from, value(idx));
    return res;
Esempio n. 12
 public final double dotProduct(SparseVector v) {
   if (indices.length == 0) return 0;
   if (index2location == null) setIndex2Location();
   double ret = 0;
   int vNumLocs = v.numLocations();
   if (isBinary()) {
     // this vector is binary
     for (int i = 0; i < vNumLocs; i++) {
       int index = v.indexAtLocation(i);
       if (index >= index2location.length) break;
       if (index2location[index] >= 0) ret += v.valueAtLocation(i);
   } else if (v.isBinary()) {
     // the other vector is binary
     for (int i = 0; i < vNumLocs; i++) {
       int index = v.indexAtLocation(i);
       if (index >= index2location.length) break;
       int location = index2location[index];
       if (location >= 0) ret += values[location];
   } else {
     for (int i = 0; i < vNumLocs; i++) {
       int index = v.indexAtLocation(i);
       if (index >= index2location.length) break;
       int location = index2location[index];
       if (location >= 0) ret += values[location] * v.valueAtLocation(i);
   return ret;
Esempio n. 13
   * get a col sparse vector of a matrix
   * @param col col id
   * @return a sparse vector of {index, value}
  public SparseVector column(int col) {

    SparseVector sv = new SparseVector(numRows);

    if (isCCSUsed) {
      for (int j = colPtr[col]; j < colPtr[col + 1]; j++) {
        int row = rowInd[j];
        double val = get(row, col);
        if (val != 0.0) sv.set(row, val);
    } else {
      for (int row = 0; row < numRows; row++) {
        double val = get(row, col);
        if (val != 0.0) sv.set(row, val);

    return sv;
Esempio n. 14
 public boolean equals(Object o) {
   if (o instanceof SparseMatrixn) {
     /* This could be extended to work for all Matrixes. */
     SparseMatrixn m2 = (SparseMatrixn) o;
     return (numDimensions == m2.numDimensions)
         && (sizes.equals(m2.sizes))
         && (values.equals(m2.values));
   } else {
     return false;
  public void testSparseVectorIndices() {
     * MTJ subtlety in getIndex() for SparseVector. before calling
     * getIndex(), you must call compact()... implementations may choose to
     * do nothing in this call, but the Intel extended LAPACK
     * implementations (and MTJ's SparseVector) require it. An alternative
     * to vector.getIndex() is VectorMethods.getIndex(Vector) which will
     * wrap this for you. It can take an arbitrary Vector and if it can be
     * cast to a SparseVector will compact it and use its getIndex() method
     * instead. (just so you're aware of this). Sam.

    // check that "infinite dimensions" doesn't use infinite memory
    SparseVector vector = new SparseVector(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    int[] index = vector.getIndex();
    assert index != null;
    assert index.length == 0;

    // check that creating with double[] with zeros works
    double[] entries = new double[5];
    entries[0] = 0.0;
    entries[1] = 0.0;
    entries[2] = 1.0;
    entries[3] = 0.0;
    entries[4] = 2.0;
    Vector dense = new DenseVector(entries, false);
    vector = new SparseVector(dense);

    // NOTE: must compact before calling getIndex()!!!
    // vector.compact();
    index = vector.getIndex();
    assert index != null;
    assert index.length == 5
        : "expected length of 5, but got "
            + index.length
            + ", with elements "
            + Arrays.toString(index);
Esempio n. 16
   * Standardize the matrix entries by row- or column-wise z-scores (z=(x-u)/sigma)
   * @param isByRow standardize by row if true; otherwise by column
  public void standardize(boolean isByRow) {

    int iters = isByRow ? numRows : numColumns;
    for (int iter = 0; iter < iters; iter++) {
      SparseVector vec = isByRow ? row(iter) : column(iter);

      if (vec.getCount() > 0) {

        double[] data = vec.getData();
        double mu = Stats.mean(data);
        double sigma = Stats.sd(data, mu);

        for (VectorEntry ve : vec) {
          int idx = ve.index();
          double val = ve.get();
          double z = (val - mu) / sigma;

          if (isByRow) this.set(iter, idx, z);
          else this.set(idx, iter, z);
  public Vector transMultAdd(double alpha, Vector x, Vector y) {
    if (!(x instanceof DenseVector) || !(y instanceof DenseVector))
      return super.transMultAdd(alpha, x, y);

    checkTransMultAdd(x, y);

    double[] xd = ((DenseVector) x).getData(), yd = ((DenseVector) y).getData();

    // y = 1/alpha * y
    y.scale(1. / alpha);

    // y = A'x + y
    for (int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i) {
      SparseVector v = rowD[i];
      int[] index = v.getIndex();
      double[] data = v.getData();
      int length = v.getUsed();
      for (int j = 0; j < length; ++j) yd[index[j]] += data[j] * xd[i];

    // y = alpha*y = alpha * A'x + y
    return y.scale(alpha);
  * immutable multiply the vector times this: x' * A, i.e., colwise.
  * @param v
  * @return
 public SparseVector vectorTimes(SparseVector v) {
   SparseVector w = new SparseVector();
   // only the rows in A that v is nonzero
   for (int i : v.keySet()) {
     SparseVector a = get(i).copy();
   return w;
  public void testGetRawData() {
    SparseVector vector = new SparseVector(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    double[] data = vector.getRawData();
    assertTrue(data != null);
    assertTrue(data.length == 0);
    assertSame(data, vector.data);
    assertEquals(data.length, vector.getRawIndex().length);

    vector.set(2, 1.0);
    vector.set(1, 0.0);
    vector.set(4, 2.0);

    data = vector.getRawData();
    assertSame(data, vector.data);
    assertEquals(data.length, vector.getRawIndex().length);

    // In this case, the raw index is larger than the used, so the raw
    // indices have more entries than the other one.
    assertTrue(data.length > vector.getUsed());
    assertTrue(data.length > vector.getIndex().length);
Esempio n. 20
  public static Example readExample(BufferedReader in) throws IOException {
    String line = readLineSkip(in);
    if (line == null) {
      return null;

    line = line.trim();
    String rec = line.split("\\s")[0];

    int label = Integer.parseInt(rec);
    String vector = "";
    if (line.length() > rec.length()) {
      vector = line.substring(rec.length() + 1);
    SparseVector sv = SparseVector.load(vector);
    return new Example(label, sv);
  * copy contructor
  * @param matrix
 public SparseMatrix(SparseMatrix matrix) {
   for (SparseVector s : matrix) {
Esempio n. 22
 public void setSingleValue(int i, double value) {
   values.setValue(i, value);
Esempio n. 23
 public void incrementSingleValue(int i, double delta) {
   double value = values.value(i);
   values.setValue(i, value + delta);
 /** normalise by major dimension (rows) */
 public void normaliseRows() {
   for (SparseVector vec : this) {
Esempio n. 25
 public void setAll(double v) {
Esempio n. 26
 public void timesEquals(double factor) {
  * set the sparse vector at index i.
  * @param i
  * @param x
  * @return the old value of the element
 public SparseVector set(int i, SparseVector x) {
   adjustMaxIndex(i, x.getLength() - 1);
   return super.set(i, x);
Esempio n. 28
 public void divideEquals(double factor) {
   values.timesEquals(1 / factor);
Esempio n. 29
 public double absNormalize() {
   double norm = values.absNorm();
   values.timesEquals(1 / norm);
   return norm;
Esempio n. 30
 public double infinityNormalize() {
   double norm = values.infinityNorm();
   values.timesEquals(1 / norm);
   return norm;