Esempio n. 1
  private void changeSurfaceLayout(
      int videoWidth,
      int videoHeight,
      int videoVisibleWidth,
      int videoVisibleHeight,
      int sarNum,
      int sarDen) {
    int sw;
    int sh;

    // get screen size
    Activity activity = TvApp.getApplication().getCurrentActivity();
    if (activity == null) return; // called during destroy
    sw = activity.getWindow().getDecorView().getWidth();
    sh = activity.getWindow().getDecorView().getHeight();

    double dw = sw, dh = sh;
    boolean isPortrait;

    isPortrait =
            == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT;

    if (sw > sh && isPortrait || sw < sh && !isPortrait) {
      dw = sh;
      dh = sw;

    // sanity check
    if (dw * dh == 0 || videoWidth * videoHeight == 0) {
      TvApp.getApplication().getLogger().Error("Invalid surface size");

    // compute the aspect ratio
    double ar, vw;
    if (sarDen == sarNum) {
      /* No indication about the density, assuming 1:1 */
      vw = videoVisibleWidth;
      ar = (double) videoVisibleWidth / (double) videoVisibleHeight;
    } else {
      /* Use the specified aspect ratio */
      vw = videoVisibleWidth * (double) sarNum / sarDen;
      ar = vw / videoVisibleHeight;

    // compute the display aspect ratio
    double dar = dw / dh;

    if (dar < ar) dh = dw / ar;
    else dw = dh * ar;

    // set display size
    ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp = mSurfaceView.getLayoutParams();
    lp.width = (int) Math.ceil(dw * videoWidth / videoVisibleWidth);
    lp.height = (int) Math.ceil(dh * videoHeight / videoVisibleHeight);
    normalWidth = lp.width;
    normalHeight = lp.height;
    if (hasSubtitlesSurface) mSubtitlesSurface.setLayoutParams(lp);

    // set frame size (crop if necessary)
    if (mSurfaceFrame != null) {
      lp = mSurfaceFrame.getLayoutParams();
      lp.width = (int) Math.floor(dw);
      lp.height = (int) Math.floor(dh);

    TvApp.getApplication().getLogger().Debug("Surface sized " + mVideoWidth + "x" + mVideoHeight);
    if (hasSubtitlesSurface) mSubtitlesSurface.invalidate();