@Override public void run(TransactionRedirectResponse parameter) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace( String.format( "Got back FORWARD_TXN response from %s. Sending response to client [bytes=%d]", HStoreSite.formatSiteName(parameter.getSenderId()), parameter.getOutput().size())); byte data[] = parameter.getOutput().toByteArray(); try { this.orig_callback.run(data); } catch (Throwable ex) { FastDeserializer fds = new FastDeserializer(data); ClientResponseImpl cresponse = null; long txn_id = -1; try { cresponse = fds.readObject(ClientResponseImpl.class); txn_id = cresponse.getTransactionId(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.fatal("We're really falling apart here!", e); } LOG.fatal("Failed to forward ClientResponse data back for txn #" + txn_id, ex); // throw ex; } finally { try { this.finish(); HStoreObjectPools.CALLBACKS_TXN_REDIRECT_REQUEST.returnObject(this); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Funky failure", ex); } } }
public void initFromBuffer(ByteBuffer buf) throws IOException { FastDeserializer in = new FastDeserializer(buf); byte version = in.readByte(); // version number also embeds the type type = ProcedureInvocationType.typeFromByte(version); /* * If it's a replicated invocation, there should be two txn IDs * following the version byte. The first txn ID is the new txn ID, the * second one is the original txn ID. */ if (ProcedureInvocationType.isDeprecatedInternalDRType(type)) { originalTxnId = in.readLong(); originalUniqueId = in.readLong(); } if (version >= BatchTimeoutOverrideType.BATCH_TIMEOUT_VERSION) { BatchTimeoutOverrideType batchTimeoutType = BatchTimeoutOverrideType.typeFromByte(in.readByte()); if (batchTimeoutType == BatchTimeoutOverrideType.NO_OVERRIDE_FOR_BATCH_TIMEOUT) { batchTimeout = BatchTimeoutOverrideType.NO_TIMEOUT; } else { batchTimeout = in.readInt(); // Client side have already checked the batchTimeout value, but, // on server side, we should check non-negative batchTimeout value again // in case of someone is using a non-standard client. if (batchTimeout < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Timeout value can't be negative."); } } } procName = in.readString().intern(); clientHandle = in.readLong(); // do not deserialize parameters in ClientInterface context serializedParams = in.remainder(); final ByteBuffer duplicate = serializedParams.duplicate(); params = new FutureTask<ParameterSet>( new Callable<ParameterSet>() { @Override public ParameterSet call() throws Exception { return ParameterSet.fromByteBuffer(duplicate); } }); }
public ExportDataSource(Runnable onDrain, File adFile) throws IOException { /* * Certainly no more data coming if this is coming off of disk */ m_endOfStream = true; m_onDrain = onDrain; String overflowPath = adFile.getParent(); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(adFile); byte data[] = new byte[(int) adFile.length()]; int read = fis.read(data); if (read != data.length) { throw new IOException("Failed to read ad file " + adFile); } FastDeserializer fds = new FastDeserializer(data); m_HSId = fds.readLong(); m_database = fds.readString(); m_generation = fds.readLong(); m_partitionId = fds.readInt(); m_signature = fds.readString(); m_tableName = fds.readString(); fds.readLong(); // timestamp of JVM startup can be ignored int numColumns = fds.readInt(); for (int ii = 0; ii < numColumns; ++ii) { m_columnNames.add(fds.readString()); int columnType = fds.readInt(); m_columnTypes.add(columnType); } String nonce = m_signature + "_" + m_HSId + "_" + m_partitionId; m_committedBuffers = new StreamBlockQueue(overflowPath, nonce); // compute the number of bytes necessary to hold one bit per // schema column m_nullArrayLength = ((m_columnTypes.size() + 7) & -8) >> 3; }
// XXX maybe consider an IOException subclass at some point public TableSaveFile( FileChannel dataIn, int readAheadChunks, Integer[] relevantPartitionIds, boolean continueOnCorruptedChunk) throws IOException { try { EELibraryLoader.loadExecutionEngineLibrary(true); if (relevantPartitionIds == null) { m_relevantPartitionIds = null; } else { m_relevantPartitionIds = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (Integer i : relevantPartitionIds) { m_relevantPartitionIds.add(i); } } m_chunkReads = new Semaphore(readAheadChunks); m_saveFile = dataIn; m_continueOnCorruptedChunk = continueOnCorruptedChunk; final PureJavaCrc32 crc = new PureJavaCrc32(); /* * If the CRC check fails because the file wasn't completed */ final PureJavaCrc32 secondCRC = new PureJavaCrc32(); /* * Get the header with the save restore specific information */ final ByteBuffer lengthBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(8); while (lengthBuffer.hasRemaining()) { final int read = m_saveFile.read(lengthBuffer); if (read == -1) { throw new EOFException(); } } lengthBuffer.flip(); final int originalCRC = lengthBuffer.getInt(); int length = lengthBuffer.getInt(); crc.update(lengthBuffer.array(), 4, 4); secondCRC.update(lengthBuffer.array(), 4, 4); if (length < 0) { throw new IOException("Corrupted save file has negative header length"); } if (length > 2097152) { throw new IOException("Corrupted save file has unreasonable header length > 2 megs"); } final ByteBuffer saveRestoreHeader = ByteBuffer.allocate(length); while (saveRestoreHeader.hasRemaining()) { final int read = m_saveFile.read(saveRestoreHeader); if (read == -1 || read < length) { throw new EOFException(); } } saveRestoreHeader.flip(); crc.update(saveRestoreHeader.array()); secondCRC.update(new byte[] {1}); secondCRC.update(saveRestoreHeader.array(), 1, saveRestoreHeader.array().length - 1); /* * Get the template for the VoltTable serialization header. * It will have an extra length value preceded to it so that * it can be sucked straight into a buffer. This will not * contain a row count since that varies from chunk to chunk * and is supplied by the chunk */ lengthBuffer.clear(); lengthBuffer.limit(4); /* * Why this stupidity and no while loop? * Because java is broken and complains about a random final * elsewhere if you do. */ { final int read = m_saveFile.read(lengthBuffer); if (read == -1) { throw new EOFException(); } } crc.update(lengthBuffer.array(), 0, 4); secondCRC.update(lengthBuffer.array(), 0, 4); lengthBuffer.flip(); length = lengthBuffer.getInt(); if (length < 4) { throw new IOException( "Corrupted save file has negative length or too small length for VoltTable header"); } if (length > 2097152) { throw new IOException( "Corrupted save file has unreasonable VoltTable header length > 2 megs"); } m_tableHeader = ByteBuffer.allocate(length + 4); m_tableHeader.putInt(length); while (m_tableHeader.hasRemaining()) { final int read = m_saveFile.read(m_tableHeader); if (read == -1) { throw new EOFException(); } } crc.update(m_tableHeader.array(), 4, length); secondCRC.update(m_tableHeader.array(), 4, length); boolean failedCRCDueToNotCompleted = false; final int actualCRC = (int) crc.getValue(); if (originalCRC != actualCRC) { /* * Check if the CRC mismatch is due to the snapshot not being completed */ final int secondCRCValue = (int) secondCRC.getValue(); if (secondCRCValue == originalCRC) { failedCRCDueToNotCompleted = true; } else { throw new IOException("Checksum mismatch"); } } FastDeserializer fd = new FastDeserializer(saveRestoreHeader); byte completedByte = fd.readByte(); m_completed = failedCRCDueToNotCompleted ? false : (completedByte == 1 ? true : false); for (int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++) { m_versionNum[ii] = fd.readInt(); } /* * Support the original pre 1.3 header format as well as a new JSON format. * JSON will make it possible to add info to a snapshot header without * breaking backwards compatibility. */ if (m_versionNum[3] == 0) { m_txnId = fd.readLong(); m_timestamp = TransactionIdManager.getTimestampFromTransactionId(m_txnId); m_hostId = fd.readInt(); m_hostname = fd.readString(); m_clusterName = fd.readString(); m_databaseName = fd.readString(); m_tableName = fd.readString(); m_isReplicated = fd.readBoolean(); m_isCompressed = false; m_checksumType = ChecksumType.CRC32; if (!m_isReplicated) { m_partitionIds = (int[]) fd.readArray(int.class); if (!m_completed) { for (Integer partitionId : m_partitionIds) { m_corruptedPartitions.add(partitionId); } } m_totalPartitions = fd.readInt(); } else { m_partitionIds = new int[] {0}; m_totalPartitions = 1; if (!m_completed) { m_corruptedPartitions.add(0); } } m_hasVersion2FormatChunks = false; } else { assert (m_versionNum[3] == 1 || m_versionNum[3] == 2); if (m_versionNum[3] >= 2) { m_hasVersion2FormatChunks = true; } else { m_hasVersion2FormatChunks = false; } int numJSONBytes = fd.readInt(); byte jsonBytes[] = new byte[numJSONBytes]; fd.readFully(jsonBytes); String jsonString = new String(jsonBytes, "UTF-8"); JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(jsonString); m_txnId = obj.getLong("txnId"); // Timestamp field added for 3.0, might not be there if (obj.has("timestamp")) { m_timestamp = obj.getLong("timestamp"); } else { // Pre 3.0/IV2 the timestamp was in the transactionid m_timestamp = TransactionIdManager.getTimestampFromTransactionId(m_txnId); } m_hostId = obj.getInt("hostId"); m_hostname = obj.getString("hostname"); m_clusterName = obj.getString("clusterName"); m_databaseName = obj.getString("databaseName"); m_tableName = obj.getString("tableName"); m_isReplicated = obj.getBoolean("isReplicated"); m_isCompressed = obj.optBoolean("isCompressed", false); m_checksumType = ChecksumType.valueOf(obj.optString("checksumType", "CRC32")); if (!m_isReplicated) { JSONArray partitionIds = obj.getJSONArray("partitionIds"); m_partitionIds = new int[partitionIds.length()]; for (int ii = 0; ii < m_partitionIds.length; ii++) { m_partitionIds[ii] = partitionIds.getInt(ii); } if (!m_completed) { for (Integer partitionId : m_partitionIds) { m_corruptedPartitions.add(partitionId); } } m_totalPartitions = obj.getInt("numPartitions"); } else { m_partitionIds = new int[] {0}; m_totalPartitions = 1; if (!m_completed) { m_corruptedPartitions.add(0); } } } /* * Several runtime exceptions can be thrown in valid failure cases where * a corrupt save file is being detected. */ } catch (BufferUnderflowException e) { throw new IOException(e); } catch (BufferOverflowException e) { throw new IOException(e); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new IOException(e); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new IOException(e); } }