Esempio n. 1
   * Generates a BAM index file, either textual or binary, from an input BAI file. Only used for
   * testing, but located here for visibility into CachingBAMFileIndex.
   * @param output BAM Index (.bai) file (or bai.txt file when text)
   * @param textOutput Whether to create text output or binary
  public static void createAndWriteIndex(
      final File input, final File output, final boolean textOutput) {

    // content is from an existing bai file.

    final CachingBAMFileIndex existingIndex = new CachingBAMFileIndex(input, null);
    final int n_ref = existingIndex.getNumberOfReferences();
    final BAMIndexWriter outputWriter;
    if (textOutput) {
      outputWriter = new TextualBAMIndexWriter(n_ref, output);
    } else {
      outputWriter = new BinaryBAMIndexWriter(n_ref, output);

    // write the content one reference at a time
    try {
      for (int i = 0; i < n_ref; i++) {

    } catch (final Exception e) {
      throw new SAMException("Exception creating BAM index", e);
Esempio n. 2
  @Test(enabled = false, dataProvider = "indexComparisonData")
  /** Test linear index at all references and windows, comparing with existing index */
  public void compareLinearIndex(String testName, String bamFile, String bamIndexFile)
      throws IOException {
    // compare index generated from bamFile with existing bamIndex file
    // by testing all the references' windows and comparing the counts

    // 1. generate bai file
    // 2. count its references
    // 3. count bamIndex references comparing counts

    // 1. generate bai file
    File bam = new File(bamFile);
    assertTrue(bam.exists(), testName + " input bam file doesn't exist: " + bamFile);

    File indexFile1 = createIndexFile(bam);
        indexFile1.exists(), testName + " generated bam file's index doesn't exist: " + indexFile1);

    // 2. count its references
    File indexFile2 = new File(bamIndexFile);
    assertTrue(indexFile2.exists(), testName + " input index file doesn't exist: " + indexFile2);

    final CachingBAMFileIndex existingIndex1 =
        new CachingBAMFileIndex(indexFile1, null); // todo null sequence dictionary?
    final CachingBAMFileIndex existingIndex2 = new CachingBAMFileIndex(indexFile2, null);
    final int n_ref = existingIndex1.getNumberOfReferences();
    assertEquals(n_ref, existingIndex2.getNumberOfReferences());

    final SAMFileReader reader1 = new SAMFileReader(bam, indexFile1, false);
    final SAMFileReader reader2 = new SAMFileReader(bam, indexFile2, false);

        "Comparing " + n_ref + " references in " + indexFile1 + " and " + indexFile2);

    for (int i = 0; i < n_ref; i++) {
      final BAMIndexContent content1 = existingIndex1.getQueryResults(i);
      final BAMIndexContent content2 = existingIndex2.getQueryResults(i);
      if (content1 == null) {
            content2 == null,
            "No content for 1st bam index, but content for second at reference" + i);
      int[] counts1 = new int[LinearIndex.MAX_LINEAR_INDEX_SIZE];
      int[] counts2 = new int[LinearIndex.MAX_LINEAR_INDEX_SIZE];
      LinearIndex li1 = content1.getLinearIndex();
      LinearIndex li2 = content2.getLinearIndex();
      // todo not li1 and li2 sizes may differ. Implies 0's in the smaller index windows
      // 3. count bamIndex references comparing counts
      int baiSize = Math.max(li1.size(), li2.size());
      for (int win = 0; win < baiSize; win++) {
        counts1[win] = countAlignmentsInWindow(i, win, reader1, 0);
        counts2[win] = countAlignmentsInWindow(i, win, reader2, counts1[win]);
            counts2[win], counts1[win], "Counts don't match for reference " + i + " window " + win);
