Esempio n. 1
 // Build a directed tree from a root
 private void treeify(int root, int[][] paPoly, int[][] paTemp) throws Exception {
   int children[] = new int[] {};
   for (int j = 0; j < paPoly[root].length; j++) {
     if (paPoly[root][j] != 0 && !visited[j]) {
       visited[j] = true;
       children = A.append(children, j);
       if (paPoly[root][j] != 3) paTemp[j] = A.append(paTemp[j], root);
   // go through again
   for (int child : children) treeify(child, paPoly, paTemp);
Esempio n. 2
 // Rank the labels for the chain order
 private void rankLabel(int root, int[][] paPoly, int[] rank) throws Exception {
   if (!visited[root]) {
     int[] parents = new int[] {};
     int[] children = new int[] {};
     for (int j = 0; j < rank.length; j++) {
       if (paPoly[root][j] == 3) {
         rank[j] = rank[root] - 1;
         parents = A.append(parents, j);
       if (paPoly[root][j] == 2) {
         rank[j] = rank[root] + 1;
         children = A.append(children, j);
     visited[root] = true;
     for (int parent : parents) rankLabel(parent, paPoly, rank);
     for (int child : children) rankLabel(child, paPoly, rank);
Esempio n. 3
  // Learning of the tree skeleton (paTree)
  protected int[][] skeleton(double[][] CD) throws Exception {

    CD = M.multiply(CD, -1);
    EdgeWeightedGraph G = new EdgeWeightedGraph(L);
    for (int i = 0; i < L; i++) {
      for (int j = i + 1; j < L; j++) {
        Edge e = new Edge(i, j, CD[i][j]);

    KruskalMST mst = new KruskalMST(G);
    int[][] paTree = new int[L][0];
    for (int j = 0; j < L; j++) paTree[j] = new int[] {};
    for (Edge e : mst.edges()) {
      int j = e.either();
      int k = e.other(j);
      paTree[j] = A.append(paTree[j], k);
      paTree[k] = A.append(paTree[k], j);
    return paTree;
Esempio n. 4
  * Transform.
  * @param D original Instances
  * @param c to be the class Attribute
  * @param pa_c the parent indices of c
  * @return new Instances T
 public static Instances transform(Instances D, int c, int pa_c[]) throws Exception {
   int L = D.classIndex();
   int keep[] = A.append(pa_c, c); // keep all parents and self!
   int remv[] = A.invert(keep, L); // i.e., remove the rest < L
   Instances T = F.remove(new Instances(D), remv, false);
   int map[] = new int[L];
   for (int j = 0; j < L; j++) {
     map[j] = Arrays.binarySearch(keep, j);
   return T;
Esempio n. 5
  * Transform - transform dataset D for this node. this.j defines the current node index, e.g., 3
  * this.paY[] defines parents, e.g., [1,4] we should remove the rest, e.g., [0,2,5,...,L-1]
  * @return dataset we should remove all variables from D EXCEPT current node, and parents.
 public Instances transform(Instances D) throws Exception {
   int L = D.classIndex();
   d = D.numAttributes() - L;
   int keep[] = A.append(this.paY, j); // keep all parents and self!
   int remv[] = A.invert(keep, L); // i.e., remove the rest < L
   map = new int[L];
   for (int j = 0; j < L; j++) {
     map[j] = Arrays.binarySearch(keep, j);
   Instances D_ = F.remove(new Instances(D), remv, false);
   return D_;
Esempio n. 6
  // Calculation of conditional dependence between labels given the observation of instances
  protected double[][] conDepMatrix(Instances[] newData) throws Exception {

    int L = newData[0].classIndex();
    CNode[][] miNodes = new CNode[L][];
    int[] paNode;
    Classifier model = new Logistic();
    double MI[][] = new double[L][L];

    // n-fold CV for calculation of MI matrix
    for (int i = 0; i < numFolds; i++) {

      Instances[] D_train = new Instances[L];
      Instances[] D_test = new Instances[L];
      for (int j = 0; j < L; j++) {
        D_train[j] = newData[j].trainCV(numFolds, i);
        D_test[j] = newData[j].testCV(numFolds, i);

      // train L*(L+1)/2 logistic classifiers for calculating conditional probability.
      for (int j = 0; j < L; j++) {
        miNodes[j] = new CNode[L - j];
        paNode = new int[] {};
        for (int k = j; k < L; k++) {
          if (k != j) paNode = A.append(paNode, k);
          miNodes[j][k - j] = new CNode(j, null, paNode);
          miNodes[j][k - j].build(D_train[j], model);
          if (k != j) paNode = A.delete(paNode, 0);

      // calculate the conditional mutual information
      for (int j = 0; j < L; j++)
        for (int k = j + 1; k < L; k++) MI[j][k] = conMI(D_test[j], D_test[k], miNodes, j, k);
      MI = addMatrix(MI, MI);
    return MI;
Esempio n. 7
  // Build a polytree on the tree
  protected int[][] polyTree(Instances D, Instances[] newD) throws Exception {
    L = (D == null) ? newD[0].classIndex() : D.classIndex();
    CD = new double[L][L];
    numVisited = 0;
    int root = 0;
    int[][] pa = new int[L][0];
    visited = new boolean[L];
    flagCB = new boolean[L];
    Arrays.fill(visited, false);
    Arrays.fill(flagCB, false);

    if (depMode) {
      // Calculate the conditional MI matrix
      if (newD == null) CD = conDepMatrix(D);
      if (newD != null) CD = conDepMatrix(newD);
    } else {
      // Calculate the marginal normalized MI matrix
      CD = StatUtilsPro.NormMargDep(D);

    // Build the tree skeleton
    int[][] paTree = skeleton(CD);

    // Find the causal basins
    int[][] paPoly = new int[L][L];
    causalBasin(root, paTree, paPoly);

    // If causal basin can't cover all labels, build a directed tree (paTemp)
    int[][] paTemp = new int[L][0];
    root = -1;
    for (int j = 0; j < L; j++) {
      for (int k = j; k < L; k++) {
        if (paPoly[j][k] == 1) {
          root = j;
          Arrays.fill(visited, false);
          visited[root] = true;
          treeify(root, paPoly, paTemp);
      if (root != -1) break;
    // Save the parents of every node in the polytree (pa)
    for (int j = 0; j < L; j++) {
      for (int k = j; k < L; k++) {
        if (paPoly[j][k] == 3) pa[j] = A.append(pa[j], k);
        if (paPoly[j][k] == 2) pa[k] = A.append(pa[k], j);
    for (int j = 0; j < L; j++) {
      if (pa[j].length < 1) {
        for (int v : paTemp[j]) {
          pa[j] = A.append(pa[j], v);
          paPoly[j][v] = 3;
          paPoly[v][j] = 2;

    // Rank the labels in the polytree (rank)
    root = 0;
    int[] rank = new int[L];
    Arrays.fill(rank, 0);
    Arrays.fill(visited, false);
    rankLabel(root, paPoly, rank);
    chainOrder = Utils.sort(rank);

    // Enhance the polytree
    int[] temp = new int[] {};
    double thCD = 0.0005;
    for (int j : chainOrder) {
      for (int k : temp) {
        if (paPoly[j][k] != 3) {
          if (j < k && CD[j][k] > thCD) pa[j] = A.append(pa[j], k);
          if (j > k && CD[k][j] > thCD) pa[j] = A.append(pa[j], k);
      temp = A.append(temp, j);
    return pa;
Esempio n. 8
  private void zeroMI(int root, int[][] paTree, int[][] paPoly) throws Exception {
    // Calculation the threshold
    double min = 1.0;
    for (int j : paTree[root]) {
      if (root < j) min = CD[root][j] < min ? CD[root][j] : min;
      else min = CD[j][root] < min ? CD[j][root] : min;
    double miThreshold = para1 * min;

    // Find all the candidates parents by thresholding
    int[] paTemp = new int[] {};
    boolean[] selected = new boolean[paPoly[0].length];
    Arrays.fill(selected, false);
    for (int j : paTree[root]) {
      for (int k : paTree[root]) {
        if (j < k) {
          if (paPoly[root][j] != 2 && paPoly[root][k] != 2) {
            if (CD[j][k] < miThreshold) {
              if (!selected[j]) {
                paTemp = A.append(paTemp, j);
                selected[j] = true;
              if (!selected[k]) {
                paTemp = A.append(paTemp, k);
                selected[k] = true;

    // 1 if root is a multi-parent node, save its direct parents and children if any
    if (paTemp.length > 1) {
      int maxN = para2; // set the maximum number of parents
      double[] DepScore = new double[paTemp.length];
      for (int j = 0; j < paTemp.length; j++) {
        for (int k : paTemp) {
          if (paTemp[j] < k) DepScore[j] = DepScore[j] + CD[paTemp[j]][k];
          else DepScore[j] = DepScore[j] + CD[k][paTemp[j]];
      double[] copyDepScore = DepScore.clone();
      // 1.1 |pa(root)| exceeds the maxN, remove some parents from pa(root)
      if (paTemp.length > maxN) {
        for (int j = 0; j < maxN; j++) {
          for (int k = 0; k < DepScore.length; k++) {
            if (copyDepScore[j] == DepScore[k]) {
              paPoly[root][paTemp[k]] = 3;
              paPoly[paTemp[k]][root] = 2;
              flagCB[root] = true;
      } else {
        // 1.2 otherwise (pa(root) is small enough), save the pa(root)
        for (int j : paTemp) {
          paPoly[root][j] = 3;
          paPoly[j][root] = 2;
          flagCB[root] = true;
      // save the non-parent nodes as child nodes
      for (int j : paTree[root]) {
        if (paPoly[root][j] != 3) {
          paPoly[root][j] = 2;
          paPoly[j][root] = 3;
          flagCB[j] = true;
      visited[root] = true;
    } else if (flagCB[root]) { // 2 if CB exists for root, build it following causal flows
      for (int j : paTree[root]) {
        if (paPoly[root][j] != 3) {
          paPoly[root][j] = 2;
          paPoly[j][root] = 3;
          flagCB[j] = true;
      visited[root] = true;
    } else { // 3 if CB doesn't exist for root, assign undirected edges
      for (int j : paTree[root]) {
        if (paPoly[root][j] == 0) paPoly[root][j] = 1;

      visited[root] = true;