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Storm connector for HBase using AsyncHBase client

This connector for Apache Storm use AsyncHBase client to persist raw data and Trident states to Apache HBase.


AyncHBase client a is fully asynchronous and thread-safe client for Apache HBase. Unlike the traditional HBase client (HTable) you only need one instance of the client per HBase cluster you want to interact with. Even if you want to interact with multiple tables. It avoid unnecessary waiting threads and allow batch of requests to run in parallel even in synchronous mode.
The client provide client side buffering, which may induce some latency in your topology. You might tweak the default 100ms flush interval if you care about latency. This connector tries to provide flexibility and high performance, the non-blocking fashion should reduce pressure on both Storm and HBase. I suggest you to read the javadoc for all more detailed information.


Usage example can be found in the storm.asynchbase.example package

  • Client configuration
    You have to register a configuration Map in the topology Config for each client you want to use.
    Map<String, String> hBaseConfig = new HashMap<>();
    hBaseConfig.put("zkQuorum", "node1,node2,node3");
    hBaseConfig.put("zkPath", "/hbase");
    conf.put("hbase-cluster", hBaseConfig);
  • Mapper
    To map Storm tuple to HBase RPC requests you'll have to provide some mappers to the bolts, function, states. You'll be able to use method chaining syntax to configure them. You can either map a query parameter to a tuple field or to a fixed constant value. You can also provide serializers to format input values to a specific type.
    IAsyncHBaseMapper mapper = new AsyncHBaseMapper()
                .addFieldMapper(new AsyncHBaseFieldMapper()
                        .setColumnQualifierSerializer(new IntegerSerializer())
  • Bolts
    AsyncHBaseBolt is used to execute requests for each incoming tuple, it use on or more FieldMapper to build the requests from the tuple's fields. All requests executed from a tuple are executed in parallel. By default this bolt is asynchronous, be sure to read the doc to fully understand what it does.
            new AsyncHBaseBolt("hbase-cluster", mapper),

ExtractKeyValuesBolt is used to extract cells values returned by a GetRequests to some tuples containing the cell property as field values. You can choose which property you want to retrieve with the boolean flags passed to the constructor. You can also provide deserializer to map property to a specific type.

        new ExtractKeyValues(false, false, false, true, false) // return only the value
        .setValueDeserializer(new IntSerializer())
  • Trident Operations
    ExecuteHBaseRpcs is a Trident function that mimic the behaviour of the AsyncHBaseBolt in a trident topology.
    .each(new Fields("args"), new ExecuteHBaseRpcs("hbase-cluster", mapper, "get values").setAsync(false), new Fields("values"))    

ExtractKeyValues is a Trident function that mimic the behaviour of the ExtractKeyValuesBolt in a trident topology.

        new Fields("values"),
        new ExtractKeyValues(false, false, false, true, false)
            .setValueDeserializer(new IntSerializer()),
        new Fields("value"))
  • Trident State
    This is a TridentState implementation to persist a partition to HBase using AsyncHBase client. It should be used with the partition persist method. You should only use this state if your update is idempotent regarding batch replay. Use the AsyncHBaseStateUpdater / AsyncHBaseStateQuery and AsyncHBaseStateFactory to interact with it. You have to provide mappers for update and(or) query function.
    AsyncHBaseState.Options streamRateOptions = new AsyncHBaseState.Options();
    streamRateOptions.cluster = "hbase-cluster";
    streamRateOptions.updateMapper = new AsyncHBaseTridentFieldMapper()
         .setColumnQualifier("stream rate")
         .setRowKey("global rate")
         .setValueSerializer(new AsyncHBaseLongSerializer());
    streamRateOptions.queryMapper = new AsyncHBaseTridentFieldMapper()
         .setColumnQualifier("stream rate")
         .setRowKey("global rate");
    TridentState streamRate = stream
            .aggregate(new Fields(), new StreamRateAggregator(2), new Fields("rate"))
                new AsyncHBaseStateFactory(streamRateOptions),
                new Fields("rate"),
                new AsyncHBaseStateUpdater()
    topology.newDRPCStream("stream rate drpc", drpc)
            new AsyncHBaseStateQuery()
                .setValueDeserializer(new AsyncHBaseLongSerializer()),
            new Fields("rate"))
  • Trident MapState This is a Trident State implementation backed by HBase using AsyncHBase client. It can provide an LRU Cache to speed up multiget. It can handle both NON-TRANSACTIONAL, TRANSACTIONAL and OPAQUE modes.
    AsyncHBaseMapState.Options sumStateOptions = new AsyncHBaseMapState.Options<TransactionalValue>();
        sumStateOptions.cluster = "hbase-cluster";
        sumStateOptions.table = "test";
        sumStateOptions.columnFamily = "data";
        sumStateOptions.columnQualifier = "total";
    TridentState sumState = stream
                .groupBy(new Fields("key"))
                    new Fields("value"),
                    new Sum(),
                    new Fields("sum"))


  • Handle scan requests to get data from HBase to Storm


AsyncHBase storm mapper






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