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RefluxEdit is a small and simple text editor written in Java. Being my first project, RefluxEdit aims at being a lightweight but powerful text editor which works on different operating systems.


This is a legal agreement between you and the developer(s) of RefluxEdit.

RefluxEdit is distributed under Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL 2.0). You are free to distribute, modify, copy or share RefluxEdit and you are welcome to use RefluxEdit everywhere for any purpose for free, as long as you strictly comply with the MPL 2.0 license. The source code of RefluxEdit can be found in SourceForge page.

RefluxEdit is provided "AS IS" and WITHOUT warranties. RefluxEdit does not contain any spyware, adware or malware. Please be reminded that the RefluxEdit trademark is not open to the public. If you do not agree to the above term(s), you should remove RefluxEdit immediately. It is not possible to avoid abiding by the agreement(s) by language reason(s).

Version History:
RefluxEdit 6.0alpha 2016-03-04
-New function: syntax highlighting
-New function: brace matching
	(Supporting C, C++ and Java)
-New function: line and column indicator
-New function: integrated status bar
-Changed: preview text area font
-Fixed bug #00044: encoding warning dialog

RefluxEdit 5.2 2015-11-07
-New function: Mac OS X integration
-Changed: enhanced file chooser
-Changed: enhanced color chooser
-Changed: enhanced image exporter

RefluxEdit 5.1 2015-08-09
-New function: open recent files
-New function: enhanced saving dialog
-New function: indentation mode
-Changed: enhanced toolbar
-Changed: enhanced base converter
-Changed: option dialog
-Changed: enhanced icons
-Fixed bug #00041: appending ".txt" in system file chooser
-Fixed bug #00042: counting whitespaces
-Fixed bug #00043: popup menu style
-Removed: update checker

RefluxEdit 5.0 2015-07-09
-New function: show asterisk (*) for unsaved files
-New function: drag tab to swap
-New function: line counter
-New function: convenient file browser dialog
-New function: delete blank lines options
-New function: custom file format
-Changed: option dialog
-Changed: tab width
-Changed: multi-line regex matcher
-Changed: enhanced tab popup detection
-Changed: enhanced class creator
-Changed: enhanced toolbar look
-Changed: more compile options
-Changed: hide toolbars by default
-Changed: not confirm drag by default
-Changed: default frame location
-Changed: undo and redo icons
-Removed: visit SourceForge
-Fixed bug #00034: open files which are previously closed
-Fixed bug #00035: wrong compile command
-Fixed bug #00036: wrong search selection
-Fixed bug #00037: wrong word and character count in selection
-Fixed bug #00038: dialog location out of visible area
-Fixed bug #00039: blocking GUI during compilation
-Fixed bug #00040: not showing toolbar in Nimbus Look and Feel

RefluxEdit 5.0beta2
-Internal testing version

RefluxEdit 5.0beta1 2015-06-10
-New function: system tray
-New function: create new tab using clipboard text
-New function: create new Java class
-New function: open multiple files by file association
-New function: open from URL (in Open file (quick) dialog)
-New function: hints
-New function: Cancel option in tab popup menu
-Changed: GUI look enhancement
-Fixed bug #00031: color dialog location
-Fixed bug #00032: non-editable text area caret
-Fixed bug #00033: character count dialog percentage

RefluxEdit 5.0alpha 2015-05-10
-Major code rewrite
-New function: tabbed editor
-New function: monitor external file change
-New function: integrated Search and Replace dialog, supporting regex and case-sensitivity
-New function: new base converter, supporting base 2 to 36
-New function: regular expression matcher
-New function: escape and unescape string
-New function: option for enabling/disabling confirm drag
-New function: fast mode in exporting image
-New function: new hotkey Ctrl+F3 for character count
-Changed: enhanced FILE menu looks in Ribbon UI
-Changed: character count table row sorter
-Changed: compilation dialog
-Changed: Look and Feel (Windows and Nimbus)
-Changed: menu selection background
-Changed: more packed ribbon menu
-Changed: new icons
-Changed: JFileChooser
-Changed: integrated color chooser
-Changed: right-click menu items for indentation
-Removed: explicit Sstem.gc() call
-Fixed bug #00030: remove caret position table

RefluxEdit 4.1
-Internal testing version

RefluxEdit 4.0 2015-02-14
-Changed: tooltip text of indentation adjustment
-Changed: enhanced look in Nimbus LAF
-Fixed bug #00029: drag text

RefluxEdit 4.0beta4
-Internal testing version

RefluxEdit 4.0beta3 2015-01-31
-New function: check update automatically
-New function: increase/decrease indentation
-New function: use different compile commands for each file
-Changed: new right-click menu item ("Select all", "Select all and copy")
-Changed: enhanced FILE menu design
-Fixed bug #00027: freeze GUI when calculating words and characters through corner counter
-Fixed bug #00028: filter properties for caret save function

RefluxEdit 4.0beta2 2015-01-06
-New function: save caret position
-Changed: added edge in HELP tab
-Changed: styled button in "Export to image" dialog
-Fixed bug #00026: delete wrong characters

RefluxEdit 4.0beta1 2015-01-02
-New function: display progress bar when replacing text
-New function: display umbrella
-Fixed bug #00022: not stoping searcing after closing progress
-Fixed bug #00023: pasting text twice
-Fixed bug #00024: not saving auto indentation option
-Fixed bug #00025: default compilation command

RefluxEdit 4.0alpha 2014-12-31
-New function: more encoding option
-New function: automatic encoding detection
-New function: failed loading reminder
-New function: open with specified charset
-New function: undo record dialog
-New function: close save dialog
-New function: compile function
-New function: auto indentation
-Changed: faster when loading file
-Changed: much faster when generating random words
-Changed: enhanced undo and redo function
-Changed: integrated option dialog
-Changed: show progress bar when loading text file from arguments
-Changed: new toolbar button (Undo, Redo, Select all and Select all and copy)
-Changed: "Open file" menu structure in Ribbon UI
-Changed: "View" menu
-Changed: icon added
-Fixed bug #00017: not calculating number of rows correctly
-Fixed bug #00018: invert character in selection
-Fixed bug #00019: word count in selection
-Fixed bug #00020: copy to replace selection
-Fixed bug #00021: not calculating number of words after cancelling selection

RefluxEdit 3.2
-Internal testing version

RefluxEdit 3.1 2014-12-21
-New function: bottom-left corner word count panel
-New function: invert character
-New function: insert spaces between characters
-Changed: more stable startup
-Changed: hexadecimal changed to uppercase
-Changed: faster response speed of cancelling generating random words
-Changed: automatic commit edit of spinner
-Changed: added icons to menu items

RefluxEdit 3.0 2014-10-31
-New function: visit SourceForge page:
-Changed: "Help" ribbon design
-Changed: slighly changed "File" menu separators

RefluxEdit 3.0beta1 2014-09-30
-New function: accelerator hint in Ribbon UI
-Changed: default encoding (provide both PrintWriter and FileOutputStream mode)
-Changed: enhanced undo/redo function
-Changed: added separator in File menu
-Changed: added warning message when using delete blank lines function
-Changed: line separator dialog
-Changed: default text area font size (changed from 13 to 15)
-Changed: tooltip text font in Nimbus Look and Feel
-Fixed bug #00014: still editable after disabling editing the text
-Fixed bug #00015: not updating saved state after using specific tools
-Fixed bug #00016: not saving image correctly

RefluxEdit 3.0alpha 2014-09-18
-Major change: Ribbon UI
-New function: insert unicode character and unicode value
-New function: line separator options
-Changed: unified button style
-Changed: default saving method (PrintWriter used)
-Changed: enhanced undo/redo function
-Fixed bug #00013: not closing progress dialog when failed to open file

RefluxEdit 2.2
-Internal testing version

RefluxEdit 2.1 2014-08-30
-New function: export text to image (format supported by ImageIO)
-New function: character count
-Changed: menu bar color (can be restored)
-Changed: slightly narrower edges (can be restored)
-Changed: much faster "Generate random words" function (algorithm in RefluxEdit 1.2)
-Changed: not showing word count dialog if text area is empty

RefluxEdit 2.0 2014-07-23
-New function: color chooser (JColorChooser)
-New function: base converter (base 2, 8, 10 and 16)
-New function: execute System.gc() (reduce memory usage)
-Changed: menu structure (new Options menu, new Case conversion menu)
-Changed: some radio buttons changed to check boxes due to convention
-Changed: use larger icon in "New" menu item
-Changed: change of color of some button when mouse entered
-Changed: About dialog icon changed to Duke
-Changed: no need to restart after choosing top panel mode
-Fixed bug #00009: flawed frame (blank frame, missing component etc)
-Fixed bug #00010: not adding .txt automatically when using "Save" instead of "Save as"
-Fixed bug #00011: not resetting current file label and internal current file when opening file is aborted
-Fixed bug #00012: toolbar buttons become white after being clicked

RefluxEdit 2.0beta4 2014-07-12
-New function: Simple 4-button panel, toolbar or no container mode
-New function: text area font selection
-Changed: show beta version in About dialog

RefluxEdit 2.0beta3rev1 2014-07-09
-Fixed bug #00008: failed file association due to progress bar

RefluxEdit 2.0beta3 2014-07-09
-Changed: display an indeterminate progress bar dialog when opening file
-Changed: Information Dialog icon changed to dark yellow (Nimbus Look and Feel)
-Fixed bug #00006: not showing dialog on top of main window
-Fixed bug #00007: caret position changed after performing undo action

RefluxEdit 2.0beta2 2014-06-28
-New function: detect state of being modified (not saved)
-New function: drag and drop support
-New function: set Look and Feel
-Fixed bug #00004: failed to choose type in Beta chooser
-Fixed bug #00005: failed to save some unicode characters

RefluxEdit 2.0beta1 2014-06-25
-beta release of major rewrite
-Speed improvement
-Changed: lighter background for disabled background
-Changed: much faster search/replace
-New function: add keybord shortcut
-New function: add menu item icons
-Fixed bug #00002: failed to open some small text files
-Fixed bug #00003: failed to save some selection color

RefluxEdit 2.0alpha 2014-06-21
-Major rewrite
-Speed improvement
-Changed: splash screen added
-Changed: use slightly bigger words (size: 13)
-Changed: menu structure
-Changed: unfocusable buttons
-New function: (beta) support 4 encodings
-New function: 3 file choosers
-New function: text area selection color option
-New function: tab size option
-New function: word counter
-New function: show progress bar when generating random words

RefluxEdit 1.4alpha
-Internal testing version

RefluxEdit 1.3
-Internal testing version

RefluxEdit 1.2 2014-03-06
-New function: file association support (Windows executable)
-New function: save settings
-New function: appending ".txt"
-Changed: file chooser size

RefluxEdit 1.1 2014-02-06
-Fixed bug #00001: Not cancelling the "Find" dialog
-New functions: Open File (quick), Invert case, Insert key words, Generate random words
-Changed: JMenuBar appearance

RefluxEdit 1.0 2014-02-03
-First release version

Please feel free to contact tony200910041 by email,, or at GitHub page,, if you have further enquiries, problems or suggestions. Your advice would be highly appreciated.