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#GWT Plugin for Eclipse The GWT Plugin for Eclipse repository.


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###Repository manifest

  • common/ - common library.
  • eclipse/ - Eclipse settings resources such as code style imports.
  • features/ - Eclipse features for plug-in by Eclipse platform version.
  • plugins/ - Eclipse plug-ins.
  • tools/ - Third party tools to for working on this project.

GPE V2 Setup


  1. Classic launchers are deprecated. The SDM launcher is replacing the classic dev mode launcher.
  2. GWT Nature is being replaced by GWT Facet


  1. Clone Project
  2. mvn clean verify -DskipTests - this will download the two sdks needed for GWT_HOME and GAE_HOME
  3. Create the enviromental vars
  4. Install dependent plugin features needed in IDE


Please provide a unit test(s) for any patch and if one doesn't exist it may not get merged.

  1. Sign the CLA before pulling.
  2. Please provide unit tests when submitting a patch.
  3. If a patch is fixing something that already exists and it doesn't have a unit test, please write one.
  4. Please do not code dump, that is create large pulls. If for some reason it's large please sync with the owners.
  5. Please provide amble context with processes, method names, classnames and variable names.


  • 2/2 spacing
  • 120 characters for lines and comments


  • Jpa facet will turn on if the artifact <groupId>javax.jdo</groupId> <artifactId>jdo-api</artifactId> exists.

##GPE V1 Setup

##Configuring the Eclipse Workspace This file contains instructions on how to setup the Eclipse environment to work with the source code for the Google Plug-in for Eclipse.

Configuring the Eclipse workspace to develop on the GPE is very much like getting set up to develop for GWT. Most of the same style rules apply, and Eclipse projects are provided for import. The "settings" directory mentioned below is under "eclipse", in your checkout of google-plugin-for-eclipse.

  • Macintosh users: Note that on the Macintosh version of Eclipse, "Preferences" is under the "Eclipse" menu, not under "Window".

Default Eclipse settings will give you out of memory errors in many test and compile steps. Modify the eclipse.ini file in your root Eclipse directory in the following ways:

  • Change -Xmx512m to at least -Xmx1024m

##Dependent Projects and SDKs These must be configured prior to the Google Plug-in for Eclipse.

###Java 7 Google App Engine requires Java 7. Install and configure the Java 7 SE JDK for your specific OS. More details.

###Google App Engine SDK The GAE SDK for Java must be downloaded and unzipped locally. Get the latest version.

###GWT The Google plug-in for Eclipse depends on the GWT SDK, GWT trunk, and GWT Tools.

  1. Checkout the GWT trunk (git) and GWT Tools (svn) using these instructions.
  2. Download the GWT SDK.
  3. Unzip the GWT SDK to an appropriate location (i.e. /opt/gwt-2.6.1).

Optional - See the GWT README.txt for more details on configuring a GWT contributor environment.

##Environment Variables Update your .bashrc (or equivalent) file with the following Environment Variables. For Eclipse to pick up these variables, it may be required to run it from a terminal window instead of from the launcher.

  • export GWT_HOME=<path to GWT SDK> i.e. /opt/gwt-2.6.1
  • export GWT_VERSION=<version number> i.e. 2.6.1
  • export GWT_ROOT=<local path>/gwt/trunk
  • export GWT_TOOLS=<local path>/gwt/tools
  • export GAE_HOME=<path to GAE SDK> i.e. /opt/appengine-java-sdk-1.9.6
  • export JDK_HOME=<path to JDK> i.e. /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle
  • export JAVA_HOME=<path to JDK> i.e. /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle

##Eclipse Plug-in Development Settings

  • Open Window->Preferences->Plug-in Development
  • Verify that the Workspace location defaults are appropriate
  • For new Eclipse Applications, ${workspace_loc}/../runtime- with "Append launch configuration name" should work.
  • For JUnit Plug-in Tests, ${workspace_loc}/../junit-workspace with "Use as workspace location" should work.
  • Select Plug-in Development->API Baselines and verify that you have a default baseline.
  • If you do not, select "Add Baseline..." and select the location of the Eclipse installation that you want to be used in your launches. Give it an appropriate name.

Some projects will not compile without an Eclipse API Baseline defined.

##Dependent Plug-ins

  • Restart Eclipse to detect the new plug-ins.

###All Eclipse versions

###Eclipse 3.3, 3.4

  • Copy the plug-in JARs from tools/swtbot/3.3 into your Eclipse's /dropins directory (on 3.4) or /plugins directory (on 3.3).

###Eclipse 3.5

  • Copy the plug-in JARs from tools/swtbot/3.5 into your Eclipse's /dropins directory.

###Eclipse 3.7


  1. Go to Help->Install New Software
  2. From the drop down list, select Google Internal for Eclipse 3.7
  • If you are not using the internal version of Eclipse, install Mylyn Commons from the Indigo Update site.
  1. Uncheck Group Items by Category
  2. Install Mylyn Commons

###Eclipse 4.3 For Eclipse version 4.3 (Kepler).

####SWTBot Install SWTBot for automated testing.

  1. Goto SWTBot for testing Eclipse Applications
  2. Goto Install New Sofware:
  3. Select all and install. Sources are optional.

####Dali Install Dali for the JPA persistence plug-ins.

  1. Goto Install New Software.
  2. Filter Dali.
  3. Select all the Dali Java Persistence Tools - * and install them.

##Formatting Preferences

###Text Editors

  1. Window->Preferences->General->Editors->Text Editors
  2. Make sure that "Displayed Tab Width" is set to 2
  3. Enable "Insert Spaces for Tabs"
  4. Enable "Show Print Margin" and set "Print Margin Column" to 80

###XML Files

  1. Window->Preferences->Web and XML->XML Files->Source, (or Window->Preferences->XML->XML Files->Editor, if you can't find it there)
  2. Set "Line Width" 80
  3. Enable "Split Multiple Attributes Each of a New Line"
  4. Enable "Indent Using Spaces" with an Indentation Size of 4

###Ant Build Files

  1. Window->Preferences->Ant->Editor->Formatter
  2. Set "Tab Size" to 4
  3. Disable "Use Tabs Instead of Spaces"
  4. Set "Maximum Line Width" to 80
  5. Enable "Wrap Long Element Tags"


  1. Window->Preferences->General->Editors->Text Editors->Spelling
  2. Enable spell checking.
  3. Use "settings/english.dictionary".

##Project Preferences

###Output Filtering

  1. Window->Preferences->Java->Compiler->Building
  2. Make sure "Filtered Resources" includes ".svn/"

###Code Templates

  1. Window->Preferences->Java->Code Style->Code Templates

  2. Comments->Files template should look like this:

    * Copyright ${year} Google Inc.
    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
    * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
    * the License at
    * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
    * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
    * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
    * the License.
  3. Comments->Types template should look like this:

     * ${tags}

###Save Actions

  1. Window->Preferences->Java->Editor->Save Actions
  2. Enable "Perform the Selected Actions on Save"
  3. Enable "Format Source Code"
  4. Enable "Organize Imports"
  5. Enable "Additional Actions"
  6. Click "Configure", and make sure that all actions are disabled except "Sort Members" and "Ignore fields and enum constants"

##Code style/formatting

  1. Window->Preferences->Java->Code Style->Formatter->Import...
  2. Import settings/code-style/gwt-format.xml

##Import organization

  1. Window->Preferences->Java->Code Style->Organize Imports->Import...
  2. Import settings/code-style/gwt.importorder

##Member sort order

  1. Window->Preferences->Java->Appearance->Members Sort Order
  2. There is no import here, so make your settings match:

###Sort members First, members should be sorted by category.

  1. Types
  2. Static Fields
  3. Static Initializers
  4. Static Methods
  5. Fields
  6. Initializers
  7. Constructors
  8. Methods

###Sort visibility Second, members in the same category should be sorted by visibility.

  1. Public
  2. Protected
  3. Default
  4. Private

Third, within a category/visibility combination, members should be sorted alphabetically.

##Checkstyle Checkstyle is used to enforce good programming style. Currently Checkstyle configuring is being revisted and the new policies are TBA. The GWT team upgraded to Checkstyle 5.7 and modified their policies recently.

Do not try to enable the Checkstyle plug-in at this time as the code base will fail about 700+ checks.

##Importing the Google Plug-in projects

Having set up your workspace appropriately, you can now import the appropriate projects.

File -> Import -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace

  1. Select your checkout of the trunk of google-plugin-for-eclipse to see all of the Eclipse projects.
  2. Import the projects that correspond to the version of Eclipse that you are using for development. For example, if you have Eclipse 4.3, do not import a project that has "e33" in its name. Projects with 'e43' in their name should be imported in this case.
  3. Do not import the 'gwt-dev-tools' or 'gwt-dev-tools-gen' projects as they are not needed and will introduce dependencies that you don't need to worry about. If you see Eclipse errors about dependencies on gwt-user, this is the likely cause.

##Launching the Plug-in

  • Once your projects have been imported, go to the Package Explorer and right-click on the "" project.
  • Go to "Run As" -> "Eclipse Application".
  • Another instance of Eclipse should launch, running the GPE!

##Running JUnit Tests The following packages are tested by Run As->JUnit Test:


##Running SWTBot Unit Tests The following packages are tested by Run As->SWTBot Test:


Running SWTBot unit tests individually can take more memory.

Use larger memory configurations

  • Debug Configurations -> Arguments -> Vm Arguments > -Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=128m

##Running JUnit Plug-in Tests The following packages are tested by Run As->JUnit Plug-in Test:



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  • Java 97.8%
  • HTML 2.0%
  • Other 0.2%