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A Java ENcoder (and decoder) for ISO8583 messages.


jen8583 is a Java based tool which uses XML to define how parts of the ISO8583 message is encoded & decoded. Although ISO8583 has different versions, jen8583 is not limited to a particular version and is designed to handle only the fundamental structure (header/mti/bitmap/data elements) of an ISO8583 message. However, the tool provides a facility (custom codec) for a user to handle version specific encoding & decoding.



Create a configuration located in the classpath (e.g. config.xml) and point the location of the schema to (ensure the correct version of the library is used for the xsd, in this example 0.0.3 was used). An example configuration below defines a default char encoding for VLI (variable length indicators), char encoding for numeric fields as well as date fields. By default, fields not marked with mandatory="false" are mandatory. The configuration can have a header element as well as message-ext elements but the example below shows the minimal set of elements required to be defined.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<iso xmlns:xsi="" xmlns=""
        <var tag-encoding="CHAR" length-encoding="CHAR" />
        <alpha justified="LEFT" trim="true" />
        <numeric encoding="CHAR" />
        <date timezone="SYSTEM" encoding="CHAR" />
        <ordinality mandatory="true" />

    <mti-encoding type="CHAR" />

    <msg-bitmap type="BINARY" />
    <message mti="0200">
        <alpha-var index="2" length="2" />
        <numeric index="3" length="6" mandatory="false" />
        <numeric index="4" length="12" />
        <date index="7" format="MMddHHmmss" timezone="UTC" />
        <numeric index="11" length="6" />
        <date index="12" format="HHmmss" />
        <date index="13" format="MMdd" />
        <composite index="28" mandatory="false">
            <alpha length="1" />
            <numeric length="8" />

###Creating an IsoMessageCodec Create an instance of the IsoMessageCodec using the your configuration file name:

IsoMessageDef def ="config.xml");
IsoMessageCodec codec = new IsoMessageCodec(def);

The codec created is thread safe and can be used for encoding and decoding IsoMessages across multiple threads.

###Encoding Encoding and IsoMessage requires you to have built an IsoMessage instance first.

Creating instances of IsoMessage requires an MTI (in this example a 0200 message is created):

IsoMessage isoMessage = new IsoMessage(200);

Setting fields of an IsoMessage requires an index parameter and the value:

isoMessage.setField(7, new Date());
isoMessage.setField("28.1", "C");
isoMessage.setField("28.2", 200);

The index value can be an integer or an index expression. An index expression is a string which contains indexes separated by dot (.) that refers to nested fields.

Encoding an IsoMessage instance would result in a byte array (without length prefix):

byte[] encodedMessage = codec.encode(isoMessage);

###Decoding Decoding messages decodes a byte array (without length prefix) to an IsoMessage instance:

IsoMessage decodedMessage = codec.decode(isoBytes);

After decoding, fields can be accessed from the decoded message by passing the index or index expression.

Date transmissionDate = decodedMessage.getField(7);
Integer stan = decodedMessage.getField(11);
String transactionFeePrefix = decodedMessage.getField("28.1");
Integer transactionFee = decodedMessage.getField("28.2");

Advanced Configuration





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