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README for LlamaChat-0.8

|           Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Joseph Monti, LlamaChat       |
|                         |
|                                                                 |
| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or   |
| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License     |
| as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2  |
| of the License, or (at your option) any later version.          |
|                                                                 |
| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of  |
| GNU General Public License for more details.                    |
|                                                                 |
| A copy of the GNU General Public License may be found in the    |
| installation directory named "GNUGPL.txt"                       |
|                                                                 |

Table Of Contents:
1. RELEASE NOTES	- any notes concerning this release
2. COMPILING		- instructions on compiling (optional)
3. INSTALLATION 	- guide to installation
4. CONFIGURATION	- required and recommended configuration steps
5. USAGE			- methods of invoking an using LlamaChat
6. CHANGES			- changes and bugfixes since last release


Any assistance in working out the bugs in this software would be
greatly appreciated. You can submit bugs here:

I am compiling an FAQ, so if you have any questions (even if you can
answer them yourself, but think others may not) please contact me.

To use LlamaChat you will need Sun's Java JRE v1.4 or higher.
You can find this here:
Download the appropriate package for your system, and follow the
instructions provided by Sun. To find out what version you have
type 'java -version' at a console.

All references to folders in this document are assumed to be 
the folder in which this file is located, unless otherwise stated.

In this document I will be referencing commands that need to be executed
at the command line. In Linux, you probably know what I'm talking about, 
but in windows you must click Start->Run... and type 'cmd' or 'command' 
at the prompt. Then navigate to the llamachat directory.

Changes to this release can be found at the bottom of this document


This section is only if you want to build it yourself. I provide
jar files (a jar file is a java archive of compiled java code) for 
the client and server so there is no need for you to build them 
yourself unless you are changing the code. Because Java is cross-
platform, the provided jar files will work anywhere. If you are using 
pre-built jar files skip to INSTALLATION.

To compile LlamaChat you will need Sun's SDK (Software Development Kit),
which can be found here:

Also, there is the option to compile using Ant, which can be 
found here:
Ant is a Java-based build tool. As you will see below, it will make
the compilation process much easier. In theory, it is kind of like Make, 
but without Make's wrinkles. Ant is highly recommended if you are
going to be compiling LlamaChat.


		If you have ant:

				ant LlamaChatServer
			this compiles the server and creates a jar file


			create a directory called 'build', then
				javac -d build -sourcepath src src/server/

				jar -cmf src/server/LlamaChatServer.manifest \
									server/LlamaChatServer.jar \
									-C build server -C build common

			or if you are running Linux you can do this
			NOTE: the \ at the end of the line means a continuation of the 
			command. It has to be all in one command to work. Make you want to 
			get Ant?

		if you have ant:

				ant LlamaChat

			this compiles the server and creates a jar file


			create a directory called 'build', then
				javac -d build -sourcepath src src/client/

				jar -cf client/LlamaChat.jar -C build client -C build common
			or if you are running Linux you can do this

If there are any compilation problems email them along with your
version of the SDK and platform (Operating System) to

If you have Ant, you can run the following commands from within the
LlamaChat directory

	ant					- build the client and server from sources to jar
	ant clean			- cleans all .class files
	ant clean_jar		- removes jar files
	ant javadoc			- creates javadoc information
	ant LlamaChat		- build the client from sources to jar
	ant LlamaChatServer	- build the server from sources to jar
	ant -f LlamaChat.xml
						- alternative to ant LlamaChat
	ant -f LlamaChat.xml compile
						- only compile the client (creates .class files only)
	ant -f LlamaChat.xml clean 
						- cleans used .class files
	ant -f LlamaChatServer.xml
						- alternative to ant LlamaChatServer
	ant -f LlamaChatServer.xml compile
						- only compile the server (creates .class files only)
	ant -f LlamaChatServer.xml clean
						- cleans used .class files


Because the LlamaChat client is a Java based applet that must be loaded from
a web browser there are strict rules on where the server and client can be 
installed. Java applets can only allowed for security reasons to create a 
network connection with the server from which it was loaded. In other words, 
if you want to put LlamaChat on, LlamaChatServer must be running 
on and server must also be running a web server 
containing the client applet and necessary html code. At this point you
should have two jar files, client/ (the client), and 
server/ (the server) either precompiled from the source
package, or self compiled.

		I provided a shell script for those Unix users out there.
		Simply run './scripts/' which will install 
		the server to /usr/local/llamachat and create a script
		in /usr/bin/llamachat to start the server. If you really
		don't want /usr/bin/llamachat you can edit the
		script. Also note that the bin script will not put llamachat
		in the background. It is recommended that it is called from
		an init script in /etc/init.d/ for easy control.
		For all others (Windows, etc), or if you don't want to use my script,
		copy the server folder to where you wish it to be installed. 
		This folder contains the jar file and an example configuration file. 
		You can put this anywhere (C:\llamachat\, /use/local/llamachat)
		NOTE: in version 1.0 there will be better windows 
		installation/configuration support.


		Copy the 'client' folder to a web hosted directory 
		(i.e. C:\Inetpub\wwwroot, /home/httpd/htdocs). You can rename the 
		directory or place it an subfolders. Place the following code in a web 
		page (ex: index.html) within the copied folder. Contained within this
		folder should now be index.html (or whatever we page you wish), LlamaChat.jar,
		and images directory.

    width="615" height="360" 
  <PARAM name="code" value="client/LlamaChat.class">
  <PARAM name="archive" value="LlamaChat.jar">
  <PARAM name="type" value="application/x-java-applet;version=1.4">
  <PARAM name="scriptable" value="true">
  <PARAM name="username" value="[replace with username]">
  <PARAM name="port" value="[replace with port]">
<EMBED type="application/x-java-applet;version=1.4" 
   width="615" height="360" 
   code="client/LlamaChat.class" archive="LlamaChat.jar"
 username="[replace with username]"
 port="[replace with port]"
		No Java 1.4 plugin


LlamaChat provides many options that can be configured, so the configuration
process is very important.

		A necessary step is to edit the llamachatconf.xml.sample
		file in the installation directory to your liking and
		save as llamachatconf.xml. The server looks for this file
		at startup and if it is not found the server will not run.

		Comments on how to use the configuration file are provided
		in the sample. It is recommended that you read README.config 
		if you are not 100% clear on the options.
		The last important step is to make sure the chat log path is 
		created. If not you will not be able to log chats.


		From the html applet code from INSTALLATION, the username 
		parameter is optional. This can be used to enforce a username 
		(via a registered user database) using some kind of web 
		scripting language. If you do not wish to enforce usernames you 
		can remove the two lines which set the username. They are lines 
		which start with '<PARAM name="username" ...' and 
		'username="[replace ...' Remove the whole line. If you don't want 
		to enforce users, remove the username lines as described above. 
		If the username is left out it will be asked for by the applet 
		when the it starts. 
		The html needs the following values for username, and port
			username 	- OPTIONAL name of the connecting user, must be 
						  dynamic on page if used!
			port 		- the port on which the server is running
		Remember that these options are in 2 places in the html code,
		so don't edit one and forget about the other.

During configuration, be sure to use the same port for both the server and client.


		As of now I do not have a simple mechanism for starting the
		server and keeping it running. In Linux I have been successful
		at creating a startup script in combination with a shell script
		and can easily start/stop/restart the server. The shell script
		to start the server is provided in server/ If you 
		want the init script let me know (keep in mind it is for Gentoo Linux).
		To start the server type

			java -server -jar LlamaChat.jar
		or, if you get a message "ERROR: no 'server' JVM ..."

			java -jar LlamaChat.jar
		To stop the server you can kill it by any means necessary. If
		it was started at a console and not placed in the background
		type control-c. In windows you can control-alt-delete and end
		the process from the task manager. There is a shutdown hook to 
		catch when the server is killed to close up any open files and 
		perform any last second cleanup.

		open the page containing the applet html with a Java v1.4 
		plugin enabled browser


	Additions and Changes:
		- made user icons a bit smaller.
		- doesn't prompt for channel password if there is none
		- no longer lists existing users when joining channel
		- disable/enable channel buttons based on connection
		- disable create channel if user cannot create
		- added private messaging
	Bug Fixes:
		- fixed Join and Create button functionality problems
		- fixed a repeat connection when invalid username error
		- client would not deal with ports in the URL
		- fixed log path issue


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