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Rivr is a lightweight open-source dialogue engine enabling Java developers to easily create enterprise-grade VoiceXML applications.

Read our Getting Started to learn more.

You can also get started by trying some of the Rivr sample applications:

How to build

To build the library from the command line, use the gradlew script: ./gradlew build on *NIX and gradlew.bat build on windows. To show a list of the usable tasks, run gradlew tasks.

Note: remember that Gradle allwos camel-case shortcuts for the task name, as such teCl resolves to testClasses.

Configuring the Gradle wrapper

The gradle wrapper can be configured via the file, under the gradle/wrapper folder. The most important property is the distributionUrl, which determines which version of Gradle is downloaded. The pattern for the url is:[versionNumber]-[versionStyle].zip. The versionStyle can be either bin or all; bin only contains the runtime, where all also contains the documentation and source. By default, we are using bin.

Eclipse integration

Install the Gradle IDE plugin from Spring's update site. To load the projects inside Eclipse, choose File -> Import -> Gradle -> Gradle Project, select the root directory of the project, click Build Model and finish.

You can also configure which version of Gradle the IDE plugin uses: go to Window -> Preferences -> Gradle and change the URI of Gradle distribution. This is the same URL pattern as the Gradle wrapper.

The Rivr subprojects (rivr-core and rivr-voicexml) can also be imported into Eclipse without using the Gradle plugin. In order to to so, you must generate the corresponding .project files. Simply run gradlew eclipse.

Dependency declaration

To reference the published artifact from another project, you declare a dependency on "com.nuecho:rivr-voicexml:0.9.2":

dependencies {
    compile 'com.nuecho:rivr-voicexml:0.9.2'

Dialogue runner

To include the dialogue runner (web interface to simulate VoiceXML) in your Rivr application, include the following in your build.gradle file:

apply plugin: 'war' // Must be a webapp project
configurations { dialogueRunner } 
dependencies {
    dialogueRunner 'com.nuecho:dialogue-runner:0.9.2@war'
repositories { mavenCentral() }
war {
    def dialogueRunner = { zipTree(configurations.dialogueRunner.singleFile) } // This enables lazy resolving

(See the Gradle documentatin for more information on war overlaying.)


Rivr is a lightweight open-source dialogue engine enabling Java developers to easily create enterprise-grade VoiceXML applications.







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