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EECE 419 Group 7 Software Project

GIT Repo Setup

  1. The first thing you will want to do is download a git client. I am on a windows machine and prefer to use the cygwin based git bash which can be downloaded here:

  2. Next you will want to clone your repo. This is done by navigating to any directory on your machine (there is a file length limitation in Windows so I would suggest C: in case our paths grow. Linux and MAC users don't need to worry). Once in the directory, execute the following : git clone

  3. Once you have cloned your directory, you chould see the EECE419Group7 folder which will now serve as your repo endpoint. You will notice a .gitignore file which is analogous to an svn ignore file. UPDATE: I have updated the .ignore file with files and directories that should not be included for staging.

  4. You will mainly be pushing and pulling from the repo. if you execute: git gui, you should see an interface which staging your commits and pushing to the repo alot easier than the command line. For more information on rebases, pushes and pull take a look at this cheatsheet:

Setting up Eclipse

  1. Download eclipse from: Please use the specified release.

  2. You will need the JRE for the Eclipse (and other things) to run.

  3. Run eclipse and go to Window->Install New Software

  4. Enter in m2e releases repository - in the "Work with:" section.

  5. Check the "Maven Integration for Eclipse" and install.

  6. After installing, if the you are prompted to restart eclipse, please do so. I have run into problems in the past when I don't.

  7. Repeat Step 3 to 6 for the following update sites and plugins:

(JAUTODOC) update site: -

Jautodoc will help automatically document methods. Go to the site for usage details.


Should we decide to mavenize our android project. This will be needed.


This is handy for creating our junit tests really quickly. CTRL-J on any class for example, will take you to the unit test associated with that class or prompt you to create one. There are other neat features in this plugin as well.


  1. Download and install from maven 3.0.4 from:

  2. Again, you will need to have the JRE pre-installed.

  3. Define the following environment variables (in windows this is done through MyComputer->(right click) properties ->Advanced System Settings->Environment Variable. Through Linux you can export environment variables):

JAVA_HOME = {You java home directory. e.g C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_07}

M2_HOME = {Where you have installed maven. e.g C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\apache-maven-3.0.4}

MAVEN_OPTS = -Xms256m -Xmx512m

Add both the maven install and the jdk install to your path if the installation hasn;t already done so. (e.g C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\apache-maven-3.0.4\bin;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_07\bin)

  1. Navigate to your .m2 folder which is in your C:\Users{your-name} folder for windows or your home directory for linux.

  2. Copy the change-to-settings.xml file committed to your .m2 folder.

  3. Change the name of the file copied to settings.xml.

  4. Open up your favourite command prompt.

  5. Type and execute: mvn --version

  6. You should see maven versioning information.

  7. Go to your checkout folder and into the schedushare-core project.

  8. Execute a: mvn clean install

  9. You should see a build success message if everything was setup correctly.


EECE 419 Group 7 Software Project






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