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WAG is a tool for extracting aliases from a Wikipedia xml dump or export. It parses the XML and WikiText markup to discover synonymy, hyponymy, and other types of potentially useful alias relations.


You can get the latest snapshot from our maven repository:

(You probably want one of the bin-with-deps artefacts. These include all the require libraries and are good to go.)

Alias types

The software produces aliases from wiki data, using a number of different heuristics. Each type can be enabled and disabled independently (see usage section below.) Some type have a number of sub-types; the specifics of which are context dependent.


Exact match to the page title. Relation source and target will be the same. Note this will always be an identity alias so that option must be enabled or it will never be produced.


When a page contains the {{lowercase title}} template (e.g iPod, gzip, ...) then the upper case title will be denoted as an alias of the lower-case variant (since lowercase is less ambiguous.) I.e source is upper-case, target is lower-case.


From wiki internal links (to other pages) we extract the link surface text as an alias for the title of the target page.


When a page that contains #REDIRECT [[target]] directive it indicates that it should permanently redirect to the target page. We exact the redirecting page title as an alias of the target.


Common and canonical names for a topic are conventionally listed in bold in the articles first paragraph. Note however that this is purely syntactic markup, and so is liable to be used for other meanings. When this type is enabled, the bold surface text is produced as an alias of the page title.


Disambiguation (DAB) pages contains internal links to articles that each represent a single sense of the page title. When this type is enabled, the DAB title is extracted as an alias for each of the linked articles.


There may be multiple terms that refer to the same disambiguation page (e.g AMP redirects to Amp). This is indicated with bold text at the start of the disambiguation page, or hat-note redirects. These are extracted (as types P1BOLD and HAT_NOTE, respectively) but are not distinguished from normal pages. Consequently this type is never produced; enabling or disabling it does nothing. It is included for the sake of completeness with prior work.


Articles frequently contain special templates to indicate related content. For example the template {{About|USE1||PAGE2}} transcludes to "This page is about USE1. For other uses, see PAGE2." There are a large number of variations on this theme, each of which is handled slightly differently, but in general we extract aliases where a more ambiguous terms references a less ambiguous term.


Page titles frequently contains disambiguation suffixes as bracketed terms or after a comma. When this alias type is enabled we permute page titles by stripping all combinations of disambiguation suffix, and include each variation as an alias of the full title.

Note there is one exception: the suffix (disambiguation), which is used to denote a disambiguation page. If this suffix is encountered it is always stripped.


Articles about people usually contain a special infobox denoted by the {{Persondata}} template. This includes, among other things, a list of ALTERNATIVE NAMES for the individual. When this type is enabled we extra each alternative name as an alias of the page title.

When processing this alias, we handle commas differently from other articles. In addition to including truncated variants we also re-order the name, broken by commas. E.g, for the name "Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo", we also produce "Saint Augustine", "Bishop of Hippo", and "Augustine, Bishop of Hippo".


Same as P1BOLD but for the second paragraph, moderately improves recall at the expense of precision.


Extract all bold text in the first section (preceding the first sub-title) as aliases of the page title. This type is an alternative to first and second paragraph bold text extraction (P1BOLD and P2BOLD) types.

The first section of a page is the portion of text before the first section title. This may include multiple paragraphs, or it may be just one. Therefore is will have equal to or greater recall than P1BOLD, but may have lower recall than P2BOLD.


WAG is primarily a command line tool. It is invoked as follows:

Usage: wag [options] FILE1 [FILE2 [...]]
    -c, --charset
       Character encoding to use for writing aliases. (Input encoding should be
       set in the xml file.)
       Default: UTF-8
    -C, --clobber
       Overwrite output files if they already exist
       Default: false
    -h, --help
       Display this usage screen.
       Default: false
    -I, --identityAliases
       Produce identity aliases (relations that point to themselves.)
       Default: true
    -l, --limit
       Limit the number of pages which will be processed from each input file.
       (Set to -1 for no limit)
       Default: -1
    -o, --output
       Output file to write aliases to. ("-" for stdout.)
       Default: -
    -oc, --outputColumns
       Set of output columns to produce. Comma-separated subset of {TYPE,
    -of, --outputFormat
       Output format. One of TSV, CSV, or TSV_SIMPLIFIED. TSV and CSV are
       well-formed escapedoutput. TSV_SIMPLIFIED pre-strips tokens so escaping is not
       required (compatible with Byblo.)
       Default: TSV
    -t, --types
       Set of alias types to produce, as a comma-separated subset of {TITLE,

Example 1: Page titles

A very simple thing one might want to do is get a list of every page in the wikipedia dump file. To print such a list on stdout run WAG with the following options.

$ ./ -c UTF-8 -I -o - -t TITLE -of TSV_SIMPLIFIED \
    -oc TARGET enwiki-[timestamp]-pages-articles.xml.bz2 2> output.log

Some notes on what we're doing here:

  • Specify the output character encoding as UTF-8 (-c UTF-8).
  • Rather than write to a file, the result will printing to stdout (-o -).
  • Since we are going to producing just to title alias type -t TITLE, which is always an identity alias (i.e target and source are just the page title), so we need to enable identity pairs (-I).
  • We don't need either the type information (because it's always the same), not the source, so just produce the target column (-oc TARGET).
  • Read the wiki xml dump from the given file enwiki-[timestamp]-pages-articles.xml.bz2.
  • Finally let's hide all the logging and progress information by writing it to a file (2> output.log).

Obviously this is all rather complicated for such simple task, but then with great power comes great obfuscation.

This process takes about 30 minutes (on a full ~10 GB bzip2 compressed wikipedia dump) on my desktop computer.

Example 2: Distributional model

You might want to produce a dsitributional model out of the aliases data, by accociating those target entries that correlate on source referrers. This can be done using Byblo, if the correct output format is specified for WAG:

To produce all the default aliases in a simplified TSV format (compatible with Byblo) from a wikipedia dump file enwiki-20061130-pages-articles.xml.bz2, saving the results in aliases.tsv. Note that we produce only the source and target columns (we don't want the type), and identity aliases are produced so we get distribution entries for pages that have no referrers.

$ ./ --identityAliases --outputColumns SOURCE,TARGET --outputFormat TSV_SIMPLIFIED \
      --output aliases.tsv --charset UTF-8 enwiki-20061130-pages-articles.xml.bz2

After aliases have been extracted, aliases.tsv will contain two entries per line, first the source (more ambiguous term), then the target (less ambiguous term, usually an actual page title.) To build a distributional model of page titles, using Byblo, we probably want to reverse the columns, since the first column will be the thesaurus entry and the second will be the feature. this can be achieved using the bash commands cut and paste.

The provided script does all this and more. You will probably need to modify it somewhat to you system, but hopefull it will give you some ideas.


Wikipedia Alias Generator (WAG)







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