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Eclipse Impex Editor

Drag to your running Eclipse workspace to install Hybris Impex Editor

Syntax highlighting:

The Syntax highlighting feature uses the rule based scanner class. The scanner takes a givent number of rules, and cosumes the impex file and evalutes each token. If the token matches a rule, the scanner exits with the corresponding properties.

The ruleset are based on the Hybris Impex syntax documentation

Before : Before

After :


Preferences Of the plugins :

I also used the Preferences API to allow customisation, to give the more friendly user experience.

It's possible to customize the feel and look of the Impex file:

Preference Snapshot

And you can configure the connection with hybris, to execute and validate the impex with any running instance of hybris !

Preference Snapshot

Detecting hyrbis Item and attributes :

The first time eclipse run, the plugin connect to a the already configured running hybris instance (by default the localhost),call the Rest Webservice allItems , and allAttributes (exposed by hybris) and store the information to avoid call the web service again.

To detect newly added Items or attributes, I Implementer an action to refresh the already stored data definition.

A challenge and a new techniques acquired :

The web services exposed by hybris require a registered hybris account and it's secured against Cross-site request forgery.

To make a successful call the request should pass a crsf token, the token is associated with the connected account. the challenge was that token is stored on the HTML code of a response, and I had to use the jsoup library to retrieve the token.

  • Make a first to login, the call return with a JSESSIONID, I store the JSESSIONID for a further call.
  • Use jsoup with the stored JSESSIONID, and get the crsf token from the html.
  • Make a Rest Call to retrieve the Items and attributes definition.

The coolest feature : Autocompletion .

The auto-completion is the moste liked what the most user look for in any text editor, since i have stored the data deffinition, this feature was easy to implement as well :

Preference Snapshot

Install the plugin :

This project is built using Eclipse Tycho ( and requires at least maven 3.0 ( to be built via CLI. Simply run :

mvn install

The first run will take quite a while since maven will download all the required dependencies in order to build everything.

In order to use the generated eclipse plugins in Eclipse, you will need m2e ( and the m2eclipse-tycho plugin ( Update sites to install these plugins :

To install the features contained here, press Help > Install New Software… in your Eclipse IDE and enter the URL

Or :

just copy the latest release from here impex editor relases to the dropins folder under eclipse directory , restart eclipse , and enjoy :)

What next:

Other features I'm working on are :

  • Validate the impex with error markers.
  • Execute the impex .
  • Hyperlink features to easily locate where an Item is already valued from the same impex .
  • Find usage Features, find all usage for the selected definied and selected item .
  • Formatting .