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OME Smuggler

Sneakily imports image goodies into OMERO without paying MRI session duties.

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The basic idea: a Web-based work queue to run tasks on behalf of OMERO clients. A task is queued, then run and as it runs a URL is available from which to get status updates. If the task fails, it may be retried. On completion, an email report is sent to the interested parties. This is Smuggler’s life purpose—at least for now. And for now, the only task Smuggler knows how to run is an OMERO import. But it should be possible to add any other task without too much sweat using the same run/retry/notify mechanism.


Want to hack Smuggler to pieces? Or contribute a couple of tweaks or a bug fix? You're welcome to fork the repo and submit a pull request. If you're planning to do open-heart surgery, you may find it useful to read the developer docs over here:

And by the way, if you're looking for the docs sources, we keep the whole lot in the gh-pages branch:

The docs site is generated from the sources in the same branch so that GitHub can kindly publish it as a GitHub project site. To find out how, start from the README in the gh-pages branch...

Build & Run...for the loo

Build and test everything:

./gradlew build

Use gradlew <task> (Unix; gradlew.bat for Windows) for finer control over building, testing, etc. This lists all available build tasks:

./gradlew tasks

Ours is a Gradle multi-project build,

./gradlew projects

lists all the build projects. Each of them comes with its own build you can run independently using gradlew :<project>:<task>; for example

./gradlew :server:test

runs all the tests in the server project. If you feel adventurous and want to actually run Smuggler, take our whirlwind tour!

Tricksy Eclipsie, Have no IDEA!

Using Eclipse or IDEA? With recent versions you should be able to import the entire Gradle multi-project build seamlessly as a Gradle project. If that doesn't work for you, try adding the Gradle Eclipse or IDEA plugin to each build project, which you can do in the root build.gradle file:

allprojects {
    apply plugin: 'eclipse'
    apply plugin: 'idea' 

Then run:

./gradlew eclipse

(or ./gradlew idea for IDEA) and import your Git checkout root directory into Eclipse (IDEA) as an existing project. If you're unhappy with the result, you'll have to have a look at our build files and create the projects manually in your IDE. Give me a shout if you need help to get you going! (I'm deaf.)


Sneakily imports image goodies into OMERO without paying MRI session duties.







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