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PojoStick is a small single-file object store for Java programs. It serializes plain old Java objects into JSON and stores them in a text file. PojoStick uses reflection to save type information, so a singlePojoStick store can save many different types of objects.

NOTE: PojoStick is still in an alpha development stage and should not be used at this time in production!


To use PojoStick, you must initialize a PojoStick. The constructor takes a single paramete, which is a String of the pathname of the file.

import org.arminhammer.pojostick.PojoStick;
PojoStick pj = new PojoStick("/home/arminhammer/data/test.pojo");

When the PojoStick is created, it checks to see if the file exists already. If it exists, it tries to verify that the file is a valid PojoStick file. If it does not exist, it attempts to create the file. If the folder does not exist, it tries to create it as well.

##Saving Objects

Once a PojoStick has been created, you can start adding objects to it. Objects are added using the add() method:

String test1 = "Test String.";

PojoStick does not require objects to have special annotations or implement an interface like Serializable. It does, however, assume that saved objects have a default zero-parameter constructor and implement equals() and hashCode(). These are required to tell objects apart. PojoStick does not allow duplicate objects to be saved, so equals() and hashCode() should be able to differentiate objects correctly.

##Retrieving objects PojoStick provides several methods to retrieve objects. The first, and most simple, is find():

List<Object> contents = pj.find();

find() retrieves every object in the store and returns them as a List. If you want a more limited retrieval, you can pass a String to find:

List<Object> testContents = pj.find("Test");

find(String query) returns any object that contains 'query' in one of its fields.

If you want to limit the retrieval by the object type, you can use findType():

List<String> stringContents = pj.findType(String.class, "Test");

This limits the objects returned to the class in the first parameter. Instead of returning List, it returns a List of the desired class. In this example, a List is returned. The second parameter is the query that is searched in the object fields. If you only want to search for an object type and don't want to do a text search, set this to null.

If you want to retrieve a specific object, use find(Object):

String test = pj.find(test1);


PojoStick allows you to update an object in the store with a newer version with the method update():

String test2 = "Test String 2";
pj.update(test1, test2);

PojoStick will search for the first object, and replace it with the second object.


PojoStick allows you to delete objects that are in the store with delete():



PojoStick also provides an implementation of Collection on top of PojoStick. This is useful if you want to have a Java Collection that is persisted in a text file. Using Collection means that PojoStick is now limited to a single type E, instead of allowing for different types of objects.


A PojoStickCollection strays slightly from the Collection interface by requiring a parameter for the constructor. The parameter is a String of the file pathname where the PojoStick should be saved:

PojoStickCollection<String> pc = new PojoStickCollection("/home/arminhammer/data/pc.pojo");

The example above creates a Collection of type String. A collection of any objects can be created, although it is recommended to implement equals(), hashCode(), and a no-argument constructor, like PojoStick above. All of the methods available in Collection are implemented and can be used (size(), isEmpty(), contains(), etc). All objects added to the collection are automatically persisted to the file.


PojoStick is licensed under Apache License 2.0.


Small and fast single-file object store for Java programs.






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