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These instructions should help you get setup using Eclipse to develop on Medic Collect, building JavaRosa from source. These notes were taken during an initial setup of Medic Collect using Eclipse, please update as needed. You will also find instructions on preparing builds for deployments.


Command line

To build and deploy the APK to a connected device/emulator:


Eclipse/Android Studio

In Eclipse Import project

In change target=Google Inc.:Google APIs:19 to target=android-19

Add the following to libs:

  • google-play-services.jar
  • libphonenumber-7.0.2.jar
  • maps.jar

Remove '../play-services' from Project Settings > Android > Library

Set Java Compiler: JDK Compliance 1.7

Import existing projects from path to: javarosa

import only:

  • javarosa-core
  • javarosa-libs
  • (not needed) schema-generator
  • (not needed) validator-desktop-gui

Will be "missing" required libraries, which are available as a rar on javarosa's website. Copy to javarosa-libs:

  • j2meunit-javarosa.jar

  • kxml2-2.3.0.jar

  • (not needed unless imported validator-desktop-gui) regexp-me.jar

(not needed unless imported schema-generator) Copy to schema-generator/lib:

  • xpp3-1.1.4.jar

Go to javarosa-core > properties > Java Build Path > Libraries correct the missing jar paths by adding them from javarosa-libs

Go to the Order and Export tab move the new jars to match order and checkmark of the jars they replace

Go back to Libraries Remove the 2 missing (and now replaced) jars

Go to opendatakit.collect > properties > Java Build Path > Projects Add... then select javarosa-core Go to the Order and Export tab and move javarosa-core above Android Private Libraries and check it

Remove javarosa-libraries-2015-01-10.jar from opendatakit.collect/libs

Project-Specific Builds for Deployments

In order to deploy projects using Medic Collect you need to install and configure Medic Collect on every user's phone, as well as have a running Medic Mobile instance to receive the data. Some features were added to Medic Collect specifically to make it simpler to deploy on a large number of phones in a minimum amount of time. Follow the steps below to avoid manually having to configure the forms and settings on each phone.


Forms can be added manually to any Medic Collect by adding the XForm XML files in /medicmobile/forms on the SD card. If the forms are unlikely to change and you need to deploy Medic Collect on many devices, the forms can be included directly into the Medic Collect build. By doing so the forms are automatically loaded onto the phone when the app is first started, or whenever the forms are removed.

To add forms to a build, add them to the assets/forms folder, then rebuild Medic Collect to obtain a new .apk file. Media files, such as form_logo.png, can also be added. These would be added to the corresponding media folder. For example, if you want to have a custom image shown in a form stock.xml you would have assets/forms/stock-media/form_logo.png. All other media files needed for a form can be added in the -media folder.


To deploy the application with settings preconfigured you will need to first install Medic Collect. Once it is installed, configure the Admin and General Settings you wish to have as default settings. You can even set the Admin Password so that the Admin Settings is blocked for users.

Once the settings are configured as you wish them to be for your deployment, go to Admin Settings, and in the context menu select Save Settings to Disk. This will save your current settings to your device, and inform you of the location: {{/sd_card_path}}/medicmobile/settings/collect.settings. Copy the collect.settings file from your device to the assets/ folder of your Medic Collect project, and rebuild the .apk.

The first time you install Medic Collect it will copy over the default settings from the collect.settings file. If you have changed settings on the phone and want to go back to these default setting, go to Admin Settings, and in the context menu select Reload Default Settings. This will reset the device to use the default settings that were included in the build (if any).


Medic Mobile's fork of ODK Collect







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