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#Microsoft Azure Event Hubs Clients

This project provides client-side libraries to enable easy interaction with Microsoft Azure Event Hubs.

C Version

The C Version of this Azure Event Hub Client SDK is located under the folder [root]/c/.

The EventHubClient “C” library provides developers a means of connecting to an already created Event Hub and the ability to send data to it.

The library includes the following features:

  • The library communicates to an existing Event Hub over AMQP protocol.
  • The library uses Proton-C to establish the AMQP communication necessary.
  • Buffers data when network connection is down.
  • Batches messages to improve communication efficiency.

The library code:

  • Is written in ANSI C (C99) to maximize code portability.
  • Avoids compiler extensions.
  • Its output is a static lib.
  • Exposes a platform abstraction layer to isolate OS dependencies (HTTPAPI). Refer to the porting guide for more information.

The library provides the following APIs:

  • EventHubClientLib_CreateFromConnectionString
  • EventHubClientLib_Send
  • EventHubClientLib_SendAsync
  • EventHubClientLib_SendBatch
  • EventHubClientLib_SendBatchAsync
  • EventHubClientLib_Destroy

#Tested platforms The following platforms have been tested against this library:

  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8.1
  • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
  • Fedora 20
  • Debian 7.5
  • Ubuntu Snappy
  • Raspbian (tested device Raspberry Pi 2)

#Directory structure of repository

#build_all This folder contains platform-specific build scripts for the client library and dependent components

#docs Contains device getting started and setup documentation.

#common Contains components which are not specific to Event Hubs. It includes the following subdirectories:

  • build: Contains one subfolder for each platform (e.g. Windows, Linux). Subfolders contain makefiles, batch files, solutions that are used to generate the library binaries.
  • docs: Requirements, designs notes, manuals.
  • inc: Public include files.
  • src: Client library source files.
  • tools: Tools used for libraries.
  • unittests: Unit tests for source code.


This folder contains Azure Event Hubs client components.


Contain tools that are currently used in testing the client libraries: Mocking Framework (micromock), Generic Test Runner (CTest), Unit Test Project Template, etc.

#tools Miscellaneous tools, e.g., Event Hubs data viewer.

Node.js Version

The Node version is split into two pieces, both under the [root]/node directory. The send_receive directory contains the azure-event-hubs npm, with the ability to create an EventHubClient and Sender and Receiver from that. The event_processor_host directory (TBD) contains code to mimic and interoperate with the .NET EventProcessorHost class, managing receivers for each partition via blob leases and allowing checkpointing of offsets for easy restarts.

Please see the in each directory for usage and additional details - they are managed there to ensure appropriate documentation in the npm releases.


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