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ToroDB is an open source, document-oriented, JSON database that runs on top of PostgreSQL. JSON documents are stored relationally, not as a blob/jsonb. This leads to significant storage and I/O savings. It speaks natively the MongoDB protocol, meaning that it can be used with any mongo-compatible client.

ToroDB follows a RERO (Release Early, Release Often) policy. Current version is considered a "developer preview" and hence is not suitable for production use. However, any feedback, contributions, help and/or patches are very welcome. Please join the torodb-dev mailing list for further discussion.

For more information, please see ToroDB's website, this latest presentation or this video recording of a presentation about ToroDB.


ToroDB is written in Java and requires:

  • A suitable JRE, version 6 or higher. It has been mainly tested with Oracle JRE 8.
  • A PostgreSQL database, version 9.4 or higher. Download.


Download the compiled jar file

You may download the latest version (v. 0.22.1) of ToroDB from ToroDB's maven repository. See below for instructions on how to run it.

Compile and install from sources

You may compile ToroDB yourself. All the project is written in Java and managed with Maven, so you need a javac and maven.

ToroDB is based on the Mongo Wire Protocol library (mongowp), which is another library built by 8Kdata to help construct programs that speak the MongoDB protocol. You may also compile this library yourself, or let maven download it from the repository automatically.

Just run mvn package on the root directory and find the executable jar file in torodb/target/torodb-0.22.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar.

Running ToroDB

Execute with java -jar <path>/torodb.jar <arguments>. If you run with --help, you will see the required and optional arguments to run ToroDB:

   Force input of PostgreSQL's database user password.
   Default: false
-c, --connections
   Number of connections to establish to the PostgreSQL database
   Default: 10
-d, --dbname
   PostgreSQL's database name to connect to (must exist)
   Default: torod
-p, --dbport
   PostgreSQL's server port
   Default: 5432
   Change log level to DEBUG
   Default: false
-h, --host
   PostgreSQL's server host (hostname or IP address)
   Default: localhost
-P, --mongoport
   Port to listen on for Mongo wire protocol connections
   Default: 27017
--help, --usage
   Print this usage guide
   Default: false
-u, --username
   PostgreSQL's database user name. Must be a superuser
   Default: postgres
   Change log level to INFO
   Default: false

The database must exist, and the username must have superuser privileges. This will be changed in the future.

Alternatively to the command line options, you may create a ~/.toropass file, which follows the syntax of PostgreSQL's pgpass files.

Are you a developer? Want to contribute? Questions about the source code?



No packages published


  • Java 99.9%
  • PLpgSQL 0.1%