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Lunarcy is a multiplay game project coded in Java. The aim of the game is to compete against other players to escape the moon. Stranded with limited resources there is only one seat available on the escape ship. The 'rovers' or moon robots are malfunctioning and must be avoided. The first player to collect the items required to fix the ship and escape wins the game!


  • Game Logic: Robbie Iversen
  • Networking: Johnny Denford
  • Data Storage & Map Builder: Kelly Moen
  • User Interface: Ben Evans
  • Renderer: Jack Purvis


  • Networking with up to 5 players.
  • Map builder to create unique map layouts.
  • Software and hardware rendering.
  • Ability to load and save a complete game state at any point in time.


  • Processing and OpenGL for renderering.
  • Saito OBJ loader for processing.
  • gson for map and gamestate loading and saving.


Pre-Game setup, The jar does not run, use these steps to get it working.

  1. Import the jar file into a new eclipse project

  2. drag these folders into the src folder: bots game mapbuilder network storage testing ui

  3. drag the remaining folders except for 'libs' and 'META-INF' into a new folder called 'assets' inside project directory.


Pre-Game setup, The jar does not run, use these steps to get it working.

  1. Import the jar file into a new eclipse project

  2. drag these folders into the src folder: bots game mapbuilder network storage testing ui

NOTE: OpenGL library setup may be required. Should be configured for the linux machines by default. To reconfigure for another OS do the following:

  1. Ensure all jar libraries in the /libs folder are added to the build path.
  2. Go to configure build path menu. Go to Libraries tab. Open the drop down for opengl.jar.
  3. Ensure the 'Native library location' is set to /libs/yourOSHere directory.

To run the game:

  1. Run ServerMain

  2. Choose required number of players (default update speed works well)

  3. Click Start

  4. Run ClientMain for the number of clients you specified in Server

  5. Enter server address (localhost if you're running server on same machine)

  6. Press start

  7. Wait for all clients to connect, program 'pauses' until all clients are connected

SAVING and LOADING games and maps

To save a game: From Server, click 'Stop' and 'Yes' when save prompt appears. To load: Press the load button, connect clients as before however the names MUST match the previous ones Once all clients have connected the game will resume


WASD - move around QE - rotate left/right SPACE - Square info CLICK/DRAG - for item interaction


If you are outside for too long and run out of oxygen, you 'die' If a bot catches you outside without armour, it 'kills' you.

When you die you lose an item and are randomly placed at a spawn point on the map

Keys/Doors are coloured to show which keys work with which doors, if you have the correct key in your inventory then all the corresponding doors will be automatically opened.


Find all the missing ship parts, and get to the ship before any other players do.



Group software project, multiplayer puzzle game in Java






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