/// returns true if runmode of the test is equal to Y public static boolean isTestCaseRunnable(Xls_Reader xls, String SheetName, String testCaseName) { boolean isExecutable = false; for (int i = 2; i <= xls.getRowCount(SheetName); i++) { if (xls.getCellData(SheetName, "testCaseName", i).equalsIgnoreCase(testCaseName)) { if (setSkipFlag) { xls.setCellData(SheetName, "Runmode", i, "N"); } else if (xls.getCellData(SheetName, "Runmode", i).equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) { isExecutable = true; } else { isExecutable = false; } } } return isExecutable; }
// find the test suite is runnable public static boolean isSuiteRunnable(Xls_Reader xls, String suiteName) { boolean isexecutable = false; for (int i = 2; i <= xls.getRowCount("Test Suite"); i++) { if ((xls.getCellData("Test Suite", "TSID", i)).equals(suiteName)) { if ((xls.getCellData("Test Suite", "Runmode", i)).equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) { isexecutable = true; break; } else { isexecutable = false; } } } xls = null; return isexecutable; }
@Test() public void forgotPasswordWithValidInput() throws Exception { driver.get(baseURL); clickByLink(ll.FORGOT_PASSWORD_LINK_L); typeByXpath(ll.FORGOT_PASSWORD_EMAIL_L, lv.FTL_EMAIL_V); clickByXpath(ll.FORGOT_PASSWORD_CONTINUE_L); Thread.sleep(4000); String actMessage = driver.findElement(By.xpath(ll.FORGOT_PASSWORD_SUCCESS_L)).getText(); String expMessage = lv.FORGOT_PASSWORD_SUCCESS_V; boolean exist = expMessage.equals(actMessage); if (!exist) { Log4j.APPLICATION_LOG.debug( "Exp Message is: " + lv.FORGOT_PASSWORD_SUCCESS_V + " Act Message: " + actMessage); xl.setCellDataFailColor("Login", "passFail", 9, "FAIL", Color.RED); xl.setCellData( "Login", "Verification", 9, "Exp Message is: " + lv.FORGOT_PASSWORD_SUCCESS_V + " | " + "Act Message: " + actMessage); clickByXpath(ll.FORGOT_PASSWORD_X_LINK_L); Assert.assertTrue(exist); } else { Log4j.APPLICATION_LOG.debug( "Exp Message is: " + lv.FORGOT_PASSWORD_SUCCESS_V + " Act Message: " + actMessage); xl.setCellDataPassColor("Login", "passFail", 9, "PASS", Color.GREEN); xl.setCellData( "Login", "Verification", 9, "Exp Message is: " + lv.FORGOT_PASSWORD_SUCCESS_V + " | " + "Act Message: " + actMessage); clickByXpath(ll.FORGOT_PASSWORD_X_LINK_L); Assert.assertTrue(exist); // To Fail the test class } // Close the NEW FRAME BY CLCICKING X-OUT LINK }