   * If it is possible to calculate the responsibility interval of a peer on the current overlay,
   * this method calculates the corresponding responsibility interval of the node in the ID-space of
   * SkyNet. In this context, the responsibility interval is used to test, if a SkyNet-node is
   * responsible for a Coordinator.
   * @param id contains the ID of this SkyNet-node
  public void calculateResponsibilityInterval(SkyNetID id) {
    if (((AbstractOverlayNode<?, ?>) skyNetNode.getOverlayNode())
        .equals(PeerStatus.PRESENT)) {
      // execute getPredecessor-method
      final SkyNetID ownID = id;
          new OperationCallback<OverlayContact<OverlayID<?>>>() {

            public void calledOperationFailed(Operation<OverlayContact<OverlayID<?>>> op) {

            public void calledOperationSucceeded(Operation<OverlayContact<OverlayID<?>>> op) {
              calculateResponsibilityIntervalOperationSucceeded(op, ownID);
    } else {
      log.warn("SkyNetNode cannot get Predecessor" + ", because he is not PRESENT");