private void initStatementString( final String projection, final String condition, final String orderBy, final String groupBy, final LockMode lockMode) throws MappingException { final int joins = countEntityPersisters(associations); suffixes = BasicLoader.generateSuffixes(joins + 1); JoinFragment ojf = mergeOuterJoins(associations); Select select = new Select(getDialect()) .setLockMode(lockMode) .setSelectClause( projection == null ? persister.selectFragment(alias, suffixes[joins]) + selectString(associations) : projection) .setFromClause( getDialect().appendLockHint(lockMode, persister.fromTableFragment(alias)) + persister.fromJoinFragment(alias, true, true)) .setWhereClause(condition) .setOuterJoins( ojf.toFromFragmentString(), ojf.toWhereFragmentString() + getWhereFragment()) .setOrderByClause(orderBy(associations, orderBy)) .setGroupByClause(groupBy); if (getFactory().getSettings().isCommentsEnabled()) { select.setComment(getComment()); } sql = select.toStatementString(); }
/** * Walk the association tree for an entity, adding associations which should be join fetched to * the {@link #associations} inst var. This form is the entry point into the walking for a given * entity, starting the recursive calls into {@link * #walkEntityTree(org.hibernate.persister.entity.OuterJoinLoadable, String, PropertyPath ,int)}. * * @param persister The persister representing the entity to be walked. * @param alias The (root) alias to use for this entity/persister. * @param path The property path to the entity being walked * @param currentDepth The current join depth * @throws org.hibernate.MappingException ??? */ private void walkEntityTree( final OuterJoinLoadable persister, final String alias, final PropertyPath path, final int currentDepth) throws MappingException { int n = persister.countSubclassProperties(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Type type = persister.getSubclassPropertyType(i); if (type.isAssociationType()) { walkEntityAssociationTree( (AssociationType) type, persister, i, alias, path, persister.isSubclassPropertyNullable(i), currentDepth); } else if (type.isComponentType()) { walkComponentTree( (CompositeType) type, i, 0, persister, alias, path.append(persister.getSubclassPropertyName(i)), currentDepth); } } }
/** * Process a particular association owned by the entity * * @param associationType The type representing the association to be processed. * @param persister The owner of the association to be processed. * @param propertyNumber The property number for the association (relative to the persister). * @param alias The entity alias * @param path The path to the association * @param nullable is the association nullable (which I think is supposed to indicate inner/outer * join semantics). * @param currentDepth The current join depth * @throws org.hibernate.MappingException ??? */ private void walkEntityAssociationTree( final AssociationType associationType, final OuterJoinLoadable persister, final int propertyNumber, final String alias, final PropertyPath path, final boolean nullable, final int currentDepth) throws MappingException { String[] aliasedLhsColumns = JoinHelper.getAliasedLHSColumnNames( associationType, alias, propertyNumber, persister, getFactory()); String[] lhsColumns = JoinHelper.getLHSColumnNames(associationType, propertyNumber, persister, getFactory()); String lhsTable = JoinHelper.getLHSTableName(associationType, propertyNumber, persister); PropertyPath subPath = path.append(persister.getSubclassPropertyName(propertyNumber)); JoinType joinType = getJoinType( persister, subPath, propertyNumber, associationType, persister.getFetchMode(propertyNumber), persister.getCascadeStyle(propertyNumber), lhsTable, lhsColumns, nullable, currentDepth); addAssociationToJoinTreeIfNecessary( associationType, aliasedLhsColumns, alias, subPath, currentDepth, joinType); }
public String selectFragment( Joinable rhs, String rhsAlias, String lhsAlias, String entitySuffix, String collectionSuffix, boolean includeCollectionColumns) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); if (includeCollectionColumns) { // buf.append( selectFragment( lhsAlias, "" ) )//ignore suffix for collection columns! buf.append(selectFragment(lhsAlias, collectionSuffix)).append(", "); } OuterJoinLoadable ojl = (OuterJoinLoadable) getElementPersister(); return buf.append( ojl.selectFragment(lhsAlias, entitySuffix)) // use suffix for the entity columns .toString(); }
public AbstractEntityJoinWalker( OuterJoinLoadable persister, SessionFactoryImplementor factory, Map enabledFilters, String alias) { super(factory, enabledFilters); this.persister = persister; this.alias = (alias == null) ? generateRootAlias(persister.getEntityName()) : alias; }
protected final void initAll( final String whereString, final String orderByString, final LockMode lockMode) throws MappingException { walkEntityTree(persister, getAlias()); List allAssociations = new ArrayList(); allAssociations.addAll(associations); allAssociations.add( new OuterJoinableAssociation( persister.getEntityType(), null, null, alias, JoinFragment.LEFT_OUTER_JOIN, getFactory(), CollectionHelper.EMPTY_MAP)); initPersisters(allAssociations, lockMode); initStatementString(whereString, orderByString, lockMode); }
/** * Walk the association tree for an entity, adding associations which should be join fetched to * the {@link #associations} inst var. This form is the entry point into the walking for a given * entity, starting the recursive calls into {@link * #walkEntityTree(org.hibernate.persister.entity.OuterJoinLoadable, String, PropertyPath ,int)}. * * @param persister The persister representing the entity to be walked. * @param alias The (root) alias to use for this entity/persister. * @param path The property path to the entity being walked * @param currentDepth The current join depth * @throws org.hibernate.MappingException ??? */ private void walkEntityTree( final OuterJoinLoadable persister, final String alias, final PropertyPath path, final int currentDepth) throws MappingException { int n = persister.countSubclassProperties(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Type type = persister.getSubclassPropertyType(i); if (type.isAssociationType()) { walkEntityAssociationTree( (AssociationType) type, persister, i, alias, path, persister.isSubclassPropertyNullable(i), currentDepth); } else if (type.isComponentType()) { walkComponentTree( (CompositeType) type, i, 0, persister, alias, path.append(persister.getSubclassPropertyName(i)), currentDepth); } } // if the entity has a composite identifier, see if we need to handle // its sub-properties separately final Type idType = persister.getIdentifierType(); if (idType.isComponentType()) { final CompositeType cidType = (CompositeType) idType; if (cidType.isEmbedded()) { // we have an embedded composite identifier. Most likely we need to process the composite // properties separately, although there is an edge case where the identifier is really // a simple identifier (single value) wrapped in a JPA @IdClass or even in the case of a // a simple identifier (single value) wrapped in a Hibernate composite type. // // We really do not have a built-in method to determine that. However, generally the // persister would report that there is single, physical identifier property which is // explicitly at odds with the notion of "embedded composite". So we use that for now if (persister.getEntityMetamodel().getIdentifierProperty().isEmbedded()) { walkComponentTree(cidType, -1, 0, persister, alias, path.append(""), currentDepth); } } } }
protected String getWhereFragment() throws MappingException { // here we do not bother with the discriminator. return persister.whereJoinFragment(alias, true, true); }
// $Id:,v 1.1 2005/07/26 05:51:47 oneovthafew Exp $