Exemple #1
   * @param pkgName Package name.
   * @return Class names.
  private static Iterable<String> classesInPackage(String pkgName) {
    assert pkgName != null;

    Collection<String> clsNames = new ArrayList<>();

    ClassLoader ldr = U.gridClassLoader();

    if (ldr instanceof URLClassLoader) {
      String pkgPath = pkgName.replaceAll("\\.", "/");

      URL[] urls = ((URLClassLoader) ldr).getURLs();

      for (URL url : urls) {
        String proto = url.getProtocol().toLowerCase();

        if ("file".equals(proto)) {
          try {
            File cpElement = new File(url.toURI());

            if (cpElement.isDirectory()) {
              File pkgDir = new File(cpElement, pkgPath);

              if (pkgDir.isDirectory()) {
                for (File file : pkgDir.listFiles()) {
                  String fileName = file.getName();

                  if (file.isFile() && fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".class"))
                    clsNames.add(pkgName + '.' + fileName.substring(0, fileName.length() - 6));
            } else if (cpElement.isFile()) {
              try {
                JarFile jar = new JarFile(cpElement);

                Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jar.entries();

                while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
                  String entry = entries.nextElement().getName();

                  if (entry.startsWith(pkgPath) && entry.endsWith(".class")) {
                    String clsName = entry.substring(pkgPath.length() + 1, entry.length() - 6);

                    if (!clsName.contains("/") && !clsName.contains("\\"))
                      clsNames.add(pkgName + '.' + clsName);
              } catch (IOException ignored) {
                // No-op.
          } catch (URISyntaxException ignored) {
            // No-op.

    return clsNames;
Exemple #2
/** Binary context. */
public class BinaryContext {
  /** */
  private static final ClassLoader dfltLdr = U.gridClassLoader();

  /** */
  private final ConcurrentMap<Class<?>, BinaryClassDescriptor> descByCls =
      new ConcurrentHashMap8<>();

  /** Holds classes loaded by default class loader only. */
  private final ConcurrentMap<Integer, BinaryClassDescriptor> userTypes =
      new ConcurrentHashMap8<>();

  /** */
  private final Map<Integer, BinaryClassDescriptor> predefinedTypes = new HashMap<>();

  /** */
  private final Map<String, Integer> predefinedTypeNames = new HashMap<>();

  /** */
  private final Map<Class<? extends Collection>, Byte> colTypes = new HashMap<>();

  /** */
  private final Map<Class<? extends Map>, Byte> mapTypes = new HashMap<>();

  /** */
  private final ConcurrentMap<Integer, BinaryIdMapper> mappers = new ConcurrentHashMap8<>(0);

  /** Affinity key field names. */
  private final ConcurrentMap<Integer, String> affKeyFieldNames = new ConcurrentHashMap8<>(0);

  /** */
  private final Map<String, BinaryIdMapper> typeMappers = new ConcurrentHashMap8<>(0);

  /** */
  private BinaryMetadataHandler metaHnd;

  /** Actual marshaller. */
  private BinaryMarshaller marsh;

  /** */
  private MarshallerContext marshCtx;

  /** */
  private IgniteConfiguration igniteCfg;

  /** Logger. */
  private IgniteLogger log;

  /** */
  private final OptimizedMarshaller optmMarsh = new OptimizedMarshaller(false);

  /** Compact footer flag. */
  private boolean compactFooter;

  /** Object schemas. */
  private volatile Map<Integer, BinarySchemaRegistry> schemas;

  /** For {@link Externalizable}. */
  public BinaryContext() {
    // No-op.

   * @param metaHnd Meta data handler.
   * @param igniteCfg Ignite configuration.
   * @param log Logger.
  public BinaryContext(
      BinaryMetadataHandler metaHnd, IgniteConfiguration igniteCfg, IgniteLogger log) {
    assert metaHnd != null;
    assert igniteCfg != null;

    this.metaHnd = metaHnd;
    this.igniteCfg = igniteCfg;
    this.log = log;

    colTypes.put(ArrayList.class, GridBinaryMarshaller.ARR_LIST);
    colTypes.put(LinkedList.class, GridBinaryMarshaller.LINKED_LIST);
    colTypes.put(HashSet.class, GridBinaryMarshaller.HASH_SET);
    colTypes.put(LinkedHashSet.class, GridBinaryMarshaller.LINKED_HASH_SET);

    mapTypes.put(HashMap.class, GridBinaryMarshaller.HASH_MAP);
    mapTypes.put(LinkedHashMap.class, GridBinaryMarshaller.LINKED_HASH_MAP);

    // IDs range from [0..200] is used by Java SDK API and GridGain legacy API

    registerPredefinedType(Byte.class, GridBinaryMarshaller.BYTE);
    registerPredefinedType(Boolean.class, GridBinaryMarshaller.BOOLEAN);
    registerPredefinedType(Short.class, GridBinaryMarshaller.SHORT);
    registerPredefinedType(Character.class, GridBinaryMarshaller.CHAR);
    registerPredefinedType(Integer.class, GridBinaryMarshaller.INT);
    registerPredefinedType(Long.class, GridBinaryMarshaller.LONG);
    registerPredefinedType(Float.class, GridBinaryMarshaller.FLOAT);
    registerPredefinedType(Double.class, GridBinaryMarshaller.DOUBLE);
    registerPredefinedType(String.class, GridBinaryMarshaller.STRING);
    registerPredefinedType(BigDecimal.class, GridBinaryMarshaller.DECIMAL);
    registerPredefinedType(Date.class, GridBinaryMarshaller.DATE);
    registerPredefinedType(Timestamp.class, GridBinaryMarshaller.TIMESTAMP);
    registerPredefinedType(UUID.class, GridBinaryMarshaller.UUID);

    registerPredefinedType(byte[].class, GridBinaryMarshaller.BYTE_ARR);
    registerPredefinedType(short[].class, GridBinaryMarshaller.SHORT_ARR);
    registerPredefinedType(int[].class, GridBinaryMarshaller.INT_ARR);
    registerPredefinedType(long[].class, GridBinaryMarshaller.LONG_ARR);
    registerPredefinedType(float[].class, GridBinaryMarshaller.FLOAT_ARR);
    registerPredefinedType(double[].class, GridBinaryMarshaller.DOUBLE_ARR);
    registerPredefinedType(char[].class, GridBinaryMarshaller.CHAR_ARR);
    registerPredefinedType(boolean[].class, GridBinaryMarshaller.BOOLEAN_ARR);
    registerPredefinedType(BigDecimal[].class, GridBinaryMarshaller.DECIMAL_ARR);
    registerPredefinedType(String[].class, GridBinaryMarshaller.STRING_ARR);
    registerPredefinedType(UUID[].class, GridBinaryMarshaller.UUID_ARR);
    registerPredefinedType(Date[].class, GridBinaryMarshaller.DATE_ARR);
    registerPredefinedType(Timestamp[].class, GridBinaryMarshaller.TIMESTAMP_ARR);
    registerPredefinedType(Object[].class, GridBinaryMarshaller.OBJ_ARR);

    // Special collections.
    registerPredefinedType(ArrayList.class, 0);
    registerPredefinedType(LinkedList.class, 0);
    registerPredefinedType(HashSet.class, 0);
    registerPredefinedType(LinkedHashSet.class, 0);
    registerPredefinedType(HashMap.class, 0);
    registerPredefinedType(LinkedHashMap.class, 0);

    // Classes with overriden default serialization flag.
    registerPredefinedType(AffinityKey.class, 0, affinityFieldName(AffinityKey.class));

    registerPredefinedType(GridMapEntry.class, 60);
    registerPredefinedType(IgniteBiTuple.class, 61);
    registerPredefinedType(T2.class, 62);

    registerPredefinedType(BinaryObjectImpl.class, 0);
    registerPredefinedType(BinaryObjectOffheapImpl.class, 0);
    registerPredefinedType(BinaryMetadataKey.class, 0);
    registerPredefinedType(BinaryMetadata.class, 0);

    // IDs range [200..1000] is used by Ignite internal APIs.

  /** @return Logger. */
  public IgniteLogger log() {
    return log;

  /** @return Marshaller. */
  public BinaryMarshaller marshaller() {
    return marsh;

   * Check whether class must be deserialized anyway.
   * @param cls Class.
   * @return {@code True} if must be deserialized.
  public boolean mustDeserialize(Class cls) {
    BinaryClassDescriptor desc = descByCls.get(cls);

    if (desc == null)
      return marshCtx.isSystemType(cls.getName()) || serializerForClass(cls) == null;
    else return desc.useOptimizedMarshaller();

  /** @return Ignite configuration. */
  public IgniteConfiguration configuration() {
    return igniteCfg;

   * @param marsh Binary marshaller.
   * @param cfg Configuration.
   * @throws BinaryObjectException In case of error.
  public void configure(BinaryMarshaller marsh, IgniteConfiguration cfg)
      throws BinaryObjectException {
    if (marsh == null) return;

    this.marsh = marsh;

    marshCtx = marsh.getContext();

    BinaryConfiguration binaryCfg = cfg.getBinaryConfiguration();

    if (binaryCfg == null) binaryCfg = new BinaryConfiguration();

    assert marshCtx != null;


        binaryCfg.getIdMapper(), binaryCfg.getSerializer(), binaryCfg.getTypeConfigurations());

    compactFooter = binaryCfg.isCompactFooter();

   * @param globalIdMapper ID mapper.
   * @param globalSerializer Serializer.
   * @param typeCfgs Type configurations.
   * @throws BinaryObjectException In case of error.
  private void configure(
      BinaryIdMapper globalIdMapper,
      BinarySerializer globalSerializer,
      Collection<BinaryTypeConfiguration> typeCfgs)
      throws BinaryObjectException {
    TypeDescriptors descs = new TypeDescriptors();

    Map<String, String> affFields = new HashMap<>();

    if (!F.isEmpty(igniteCfg.getCacheKeyConfiguration())) {
      for (CacheKeyConfiguration keyCfg : igniteCfg.getCacheKeyConfiguration())
        affFields.put(keyCfg.getTypeName(), keyCfg.getAffinityKeyFieldName());

    if (typeCfgs != null) {
      for (BinaryTypeConfiguration typeCfg : typeCfgs) {
        String clsName = typeCfg.getTypeName();

        if (clsName == null)
          throw new BinaryObjectException("Class name is required for binary type configuration.");

        BinaryIdMapper idMapper = globalIdMapper;

        if (typeCfg.getIdMapper() != null) idMapper = typeCfg.getIdMapper();

        idMapper = BinaryInternalIdMapper.create(idMapper);

        BinarySerializer serializer = globalSerializer;

        if (typeCfg.getSerializer() != null) serializer = typeCfg.getSerializer();

        if (clsName.endsWith(".*")) {
          String pkgName = clsName.substring(0, clsName.length() - 2);

          for (String clsName0 : classesInPackage(pkgName))
                clsName0, idMapper, serializer, affFields.get(clsName0), typeCfg.isEnum(), true);
        } else
          descs.add(clsName, idMapper, serializer, affFields.get(clsName), typeCfg.isEnum(), false);

    for (TypeDescriptor desc : descs.descriptors())
          desc.clsName, desc.idMapper, desc.serializer, desc.affKeyFieldName, desc.isEnum);

    BinaryInternalIdMapper dfltMapper = BinaryInternalIdMapper.create(globalIdMapper);

    // Put affinity field names for unconfigured types.
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : affFields.entrySet()) {
      String typeName = entry.getKey();

      int typeId = dfltMapper.typeId(typeName);

      affKeyFieldNames.putIfAbsent(typeId, entry.getValue());


  /** @param cls Class. */
  private void addSystemClassAffinityKey(Class<?> cls) {
    String fieldName = affinityFieldName(cls);

    assert fieldName != null : cls;

    affKeyFieldNames.putIfAbsent(cls.getName().hashCode(), affinityFieldName(cls));

   * @param pkgName Package name.
   * @return Class names.
  private static Iterable<String> classesInPackage(String pkgName) {
    assert pkgName != null;

    Collection<String> clsNames = new ArrayList<>();

    ClassLoader ldr = U.gridClassLoader();

    if (ldr instanceof URLClassLoader) {
      String pkgPath = pkgName.replaceAll("\\.", "/");

      URL[] urls = ((URLClassLoader) ldr).getURLs();

      for (URL url : urls) {
        String proto = url.getProtocol().toLowerCase();

        if ("file".equals(proto)) {
          try {
            File cpElement = new File(url.toURI());

            if (cpElement.isDirectory()) {
              File pkgDir = new File(cpElement, pkgPath);

              if (pkgDir.isDirectory()) {
                for (File file : pkgDir.listFiles()) {
                  String fileName = file.getName();

                  if (file.isFile() && fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".class"))
                    clsNames.add(pkgName + '.' + fileName.substring(0, fileName.length() - 6));
            } else if (cpElement.isFile()) {
              try {
                JarFile jar = new JarFile(cpElement);

                Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jar.entries();

                while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
                  String entry = entries.nextElement().getName();

                  if (entry.startsWith(pkgPath) && entry.endsWith(".class")) {
                    String clsName = entry.substring(pkgPath.length() + 1, entry.length() - 6);

                    if (!clsName.contains("/") && !clsName.contains("\\"))
                      clsNames.add(pkgName + '.' + clsName);
              } catch (IOException ignored) {
                // No-op.
          } catch (URISyntaxException ignored) {
            // No-op.

    return clsNames;

   * @param cls Class.
   * @return Class descriptor.
   * @throws BinaryObjectException In case of error.
  public BinaryClassDescriptor descriptorForClass(Class<?> cls, boolean deserialize)
      throws BinaryObjectException {
    assert cls != null;

    BinaryClassDescriptor desc = descByCls.get(cls);

    if (desc == null || !desc.registered()) desc = registerClassDescriptor(cls, deserialize);

    return desc;

   * @param userType User type or not.
   * @param typeId Type ID.
   * @param ldr Class loader.
   * @return Class descriptor.
  public BinaryClassDescriptor descriptorForTypeId(
      boolean userType, int typeId, ClassLoader ldr, boolean deserialize) {
    assert typeId != GridBinaryMarshaller.UNREGISTERED_TYPE_ID;

    // TODO: As a workaround for IGNITE-1358 we always check the predefined map before without
    // checking 'userType'
    BinaryClassDescriptor desc = predefinedTypes.get(typeId);

    if (desc != null) return desc;

    if (ldr == null) ldr = dfltLdr;

    // If the type hasn't been loaded by default class loader then we mustn't return the descriptor
    // from here
    // giving a chance to a custom class loader to reload type's class.
    if (userType && ldr.equals(dfltLdr)) {
      desc = userTypes.get(typeId);

      if (desc != null) return desc;

    Class cls;

    try {
      cls = marshCtx.getClass(typeId, ldr);

      desc = descByCls.get(cls);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
      // Class might have been loaded by default class loader.
      if (userType
          && !ldr.equals(dfltLdr)
          && (desc = descriptorForTypeId(true, typeId, dfltLdr, deserialize)) != null) return desc;

      throw new BinaryInvalidTypeException(e);
    } catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
      // Class might have been loaded by default class loader.
      if (userType
          && !ldr.equals(dfltLdr)
          && (desc = descriptorForTypeId(true, typeId, dfltLdr, deserialize)) != null) return desc;

      throw new BinaryObjectException("Failed resolve class for ID: " + typeId, e);

    if (desc == null) {
      desc = registerClassDescriptor(cls, deserialize);

      assert desc.typeId() == typeId;

    return desc;

   * Creates and registers {@link BinaryClassDescriptor} for the given {@code class}.
   * @param cls Class.
   * @return Class descriptor.
  private BinaryClassDescriptor registerClassDescriptor(Class<?> cls, boolean deserialize) {
    BinaryClassDescriptor desc;

    String clsName = cls.getName();

    if (marshCtx.isSystemType(clsName)) {
      desc =
          new BinaryClassDescriptor(
              true /* registered */);

      BinaryClassDescriptor old = descByCls.putIfAbsent(cls, desc);

      if (old != null) desc = old;
    } else desc = registerUserClassDescriptor(cls, deserialize);

    return desc;

   * Creates and registers {@link BinaryClassDescriptor} for the given user {@code class}.
   * @param cls Class.
   * @return Class descriptor.
  private BinaryClassDescriptor registerUserClassDescriptor(Class<?> cls, boolean deserialize) {
    boolean registered;

    String typeName = typeName(cls.getName());

    BinaryIdMapper idMapper = userTypeIdMapper(typeName);

    int typeId = idMapper.typeId(typeName);

    try {
      registered = marshCtx.registerClass(typeId, cls);
    } catch (IgniteCheckedException e) {
      throw new BinaryObjectException("Failed to register class.", e);

    BinarySerializer serializer = serializerForClass(cls);

    String affFieldName = affinityFieldName(cls);

    BinaryClassDescriptor desc =
        new BinaryClassDescriptor(

    if (!deserialize) {
      Collection<BinarySchema> schemas =
          desc.schema() != null ? Collections.singleton(desc.schema()) : null;

          new BinaryMetadata(
                  typeId, typeName, desc.fieldsMeta(), affFieldName, schemas, desc.isEnum())

    // perform put() instead of putIfAbsent() because "registered" flag might have been changed or
    // class loader
    // might have reloaded described class.
    if (IgniteUtils.detectClassLoader(cls).equals(dfltLdr)) userTypes.put(typeId, desc);

    descByCls.put(cls, desc);

    mappers.putIfAbsent(typeId, idMapper);

    return desc;

   * Get serializer for class taking in count default one.
   * @param cls Class.
   * @return Serializer for class or {@code null} if none exists.
  private @Nullable BinarySerializer serializerForClass(Class cls) {
    BinarySerializer serializer = defaultSerializer();

    if (serializer == null && canUseReflectiveSerializer(cls))
      serializer = new BinaryReflectiveSerializer();

    return serializer;

  /** @return Default serializer. */
  private BinarySerializer defaultSerializer() {
    BinaryConfiguration binCfg = igniteCfg.getBinaryConfiguration();

    return binCfg != null ? binCfg.getSerializer() : null;

   * @param cls Collection class.
   * @return Collection type ID.
  public byte collectionType(Class<? extends Collection> cls) {
    assert cls != null;

    Byte type = colTypes.get(cls);

    if (type != null) return type;

    return Set.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)
        ? GridBinaryMarshaller.USER_SET
        : GridBinaryMarshaller.USER_COL;

   * @param cls Map class.
   * @return Map type ID.
  public byte mapType(Class<? extends Map> cls) {
    assert cls != null;

    Byte type = mapTypes.get(cls);

    return type != null ? type : GridBinaryMarshaller.USER_COL;

   * @param typeName Type name.
   * @return Type ID.
  public int typeId(String typeName) {
    String typeName0 = typeName(typeName);

    Integer id = predefinedTypeNames.get(typeName0);

    if (id != null) return id;

    if (marshCtx.isSystemType(typeName)) return typeName.hashCode();

    return userTypeIdMapper(typeName0).typeId(typeName0);

   * @param typeId Type ID.
   * @param fieldName Field name.
   * @return Field ID.
  public int fieldId(int typeId, String fieldName) {
    return userTypeIdMapper(typeId).fieldId(typeId, fieldName);

   * @param typeId Type ID.
   * @return Instance of ID mapper.
  public BinaryIdMapper userTypeIdMapper(int typeId) {
    BinaryIdMapper idMapper = mappers.get(typeId);

    return idMapper != null ? idMapper : BinaryInternalIdMapper.defaultInstance();

   * @param typeName Type name.
   * @return Instance of ID mapper.
  private BinaryIdMapper userTypeIdMapper(String typeName) {
    BinaryIdMapper idMapper = typeMappers.get(typeName);

    return idMapper != null ? idMapper : BinaryInternalIdMapper.defaultInstance();

   * @param cls Class to get affinity field for.
   * @return Affinity field name or {@code null} if field name was not found.
  private String affinityFieldName(Class cls) {
    for (; cls != Object.class && cls != null; cls = cls.getSuperclass()) {
      for (Field f : cls.getDeclaredFields()) {
        if (f.getAnnotation(AffinityKeyMapped.class) != null) return f.getName();

    return null;

   * @param cls Class.
   * @param id Type ID.
   * @return GridBinaryClassDescriptor.
  public BinaryClassDescriptor registerPredefinedType(Class<?> cls, int id) {
    return registerPredefinedType(cls, id, null);

   * @param cls Class.
   * @param id Type ID.
   * @return GridBinaryClassDescriptor.
  public BinaryClassDescriptor registerPredefinedType(Class<?> cls, int id, String affFieldName) {
    String typeName = typeName(cls.getName());

    if (id == 0) id = BinaryInternalIdMapper.defaultInstance().typeId(typeName);

    BinaryClassDescriptor desc =
        new BinaryClassDescriptor(
            new BinaryReflectiveSerializer(),
            true /* registered */);

    predefinedTypeNames.put(typeName, id);
    predefinedTypes.put(id, desc);

    descByCls.put(cls, desc);

    if (affFieldName != null) affKeyFieldNames.putIfAbsent(id, affFieldName);

    return desc;

   * @param clsName Class name.
   * @param idMapper ID mapper.
   * @param serializer Serializer.
   * @param affKeyFieldName Affinity key field name.
   * @param isEnum If enum.
   * @throws BinaryObjectException In case of error.
  public void registerUserType(
      String clsName,
      BinaryIdMapper idMapper,
      @Nullable BinarySerializer serializer,
      @Nullable String affKeyFieldName,
      boolean isEnum)
      throws BinaryObjectException {
    assert idMapper != null;

    Class<?> cls = null;

    try {
      cls = Class.forName(clsName);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoClassDefFoundError ignored) {
      // No-op.

    String typeName = typeName(clsName);

    int id = idMapper.typeId(typeName);

    // Workaround for IGNITE-1358
    if (predefinedTypes.get(id) != null)
      throw new BinaryObjectException("Duplicate type ID [clsName=" + clsName + ", id=" + id + ']');

    if (mappers.put(id, idMapper) != null)
      throw new BinaryObjectException("Duplicate type ID [clsName=" + clsName + ", id=" + id + ']');

    if (affKeyFieldName != null) {
      if (affKeyFieldNames.put(id, affKeyFieldName) != null)
        throw new BinaryObjectException(
            "Duplicate type ID [clsName=" + clsName + ", id=" + id + ']');

    typeMappers.put(typeName, idMapper);

    Map<String, Integer> fieldsMeta = null;
    Collection<BinarySchema> schemas = null;

    if (cls != null) {
      if (serializer == null) {
        // At this point we must decide whether to rely on Java serialization mechanics or not.
        // If no serializer is provided, we examine the class and if it doesn't contain non-trivial
        // serialization logic we are safe to fallback to reflective binary serialization.
        if (canUseReflectiveSerializer(cls)) serializer = new BinaryReflectiveSerializer();

      BinaryClassDescriptor desc =
          new BinaryClassDescriptor(
              true /* registered */);

      fieldsMeta = desc.fieldsMeta();
      schemas = desc.schema() != null ? Collections.singleton(desc.schema()) : null;

      if (IgniteUtils.detectClassLoader(cls).equals(dfltLdr)) userTypes.put(id, desc);

      descByCls.put(cls, desc);

        new BinaryMetadata(id, typeName, fieldsMeta, affKeyFieldName, schemas, isEnum).wrap(this));

   * Check whether reflective serializer can be used for class.
   * @param cls Class.
   * @return {@code True} if reflective serializer can be used.
  private static boolean canUseReflectiveSerializer(Class cls) {
    return BinaryUtils.isBinarylizable(cls) || !BinaryUtils.isCustomJavaSerialization(cls);

   * Create binary field.
   * @param typeId Type ID.
   * @param fieldName Field name.
   * @return Binary field.
  public BinaryFieldImpl createField(int typeId, String fieldName) {
    BinarySchemaRegistry schemaReg = schemaRegistry(typeId);

    int fieldId = userTypeIdMapper(typeId).fieldId(typeId, fieldName);

    return new BinaryFieldImpl(typeId, schemaReg, fieldName, fieldId);

   * @param typeId Type ID.
   * @return Meta data.
   * @throws BinaryObjectException In case of error.
  public BinaryType metadata(int typeId) throws BinaryObjectException {
    return metaHnd != null ? metaHnd.metadata(typeId) : null;

   * @param typeId Type ID.
   * @return Affinity key field name.
  public String affinityKeyFieldName(int typeId) {
    return affKeyFieldNames.get(typeId);

   * @param typeId Type ID.
   * @param meta Meta data.
   * @throws BinaryObjectException In case of error.
  public void updateMetadata(int typeId, BinaryMetadata meta) throws BinaryObjectException {
    metaHnd.addMeta(typeId, meta.wrap(this));

  /** @return Whether field IDs should be skipped in footer or not. */
  public boolean isCompactFooter() {
    return compactFooter;

   * Get schema registry for type ID.
   * @param typeId Type ID.
   * @return Schema registry for type ID.
  public BinarySchemaRegistry schemaRegistry(int typeId) {
    Map<Integer, BinarySchemaRegistry> schemas0 = schemas;

    if (schemas0 == null) {
      synchronized (this) {
        schemas0 = schemas;

        if (schemas0 == null) {
          schemas0 = new HashMap<>();

          BinarySchemaRegistry reg = new BinarySchemaRegistry();

          schemas0.put(typeId, reg);

          schemas = schemas0;

          return reg;

    BinarySchemaRegistry reg = schemas0.get(typeId);

    if (reg == null) {
      synchronized (this) {
        reg = schemas.get(typeId);

        if (reg == null) {
          reg = new BinarySchemaRegistry();

          schemas0 = new HashMap<>(schemas);

          schemas0.put(typeId, reg);

          schemas = schemas0;

    return reg;

   * Returns instance of {@link OptimizedMarshaller}.
   * @return Optimized marshaller.
  OptimizedMarshaller optimizedMarsh() {
    return optmMarsh;

   * @param clsName Class name.
   * @return Type name.
  public static String typeName(String clsName) {
    assert clsName != null;

    int idx = clsName.lastIndexOf('$');

    if (idx == clsName.length() - 1)
      // This is a regular (not inner) class name that ends with '$'. Common use case for Scala
      // classes.
      idx = -1;
    else if (idx >= 0) {
      String typeName = clsName.substring(idx + 1);

      try {

        // This is an anonymous class. Don't cut off enclosing class name for it.
        idx = -1;
      } catch (NumberFormatException ignore) {
        // This is a lambda class.
        if (clsName.indexOf("$$Lambda$") > 0) idx = -1;
        else return typeName;

    if (idx < 0) idx = clsName.lastIndexOf('.');

    return idx >= 0 ? clsName.substring(idx + 1) : clsName;

   * Undeployment callback invoked when class loader is being undeployed.
   * <p>Some marshallers may want to clean their internal state that uses the undeployed class
   * loader somehow.
   * @param ldr Class loader being undeployed.
  public void onUndeploy(ClassLoader ldr) {
    for (Class<?> cls : descByCls.keySet()) {
      if (ldr.equals(cls.getClassLoader())) descByCls.remove(cls);


  /** Type descriptors. */
  private static class TypeDescriptors {
    /** Descriptors map. */
    private final Map<String, TypeDescriptor> descs = new LinkedHashMap<>();

     * Add type descriptor.
     * @param clsName Class name.
     * @param idMapper ID mapper.
     * @param serializer Serializer.
     * @param affKeyFieldName Affinity key field name.
     * @param isEnum Enum flag.
     * @param canOverride Whether this descriptor can be override.
     * @throws BinaryObjectException If failed.
    private void add(
        String clsName,
        BinaryIdMapper idMapper,
        BinarySerializer serializer,
        String affKeyFieldName,
        boolean isEnum,
        boolean canOverride)
        throws BinaryObjectException {
      TypeDescriptor desc =
          new TypeDescriptor(clsName, idMapper, serializer, affKeyFieldName, isEnum, canOverride);

      TypeDescriptor oldDesc = descs.get(clsName);

      if (oldDesc == null) descs.put(clsName, desc);
      else oldDesc.override(desc);

     * Get all collected descriptors.
     * @return Descriptors.
    private Iterable<TypeDescriptor> descriptors() {
      return descs.values();

  /** Type descriptor. */
  private static class TypeDescriptor {
    /** Class name. */
    private final String clsName;

    /** ID mapper. */
    private BinaryIdMapper idMapper;

    /** Serializer. */
    private BinarySerializer serializer;

    /** Affinity key field name. */
    private String affKeyFieldName;

    /** Enum flag. */
    private boolean isEnum;

    /** Whether this descriptor can be override. */
    private boolean canOverride;

     * Constructor.
     * @param clsName Class name.
     * @param idMapper ID mapper.
     * @param serializer Serializer.
     * @param affKeyFieldName Affinity key field name.
     * @param isEnum Enum type.
     * @param canOverride Whether this descriptor can be override.
    private TypeDescriptor(
        String clsName,
        BinaryIdMapper idMapper,
        BinarySerializer serializer,
        String affKeyFieldName,
        boolean isEnum,
        boolean canOverride) {
      this.clsName = clsName;
      this.idMapper = idMapper;
      this.serializer = serializer;
      this.affKeyFieldName = affKeyFieldName;
      this.isEnum = isEnum;
      this.canOverride = canOverride;

     * Override binary class descriptor.
     * @param other Other descriptor.
     * @throws BinaryObjectException If failed.
    private void override(TypeDescriptor other) throws BinaryObjectException {
      assert clsName.equals(other.clsName);

      if (canOverride) {
        idMapper = other.idMapper;
        serializer = other.serializer;
        affKeyFieldName = other.affKeyFieldName;
        isEnum = other.isEnum;
        canOverride = other.canOverride;
      } else if (!other.canOverride)
        throw new BinaryObjectException(
            "Duplicate explicit class definition in configuration: " + clsName);

  /** Type id wrapper. */
  static class Type {
    /** Type id */
    private final int id;

    /** Whether the following type is registered in a cache or not */
    private final boolean registered;

     * @param id Id.
     * @param registered Registered.
    public Type(int id, boolean registered) {
      this.id = id;
      this.registered = registered;

    /** @return Type ID. */
    public int id() {
      return id;

    /** @return Registered flag value. */
    public boolean registered() {
      return registered;