private void testBoolean(final String name, final boolean flag) throws Exception { message.putBooleanProperty(new SimpleString(name), flag); Assert.assertTrue(filter.match(message)); message.putBooleanProperty(new SimpleString(name), !flag); Assert.assertTrue(!filter.match(message)); }
/* Hook for processing message before forwarding */ protected ServerMessage beforeForward(final ServerMessage message) { if (useDuplicateDetection) { // We keep our own DuplicateID for the Bridge, so bouncing back and forths will work fine byte[] bytes = getDuplicateBytes(nodeUUID, message.getMessageID()); message.putBytesProperty(MessageImpl.HDR_BRIDGE_DUPLICATE_ID, bytes); } if (transformer != null) { final ServerMessage transformedMessage = transformer.transform(message); if (transformedMessage != message) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "The transformer " + transformer + " made a copy of the message " + message + " as transformedMessage"); } } return transformedMessage; } else { return message; } }
/** @param packet */ private void handlePageWrite(final ReplicationPageWriteMessage packet) throws Exception { PagedMessage pgdMessage = packet.getPagedMessage(); pgdMessage.initMessage(storageManager); ServerMessage msg = pgdMessage.getMessage(); Page page = getPage(msg.getAddress(), packet.getPageNumber()); page.write(pgdMessage); }
@Override public HandleStatus handle(final MessageReference ref) throws Exception { if (filter != null && !filter.match(ref.getMessage())) { return HandleStatus.NO_MATCH; } synchronized (this) { if (!active || !session.isWritable(this)) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(this + "::Ignoring reference on bridge as it is set to inactive ref=" + ref); } return HandleStatus.BUSY; } if (deliveringLargeMessage) { return HandleStatus.BUSY; } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Bridge " + this + " is handling reference=" + ref); } ref.handled(); synchronized (refs) { refs.put(ref.getMessage().getMessageID(), ref); } final ServerMessage message = beforeForward(ref.getMessage()); final SimpleString dest; if (forwardingAddress != null) { dest = forwardingAddress; } else { // Preserve the original address dest = message.getAddress(); } pendingAcks.countUp(); try { if (message.isLargeMessage()) { deliveringLargeMessage = true; deliverLargeMessage(dest, ref, (LargeServerMessage) message); return HandleStatus.HANDLED; } else { return deliverStandardMessage(dest, ref, message); } } catch (Exception e) { // If an exception happened, we must count down immediately pendingAcks.countDown(); throw e; } } }
@Override public void serverSend( final Receiver receiver, final Delivery delivery, String address, int messageFormat, ByteBuf messageEncoded) throws Exception { EncodedMessage encodedMessage = new EncodedMessage( messageFormat, messageEncoded.array(), messageEncoded.arrayOffset(), messageEncoded.writerIndex()); ServerMessage message = manager.getConverter().inbound(encodedMessage); // use the address on the receiver if not null, if null let's hope it was set correctly on the // message if (address != null) { message.setAddress(new SimpleString(address)); } recoverContext(); try { serverSession.send(message, false); manager .getServer() .getStorageManager() .afterCompleteOperations( new IOCallback() { @Override public void done() { synchronized (connection.getLock()) { delivery.settle(); connection.flush(); } } @Override public void onError(int errorCode, String errorMessage) { synchronized (connection.getLock()) { receiver.setCondition( new ErrorCondition( AmqpError.ILLEGAL_STATE, errorCode + ":" + errorMessage)); connection.flush(); } } }); } finally { resetContext(); } }
@Test public void testAMQTimestamp() throws Exception { filter = FilterImpl.createFilter(new SimpleString("AMQTimestamp=12345678")); message.setTimestamp(87654321); Assert.assertFalse(filter.match(message)); message.setTimestamp(12345678); Assert.assertTrue(filter.match(message)); }
@Override public void handleNoMessageReferences(Map<Long, ServerMessage> messages) { for (ServerMessage msg : messages.values()) { if (msg.getRefCount() == 0) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.journalUnreferencedMessage(msg.getMessageID()); try { storageManager.deleteMessage(msg.getMessageID()); } catch (Exception ignored) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.journalErrorDeletingMessage(ignored, msg.getMessageID()); } } } }
public boolean checkForcedConsumer(ServerMessage message) { if (message.containsProperty(ClientConsumerImpl.FORCED_DELIVERY_MESSAGE)) { System.out.println("MessagePullHandler.checkForcedConsumer"); if (next >= 0) { if (timeout <= 0) { latch.countDown(); } else { messagePullFuture = scheduledPool.schedule( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (next >= 0) { handleDeliverNullDispatch(); } } }, timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } } return false; } else { next = -1; if (messagePullFuture != null) { messagePullFuture.cancel(true); } latch.countDown(); return true; } }
/** * @param ref * @param message * @return */ private HandleStatus deliverStandardMessage( SimpleString dest, final MessageReference ref, ServerMessage message) { // if we failover during send then there is a chance that the // that this will throw a disconnect, we need to remove the message // from the acks so it will get resent, duplicate detection will cope // with any messages resent if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("going to send message: " + message + " from " + this.getQueue()); } try { producer.send(dest, message); } catch (final ActiveMQException e) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.bridgeUnableToSendMessage(e, ref); synchronized (refs) { // We remove this reference as we are returning busy which means the reference will never // leave the Queue. // because of this we have to remove the reference here refs.remove(message.getMessageID()); // The delivering count should also be decreased as to avoid inconsistencies ((QueueImpl) ref.getQueue()).decDelivering(); } connectionFailed(e, false); return HandleStatus.BUSY; } return HandleStatus.HANDLED; }
@Test public void testNewlineMatch() throws Exception { filter = FilterImpl.createFilter(new SimpleString("fooprop LIKE '%1234%'")); message.putStringProperty(new SimpleString("fooprop"), new SimpleString("hello1234\n")); Assert.assertTrue(filter.match(message)); }
@Override public void handle(Message<?> message) { ServerMessage msg = new ServerMessageImpl( storageManager.generateID(), VertxConstants.INITIAL_MESSAGE_BUFFER_SIZE); msg.setAddress(new SimpleString(queueName)); msg.setDurable(true); msg.encodeMessageIDToBuffer(); String replyAddress = message.replyAddress(); if (replyAddress != null) { msg.putStringProperty(VertxConstants.VERTX_MESSAGE_REPLYADDRESS, replyAddress); } // it'd be better that Message expose its type information int type = getMessageType(message); msg.putIntProperty(VertxConstants.VERTX_MESSAGE_TYPE, type); manualEncodeVertxMessageBody(msg.getBodyBuffer(), message.body(), type); try { postOffice.route(msg, null, false); } catch (Exception e) { ActiveMQVertxLogger.LOGGER.error("failed to route msg " + msg, e); } }
@Test public void testFilterForgets() throws Exception { filter = FilterImpl.createFilter(new SimpleString("color = 'RED'")); message.putStringProperty(new SimpleString("color"), new SimpleString("RED")); Assert.assertTrue(filter.match(message)); message = new ServerMessageImpl(); Assert.assertFalse(filter.match(message)); }
@Test public void testIS_NOT_NULLWithNullProperty() throws Exception { filter = FilterImpl.createFilter(new SimpleString("myNullProp IS NOT NULL")); assertFalse(filter.match(message)); message.putStringProperty("myNullProp", "JMS"); assertTrue(filter.match(message)); }
@Test public void testNOT_LIKEWithNullProperty() throws Exception { filter = FilterImpl.createFilter(new SimpleString("myNullProp NOT LIKE '1_3'")); assertFalse(filter.match(message)); message.putStringProperty("myNullProp", "JMS"); assertTrue(filter.match(message)); }
@Test public void testNOT_INWithNullProperty() throws Exception { filter = FilterImpl.createFilter(new SimpleString("myNullProp NOT IN ('foo','jms','test')")); assertFalse(filter.match(message)); message.putStringProperty("myNullProp", "JMS"); assertTrue(filter.match(message)); }
@Test public void testAMQSize() throws Exception { message.setAddress(RandomUtil.randomSimpleString()); int encodeSize = message.getEncodeSize(); Filter moreThanSmall = FilterImpl.createFilter(new SimpleString("AMQSize > " + (encodeSize - 1))); Filter lessThanLarge = FilterImpl.createFilter(new SimpleString("AMQSize < " + (encodeSize + 1))); Filter lessThanSmall = FilterImpl.createFilter(new SimpleString("AMQSize < " + encodeSize)); Filter moreThanLarge = FilterImpl.createFilter(new SimpleString("AMQSize > " + encodeSize)); Assert.assertTrue(moreThanSmall.match(message)); Assert.assertTrue(lessThanLarge.match(message)); Assert.assertFalse(lessThanSmall.match(message)); Assert.assertFalse(moreThanLarge.match(message)); }
@Test public void testAMQDurable() throws Exception { filter = FilterImpl.createFilter(new SimpleString("AMQDurable='DURABLE'")); message.setDurable(true); Assert.assertTrue(filter.match(message)); message.setDurable(false); Assert.assertFalse(filter.match(message)); filter = FilterImpl.createFilter(new SimpleString("AMQDurable='NON_DURABLE'")); message = new ServerMessageImpl(); message.setDurable(true); Assert.assertFalse(filter.match(message)); message.setDurable(false); Assert.assertTrue(filter.match(message)); }
@Test public void testAMQPriority() throws Exception { filter = FilterImpl.createFilter(new SimpleString("AMQPriority=3")); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { message.setPriority((byte) i); if (i == 3) { Assert.assertTrue(filter.match(message)); } else { Assert.assertFalse(filter.match(message)); } } }
/** * We convert the core address to an ActiveMQ Destination. We use the actual address on the * message rather than the destination set on the consumer because it maybe different and the JMS * spec says that it should be what ever was set on publish/send so a divert or wildcard may mean * thats its different to the destination subscribed to by the consumer */ public static ActiveMQDestination toAMQAddress( ServerMessage message, ActiveMQDestination actualDestination) { String address = message.getAddress().toString(); String strippedAddress = address .replace(JMS_QUEUE_ADDRESS_PREFIX, "") .replace(JMS_TEMP_QUEUE_ADDRESS_PREFIX, "") .replace(JMS_TOPIC_ADDRESS_PREFIX, "") .replace(JMS_TEMP_TOPIC_ADDRESS_PREFIX, ""); if (actualDestination.isQueue()) { return new ActiveMQQueue(strippedAddress); } else { return new ActiveMQTopic(strippedAddress); } }
public static MessageDispatch createMessageDispatch( MessageReference reference, ServerMessage message, AMQConsumer consumer) throws IOException, JMSException { ActiveMQMessage amqMessage = toAMQMessage( reference, message, consumer.getMarshaller(), consumer.getOpenwireDestination()); // we can use core message id for sequenceId amqMessage.getMessageId().setBrokerSequenceId(message.getMessageID()); MessageDispatch md = new MessageDispatch(); md.setConsumerId(consumer.getId()); md.setRedeliveryCounter(reference.getDeliveryCount() - 1); md.setDeliverySequenceId(amqMessage.getMessageId().getBrokerSequenceId()); md.setMessage(amqMessage); ActiveMQDestination destination = amqMessage.getDestination(); md.setDestination(destination); return md; }
public int handleDeliver(ServerMessage message, int deliveryCount) { MessageDispatch dispatch; try { if (messagePullHandler != null && !messagePullHandler.checkForcedConsumer(message)) { return 0; } // decrement deliveryCount as AMQ client tends to add 1. dispatch = OpenWireMessageConverter.createMessageDispatch(message, deliveryCount - 1, this); int size = dispatch.getMessage().getSize(); this.deliveringRefs.add( new MessageInfo(dispatch.getMessage().getMessageId(), message.getMessageID(), size)); session.deliverMessage(dispatch); windowAvailable.decrementAndGet(); return size; } catch (IOException e) { return 0; } catch (Throwable t) { return 0; } }
private void doPutStringProperty(final String key, final String value) { message.putStringProperty(new SimpleString(key), new SimpleString(value)); }
@Override public boolean page( ServerMessage message, final Transaction tx, RouteContextList listCtx, final ReadLock managerLock) throws Exception { if (!running) { throw new IllegalStateException("PagingStore(" + getStoreName() + ") not initialized"); } boolean full = isFull(); if (addressFullMessagePolicy == AddressFullMessagePolicy.DROP || addressFullMessagePolicy == AddressFullMessagePolicy.FAIL) { if (full) { if (!printedDropMessagesWarning) { printedDropMessagesWarning = true; ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.pageStoreDropMessages(storeName, sizeInBytes.get(), maxSize); } if (message.isLargeMessage()) { ((LargeServerMessage) message).deleteFile(); } if (addressFullMessagePolicy == AddressFullMessagePolicy.FAIL) { throw ActiveMQMessageBundle.BUNDLE.addressIsFull(address.toString()); } // Address is full, we just pretend we are paging, and drop the data return true; } else { return false; } } else if (addressFullMessagePolicy == AddressFullMessagePolicy.BLOCK) { return false; } // We need to ensure a read lock, as depage could change the paging state lock.readLock().lock(); try { // First check done concurrently, to avoid synchronization and increase throughput if (!paging) { return false; } } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } managerLock.lock(); try { lock.writeLock().lock(); try { if (!paging) { return false; } if (!message.isDurable()) { // The address should never be transient when paging (even for non-persistent messages // when paging) // This will force everything to be persisted message.forceAddress(address); } final long transactionID = tx == null ? -1 : tx.getID(); PagedMessage pagedMessage = new PagedMessageImpl(message, routeQueues(tx, listCtx), transactionID); if (message.isLargeMessage()) { ((LargeServerMessage) message).setPaged(); } int bytesToWrite = pagedMessage.getEncodeSize() + Page.SIZE_RECORD; if (currentPageSize.addAndGet(bytesToWrite) > pageSize && currentPage.getNumberOfMessages() > 0) { // Make sure nothing is currently validating or using currentPage openNewPage(); currentPageSize.addAndGet(bytesToWrite); } if (tx != null) { installPageTransaction(tx, listCtx); } // the apply counter will make sure we write a record on journal // especially on the case for non transactional sends and paging // doing this will give us a possibility of recovering the page counters applyPageCounters(tx, getCurrentPage(), listCtx); currentPage.write(pagedMessage); if (tx == null && syncNonTransactional && message.isDurable()) { sync(); } if (isTrace) { ActiveMQServerLogger.LOGGER.trace( "Paging message " + pagedMessage + " on pageStore " + this.getStoreName() + " pageId=" + currentPage.getPageId()); } return true; } finally { lock.writeLock().unlock(); } } finally { managerLock.unlock(); } }
private static ActiveMQMessage toAMQMessage( MessageReference reference, ServerMessage coreMessage, WireFormat marshaller, ActiveMQDestination actualDestination) throws IOException { ActiveMQMessage amqMsg = null; byte coreType = coreMessage.getType(); switch (coreType) { case org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.Message.BYTES_TYPE: amqMsg = new ActiveMQBytesMessage(); break; case org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.Message.MAP_TYPE: amqMsg = new ActiveMQMapMessage(); break; case org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.Message.OBJECT_TYPE: amqMsg = new ActiveMQObjectMessage(); break; case org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.Message.STREAM_TYPE: amqMsg = new ActiveMQStreamMessage(); break; case org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.Message.TEXT_TYPE: amqMsg = new ActiveMQTextMessage(); break; case org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.Message.DEFAULT_TYPE: amqMsg = new ActiveMQMessage(); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown message type: " + coreMessage.getType()); } String type = coreMessage.getStringProperty(new SimpleString("JMSType")); if (type != null) { amqMsg.setJMSType(type); } amqMsg.setPersistent(coreMessage.isDurable()); amqMsg.setExpiration(coreMessage.getExpiration()); amqMsg.setPriority(coreMessage.getPriority()); amqMsg.setTimestamp(coreMessage.getTimestamp()); Long brokerInTime = (Long) coreMessage.getObjectProperty(AMQ_MSG_BROKER_IN_TIME); if (brokerInTime == null) { brokerInTime = 0L; } amqMsg.setBrokerInTime(brokerInTime); ActiveMQBuffer buffer = coreMessage.getBodyBufferDuplicate(); Boolean compressProp = (Boolean) coreMessage.getObjectProperty(AMQ_MSG_COMPRESSED); boolean isCompressed = compressProp == null ? false : compressProp.booleanValue(); amqMsg.setCompressed(isCompressed); if (buffer != null) { buffer.resetReaderIndex(); byte[] bytes = null; synchronized (buffer) { if (coreType == org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.Message.TEXT_TYPE) { SimpleString text = buffer.readNullableSimpleString(); if (text != null) { ByteArrayOutputStream bytesOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(text.length() + 4); OutputStream out = bytesOut; if (isCompressed) { out = new DeflaterOutputStream(out); } try (DataOutputStream dataOut = new DataOutputStream(out)) { MarshallingSupport.writeUTF8(dataOut, text.toString()); bytes = bytesOut.toByteArray(); } } } else if (coreType == org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.Message.MAP_TYPE) { TypedProperties mapData = new TypedProperties(); // it could be a null map if (buffer.readableBytes() > 0) { mapData.decode(buffer); Map<String, Object> map = mapData.getMap(); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(mapData.getEncodeSize()); OutputStream os = out; if (isCompressed) { os = new DeflaterOutputStream(os); } try (DataOutputStream dataOut = new DataOutputStream(os)) { MarshallingSupport.marshalPrimitiveMap(map, dataOut); } bytes = out.toByteArray(); } } else if (coreType == org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.Message.OBJECT_TYPE) { int len = buffer.readInt(); bytes = new byte[len]; buffer.readBytes(bytes); if (isCompressed) { ByteArrayOutputStream bytesOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try (DeflaterOutputStream out = new DeflaterOutputStream(bytesOut)) { out.write(bytes); } bytes = bytesOut.toByteArray(); } } else if (coreType == org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.Message.STREAM_TYPE) { org.apache.activemq.util.ByteArrayOutputStream bytesOut = new org.apache.activemq.util.ByteArrayOutputStream(); OutputStream out = bytesOut; if (isCompressed) { out = new DeflaterOutputStream(bytesOut); } try (DataOutputStream dataOut = new DataOutputStream(out)) { boolean stop = false; while (!stop && buffer.readable()) { byte primitiveType = buffer.readByte(); switch (primitiveType) { case DataConstants.BOOLEAN: MarshallingSupport.marshalBoolean(dataOut, buffer.readBoolean()); break; case DataConstants.BYTE: MarshallingSupport.marshalByte(dataOut, buffer.readByte()); break; case DataConstants.BYTES: int len = buffer.readInt(); byte[] bytesData = new byte[len]; buffer.readBytes(bytesData); MarshallingSupport.marshalByteArray(dataOut, bytesData); break; case DataConstants.CHAR: char ch = (char) buffer.readShort(); MarshallingSupport.marshalChar(dataOut, ch); break; case DataConstants.DOUBLE: double doubleVal = Double.longBitsToDouble(buffer.readLong()); MarshallingSupport.marshalDouble(dataOut, doubleVal); break; case DataConstants.FLOAT: Float floatVal = Float.intBitsToFloat(buffer.readInt()); MarshallingSupport.marshalFloat(dataOut, floatVal); break; case DataConstants.INT: MarshallingSupport.marshalInt(dataOut, buffer.readInt()); break; case DataConstants.LONG: MarshallingSupport.marshalLong(dataOut, buffer.readLong()); break; case DataConstants.SHORT: MarshallingSupport.marshalShort(dataOut, buffer.readShort()); break; case DataConstants.STRING: String string = buffer.readNullableString(); if (string == null) { MarshallingSupport.marshalNull(dataOut); } else { MarshallingSupport.marshalString(dataOut, string); } break; default: // now we stop stop = true; break; } } } bytes = bytesOut.toByteArray(); } else if (coreType == org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.Message.BYTES_TYPE) { int n = buffer.readableBytes(); bytes = new byte[n]; buffer.readBytes(bytes); if (isCompressed) { int length = bytes.length; Deflater deflater = new Deflater(); try (org.apache.activemq.util.ByteArrayOutputStream compressed = new org.apache.activemq.util.ByteArrayOutputStream()) { compressed.write(new byte[4]); deflater.setInput(bytes); deflater.finish(); byte[] bytesBuf = new byte[1024]; while (!deflater.finished()) { int count = deflater.deflate(bytesBuf); compressed.write(bytesBuf, 0, count); } ByteSequence byteSeq = compressed.toByteSequence(); ByteSequenceData.writeIntBig(byteSeq, length); bytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(, 0, byteSeq.length); } finally { deflater.end(); } } } else { int n = buffer.readableBytes(); bytes = new byte[n]; buffer.readBytes(bytes); if (isCompressed) { try (ByteArrayOutputStream bytesOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DeflaterOutputStream out = new DeflaterOutputStream(bytesOut)) { out.write(bytes); bytes = bytesOut.toByteArray(); } } } buffer.resetReaderIndex(); // this is important for topics as the buffer // may be read multiple times } if (bytes != null) { ByteSequence content = new ByteSequence(bytes); amqMsg.setContent(content); } } // we need check null because messages may come from other clients // and those amq specific attribute may not be set. Long arrival = (Long) coreMessage.getObjectProperty(AMQ_MSG_ARRIVAL); if (arrival == null) { // messages from other sources (like core client) may not set this prop arrival = 0L; } amqMsg.setArrival(arrival); String brokerPath = (String) coreMessage.getObjectProperty(AMQ_MSG_BROKER_PATH); if (brokerPath != null && brokerPath.isEmpty()) { String[] brokers = brokerPath.split(","); BrokerId[] bids = new BrokerId[brokers.length]; for (int i = 0; i < bids.length; i++) { bids[i] = new BrokerId(brokers[i]); } amqMsg.setBrokerPath(bids); } String clusterPath = (String) coreMessage.getObjectProperty(AMQ_MSG_CLUSTER); if (clusterPath != null && clusterPath.isEmpty()) { String[] cluster = clusterPath.split(","); BrokerId[] bids = new BrokerId[cluster.length]; for (int i = 0; i < bids.length; i++) { bids[i] = new BrokerId(cluster[i]); } amqMsg.setCluster(bids); } Integer commandId = (Integer) coreMessage.getObjectProperty(AMQ_MSG_COMMAND_ID); if (commandId == null) { commandId = -1; } amqMsg.setCommandId(commandId); SimpleString corrId = (SimpleString) coreMessage.getObjectProperty("JMSCorrelationID"); if (corrId != null) { amqMsg.setCorrelationId(corrId.toString()); } byte[] dsBytes = (byte[]) coreMessage.getObjectProperty(AMQ_MSG_DATASTRUCTURE); if (dsBytes != null) { ByteSequence seq = new ByteSequence(dsBytes); DataStructure ds = (DataStructure) marshaller.unmarshal(seq); amqMsg.setDataStructure(ds); } amqMsg.setDestination(OpenWireUtil.toAMQAddress(coreMessage, actualDestination)); Object value = coreMessage.getObjectProperty(AMQ_MSG_GROUP_ID); if (value != null) { String groupId = value.toString(); amqMsg.setGroupID(groupId); } Integer groupSequence = (Integer) coreMessage.getObjectProperty(AMQ_MSG_GROUP_SEQUENCE); if (groupSequence == null) { groupSequence = -1; } amqMsg.setGroupSequence(groupSequence); MessageId mid = null; byte[] midBytes = (byte[]) coreMessage.getObjectProperty(AMQ_MSG_MESSAGE_ID); if (midBytes != null) { ByteSequence midSeq = new ByteSequence(midBytes); mid = (MessageId) marshaller.unmarshal(midSeq); } else { mid = new MessageId(UUIDGenerator.getInstance().generateStringUUID() + ":-1"); } amqMsg.setMessageId(mid); byte[] origDestBytes = (byte[]) coreMessage.getObjectProperty(AMQ_MSG_ORIG_DESTINATION); if (origDestBytes != null) { ActiveMQDestination origDest = (ActiveMQDestination) marshaller.unmarshal(new ByteSequence(origDestBytes)); amqMsg.setOriginalDestination(origDest); } byte[] origTxIdBytes = (byte[]) coreMessage.getObjectProperty(AMQ_MSG_ORIG_TXID); if (origTxIdBytes != null) { TransactionId origTxId = (TransactionId) marshaller.unmarshal(new ByteSequence(origTxIdBytes)); amqMsg.setOriginalTransactionId(origTxId); } byte[] producerIdBytes = (byte[]) coreMessage.getObjectProperty(AMQ_MSG_PRODUCER_ID); if (producerIdBytes != null) { ProducerId producerId = (ProducerId) marshaller.unmarshal(new ByteSequence(producerIdBytes)); amqMsg.setProducerId(producerId); } byte[] marshalledBytes = (byte[]) coreMessage.getObjectProperty(AMQ_MSG_MARSHALL_PROP); if (marshalledBytes != null) { amqMsg.setMarshalledProperties(new ByteSequence(marshalledBytes)); } amqMsg.setRedeliveryCounter(reference.getDeliveryCount() - 1); byte[] replyToBytes = (byte[]) coreMessage.getObjectProperty(AMQ_MSG_REPLY_TO); if (replyToBytes != null) { ActiveMQDestination replyTo = (ActiveMQDestination) marshaller.unmarshal(new ByteSequence(replyToBytes)); amqMsg.setReplyTo(replyTo); } String userId = (String) coreMessage.getObjectProperty(AMQ_MSG_USER_ID); if (userId != null) { amqMsg.setUserID(userId); } Boolean isDroppable = (Boolean) coreMessage.getObjectProperty(AMQ_MSG_DROPPABLE); if (isDroppable != null) { amqMsg.setDroppable(isDroppable); } SimpleString dlqCause = (SimpleString) coreMessage.getObjectProperty(AMQ_MSG_DLQ_DELIVERY_FAILURE_CAUSE_PROPERTY); if (dlqCause != null) { try { amqMsg.setStringProperty( ActiveMQMessage.DLQ_DELIVERY_FAILURE_CAUSE_PROPERTY, dlqCause.toString()); } catch (JMSException e) { throw new IOException("failure to set dlq property " + dlqCause, e); } } Set<SimpleString> props = coreMessage.getPropertyNames(); if (props != null) { for (SimpleString s : props) { String keyStr = s.toString(); if (keyStr.startsWith("_AMQ") || keyStr.startsWith("__HDR_")) { continue; } Object prop = coreMessage.getObjectProperty(s); try { if (prop instanceof SimpleString) { amqMsg.setObjectProperty(s.toString(), prop.toString()); } else { amqMsg.setObjectProperty(s.toString(), prop); } } catch (JMSException e) { throw new IOException("exception setting property " + s + " : " + prop, e); } } } try { amqMsg.onSend(); amqMsg.setCompressed(isCompressed); } catch (JMSException e) { throw new IOException("Failed to covert to Openwire message", e); } return amqMsg; }