private void selfUpdate() { URL url = updateUrl; if (url != null) { SelfUpdater downloader = new SelfUpdater(launcher, url); ObservableFuture<File> future = new ObservableFuture<File>( launcher.getExecutor().submit(downloader), downloader); Futures.addCallback(future, new FutureCallback<File>() { @Override public void onSuccess(File result) { SwingHelper.showMessageDialog( LauncherFrame.this, _("launcher.selfUpdateComplete"), _("launcher.selfUpdateCompleteTitle"), null, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); LauncherFrame.this.updateRequired = false; } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { } }, SwingExecutor.INSTANCE); ProgressDialog.showProgress(this, future, _("launcher.selfUpdatingTitle"), _("launcher.selfUpdatingStatus")); SwingHelper.addErrorDialogCallback(this, future); } else { SwingHelper.showMessageDialog( LauncherFrame.this, _("launcher.selfUpdateCheckError"), _("launcher.genericError"), null, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } }
private void launch() { try { final Instance instance = launcher.getInstances().get(instancesTable.getSelectedRow()); boolean update = updateCheck.isSelected() && instance.isUpdatePending(); // Store last access date Date now = new Date(); instance.setLastAccessed(now); Persistence.commitAndForget(instance); // Perform login final Session session = LoginDialog.showLoginRequest(this, launcher); if (session == null) { return; } // If we have to update, we have to update if (!instance.isInstalled()) { update = true; } if (update) { // Execute the updater Updater updater = new Updater(launcher, instance); updater.setOnline(session.isOnline()); ObservableFuture<Instance> future = new ObservableFuture<Instance>( launcher.getExecutor().submit(updater), updater); // Show progress ProgressDialog.showProgress( this, future, _("launcher.updatingTitle"), _("launcher.updatingStatus", instance.getTitle())); SwingHelper.addErrorDialogCallback(this, future); // Update the list of instances after updating future.addListener(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { instancesModel.update(); } }, SwingExecutor.INSTANCE); // On success, launch also Futures.addCallback(future, new FutureCallback<Instance>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Instance result) { launch(instance, session); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { } }, SwingExecutor.INSTANCE); } else { launch(instance, session); } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { SwingHelper.showErrorDialog(this, _("launcher.noInstanceError"), _("launcher.noInstanceTitle")); } }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Object source = e.getSource(); if (source == okButton) { dispose(); // Starts copying files ProgressDialog progressDialog = new ProgressDialog(mainFrame, Translator.get("progress_dialog.processing_files")); ChangeFileAttributesJob job = new ChangeFileAttributesJob( progressDialog, mainFrame, files, getPermInt(), recurseDirCheckBox.isSelected()); progressDialog.start(job); } else if (source == cancelButton) { dispose(); } }
private void launch(Instance instance, Session session) { final File extractDir = launcher.createExtractDir(); // Get the process Runner task = new Runner(launcher, instance, session, extractDir); ObservableFuture<Process> processFuture = new ObservableFuture<Process>( launcher.getExecutor().submit(task), task); // Show process for the process retrieval ProgressDialog.showProgress( this, processFuture, _("launcher.launchingTItle"), _("launcher.launchingStatus", instance.getTitle())); // If the process is started, get rid of this window Futures.addCallback(processFuture, new FutureCallback<Process>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Process result) { dispose(); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { } }); // Watch the created process ListenableFuture<?> future = Futures.transform( processFuture, new LaunchProcessHandler(launcher), launcher.getExecutor()); SwingHelper.addErrorDialogCallback(null, future); // Clean up at the very end future.addListener(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try {"Process ended; cleaning up " + extractDir.getAbsolutePath()); FileUtils.deleteDirectory(extractDir); } catch (IOException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to clean up " + extractDir.getAbsolutePath(), e); } instancesModel.update(); } }, sameThreadExecutor()); }
private void loadInstances() { InstanceList.Enumerator loader = launcher.getInstances().createEnumerator(); ObservableFuture<InstanceList> future = new ObservableFuture<InstanceList>( launcher.getExecutor().submit(loader), loader); future.addListener(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { instancesModel.update(); if (instancesTable.getRowCount() > 0) { instancesTable.setRowSelectionInterval(0, 0); } requestFocus(); } }, SwingExecutor.INSTANCE); ProgressDialog.showProgress(this, future, _("launcher.checkingTitle"), _("launcher.checkingStatus")); SwingHelper.addErrorDialogCallback(this, future); }
private void confirmHardUpdate(Instance instance) { if (!SwingHelper.confirmDialog(this, _("instance.confirmHardUpdate"), _("confirmTitle"))) { return; } // Execute the resetter HardResetter resetter = new HardResetter(instance); ObservableFuture<Instance> future = new ObservableFuture<Instance>( launcher.getExecutor().submit(resetter), resetter); // Show progress ProgressDialog.showProgress( this, future, _("instance.resettingTitle"), _("instance.resettingStatus", instance.getTitle())); SwingHelper.addErrorDialogCallback(this, future); // Update the list of instances after updating future.addListener(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { launch(); instancesModel.update(); } }, SwingExecutor.INSTANCE); }
private void launch() { boolean offlineOnly = false; if(LauncherFrame.this.updateUrl != null) { SwingHelper.showMessageDialog( LauncherFrame.this, _("launcher.selfUpdateComplete"), _("errors.launchImpossible"), null, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; } if(LauncherFrame.this.updateRequired) { offlineOnly = true; if(!SwingHelper.confirmDialog( LauncherFrame.this, _("errors.offlineOnly"), _("errors.genericError"))) return; } try { final Instance instance = launcher.getInstances().get(instancesTable.getSelectedRow()); // Store last access date Date now = new Date(); instance.setLastAccessed(now); Persistence.commitAndForget(instance); // Perform login final Session session = offlineOnly ? (new OfflineSession(launcher.getProperties().getProperty("offlinePlayerName"))) : LoginDialog.showLoginRequest(this, launcher); if (session == null) { return; } // Execute the updater Updater updater = new Updater(launcher, instance); updater.setSelectFeatures(configureFeaturesCheck.isSelected()); updater.setOnline(session.isOnline()); ObservableFuture<Instance> future = new ObservableFuture<Instance>( launcher.getExecutor().submit(updater), updater); // Show progress ProgressDialog.showProgress( this, future, _("launcher.updatingTitle"), _("launcher.updatingStatus", instance.getTitle())); SwingHelper.addErrorDialogCallback(this, future); // Update the list of instances after updating future.addListener(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { instancesModel.update(); } }, SwingExecutor.INSTANCE); // On success, launch also Futures.addCallback(future, new FutureCallback<Instance>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Instance result) { launch(instance, session); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { } }, SwingExecutor.INSTANCE); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { SwingHelper.showErrorDialog(this, _("launcher.noInstanceError"), _("launcher.noInstanceTitle")); } }
/** * Synchronize a local instance repository to the db repository. Calling this method may modify * deleteMap Map in the FileAdaptor object. * * @param fileAdaptor the PersistenceAdaptor for the local instance repository. * @param dbAdaptor the PersistenceAdaptor for the database instance repository. * @return Key: delete, deleteInDB, new and/or changed; Values: A list of instances * <p>Sideeffect: changes typeMap. */ private Map synchronize(final XMLFileAdaptor fileAdaptor, final MySQLAdaptor dbAdaptor) { // Need another thread to display the progress final ProgressDialog progDialog = new ProgressDialog((JFrame) getOwner()); progDialog.setSize(300, 180); //; progDialog.setLocationRelativeTo(progDialog.getOwner()); progDialog.setModal(true); final List syncClassList = getSynchronizingClassList(fileAdaptor); // Get the total instance counter Schema schema = fileAdaptor.getSchema(); SchemaClass cls = null; long total = 0; try { total = getTotalInstanceCount(fileAdaptor); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("SyncrhonizationEngine.synchronize(): " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } progDialog.totalBar.setMaximum((int) total); progDialog.totalBar.setMinimum(0); // Let the synchronizing work in another thread. final Map map = new HashMap(); Thread t = new Thread() { public void run() { java.util.List newInstances = new ArrayList(); java.util.List changedInstances = new ArrayList(); java.util.List deletedInDBInstances = new ArrayList(); java.util.List localHasMoreIEInstances = new ArrayList(); Schema schema = fileAdaptor.getSchema(); SchemaClass schemaClass = null; Collection instances = null; GKInstance instance = null; GKInstance dbCopy = null; int index = 0; int total = 0; // For comparsing InstanceComparer comparer = new InstanceComparer(); try { for (Iterator it = syncClassList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { if (isCancelled) break; schemaClass = (SchemaClass); instances = fileAdaptor.fetchInstancesByClass(schemaClass, false); if (instances == null || instances.size() == 0) continue; progDialog.clsLabel.setText("Scan class " + schemaClass.getName() + "..."); progDialog.clsBar.setMinimum(0); progDialog.clsBar.setMaximum(instances.size()); List existedIDs = new ArrayList(instances.size()); for (Iterator it1 = instances.iterator(); it1.hasNext(); ) { instance = (GKInstance); if (instance.getDBID().longValue() < 0) { newInstances.add(instance); typeMap.put(instance, NEW_KEY); } else // Shell instances should not be skipped since a shell instance can still // be deleted locally so existence checking is needed. existedIDs.add(instance.getDBID()); } if (existedIDs.size() == 0) continue; Collection existences = dbAdaptor.fetchInstances(schemaClass.getName(), existedIDs); if (existences.size() > 0) { // Load all modified attribute SchemaAttribute att = schemaClass.getAttribute("modified"); // Load all atributes in a batch dbAdaptor.loadInstanceAttributeValues(existences, att); } index = 0; for (Iterator it1 = instances.iterator(); it1.hasNext(); ) { if (isCancelled) break; instance = (GKInstance); if (instance.getDBID().longValue() < 0) { // Handled by the previous loop continue; } // The schema class might be changed. Use the // top-leve class to fetch instance dbCopy = dbAdaptor.fetchInstance(instance.getDBID()); if (dbCopy == null) { deletedInDBInstances.add(instance); typeMap.put(instance, DELETE_IN_DB_KEY); } // Don't care a shell instance else { if (!instance.isShell()) { int tmp =, dbCopy); String typeKey = mapCompareResultToString(tmp); if (typeKey == LOCAL_HAS_MORE_IE_KEY) { localHasMoreIEInstances.add(instance); typeMap.put(instance, typeKey); } else if (typeKey != IS_IDENTICAL_KEY) { changedInstances.add(instance); typeMap.put(instance, typeKey); } } } index++; total++; progDialog.clsBar.setValue(index); progDialog.totalBar.setValue(total); } } if (deletedInDBInstances.size() > 0) map.put(DELETE_IN_DB_KEY, deletedInDBInstances); if (newInstances.size() > 0) map.put(NEW_KEY, newInstances); if (changedInstances.size() > 0) map.put(CHANGED_KEY, changedInstances); if (localHasMoreIEInstances.size() > 0) map.put(LOCAL_HAS_MORE_IE_KEY, localHasMoreIEInstances); // Check the delete instances Map deleteMap = getLocalDeleteMap(fileAdaptor, syncClassList); if (deleteMap != null && deleteMap.size() > 0) { java.util.List deleteInstances = new ArrayList(); List clearingIDs = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator it = deleteMap.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Long dbID = (Long); String className = (String) deleteMap.get(dbID); dbCopy = dbAdaptor.fetchInstance(className, dbID); if (dbCopy != null) { deleteInstances.add(dbCopy); typeMap.put(dbCopy, DELETE_KEY); } else clearingIDs.add(dbID); } if (deleteInstances.size() > 0) map.put(DELETE_KEY, deleteInstances); fileAdaptor.clearDeleteRecord(clearingIDs); } progDialog.dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("SynchronizationEngine.synchronize() 1: " + e); e.printStackTrace(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( progDialog, "Error in synchronizing: \n" + e, "Error in Synchronizing", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); // Have to set this first to behavior correctly since thread issue. isCancelled = true; progDialog.dispose(); } } }; t.start(); progDialog.setVisible(true); return map; }