  * Description of calculate(Puzzle puzzle). This method finds conflicting numbers which are they
  * own row or column but reversed order. Every conflict adds +2 to counter. Why? Every conflict
  * needs two extra movements to solution. Manhattan Distance value is added to Linear Conflict
  * value at before it is returned.
  * @return amount of conflicts * 2 + Manhattan Distance
 public int calculate(Puzzle puzzle) {
   this.puzzle = puzzle;
   rows = puzzle.getNumberOfRows();
   columns = puzzle.getNumberOfColumns();
   int lc = 0;
   for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
     lc += calHorizontal(row);
   for (int col = 0; col < columns; col++) {
     lc += calVertical(col);
   return lc + md.calculate(puzzle);
  * Description of calHorizontal(int row). This method returns linear conflicts in certain column.
  * @param row row which conflicts are checked
  * @return amount of conflicts * 2
 private int calHorizontal(int row) {
   int lc = 0;
   int max = -1;
   for (int col = 0; col < columns; col++) {
     int num = puzzle.getNumberInCell(row, col);
     if (num != puzzle.getEmpty() && num / rows == row) {
       if (num > max) {
         max = num;
       } else {
         lc += 2;
   return lc;
  * Description of calVertical(int col). This method returns linear conflicts in certain row.
  * @param col column which conflict are checked
  * @return amount of conflicts * 2
 private int calVertical(int col) {
   int lc = 0;
   int max = -1;
   for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
     int num = puzzle.getNumberInCell(row, col);
     if (num != puzzle.getEmpty() && num % columns == col) {
       if (num > max) {
         max = num;
       } else {
         lc += 2;
   return lc;
  * Description of update(int h, int dRow, int dCol). This method calculates change in Manhattan
  * distance and Linear Conflict.
  * SORRY!!!
  * @param dRow change in row
  * @param dCol change in col
  * @return change in estimation value compared previous situation
 public int update(int h, int dRow, int dCol) {
   int now = 0;
   int old = 0;
   if (dCol == 0) {
     int numOwnRow = puzzle.lastMove / 4;
     if (puzzle.getEmptyRow() == numOwnRow) {
       now = calHorizontal(numOwnRow);
       puzzle.setCell(numOwnRow, puzzle.getEmptyCol(), puzzle.getLastMove());
       old = calHorizontal(numOwnRow);
       puzzle.setCell(numOwnRow, puzzle.getEmptyCol(), puzzle.getEmpty());
     } else {
       if (puzzle.getEmptyRow() - dRow == numOwnRow) {
         now = calHorizontal(numOwnRow);
         puzzle.setCell(numOwnRow, puzzle.getEmptyCol(), puzzle.getEmpty());
         old = calHorizontal(numOwnRow);
         puzzle.setCell(numOwnRow, puzzle.getEmptyCol(), puzzle.getLastMove());
   } else {
     int numOwnCol = puzzle.lastMove % 4;
     if (puzzle.getEmptyCol() == numOwnCol) {
       now = calVertical(numOwnCol);
       puzzle.setCell(puzzle.getEmptyRow(), numOwnCol, puzzle.getLastMove());
       old = calVertical(numOwnCol);
       puzzle.setCell(puzzle.getEmptyRow(), numOwnCol, puzzle.getEmpty());
     } else {
       if (puzzle.getEmptyCol() - dCol == numOwnCol) {
         now = calVertical(numOwnCol);
         puzzle.setCell(puzzle.getEmptyRow(), numOwnCol, puzzle.getEmpty());
         old = calVertical(numOwnCol);
         puzzle.setCell(puzzle.getEmptyRow(), numOwnCol, puzzle.getLastMove());
   return h + md.update(0, dRow, dCol) + now - old;