      description = "Tag a contact by dnd on an existing tag",
      groups = {"functional"})
  public void DnDOnExistingTag() throws HarnessException {

    // Create a contact via Soap then select
    ContactItem contactItem =
        app.zPageAddressbook.createUsingSOAPSelectContact(app, Action.A_LEFTCLICK);

    // Create a new tag via soap
    TagItem tagItem = TagItem.CreateUsingSoap(app);

    // Refresh to display the new tag

    // Dnd on the new tag
            + contactItem.getId()
            + "__fileas:contains("
            + contactItem.fileAs
            + ")",
        "css=div[id=main_Contacts-parent-TAG] div[id=ztih__main_Contacts__TAG] td[id^=zti__main_Contacts__][id$=_textCell]:contains("
            + tagItem.getName()
            + ")");

    Verify(contactItem, tagItem.getName());
  // verify contact tagged with tag and toasted message
  private void Verify(ContactItem contactItem, String tagName) throws HarnessException {
    // Make sure the tag was created on the server (get the tag ID)
    app.zGetActiveAccount().soapSend("<GetTagRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'/>");
    String tagID =
            .soapSelectValue("//mail:GetTagResponse//mail:tag[@name='" + tagName + "']", "id");

    // Make sure the tag was applied to the contact
            "<GetContactsRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>"
                + "<cn id='"
                + contactItem.getId()
                + "'/>"
                + "</GetContactsRequest>");

    String contactTags =
        app.zGetActiveAccount().soapSelectValue("//mail:GetContactsResponse//mail:cn", "t");

    // if multi-tagged
    if (contactTags.contains(",")) {
          contactTags, tagID, "Verify the tag appears on the contact id=" + contactItem.getId());
    } else {
          contactTags, tagID, "Verify the tag appears on the contact id=" + contactItem.getId());
    // verify toasted message '1 contact tagged ...'
    Toaster toast = app.zPageMain.zGetToaster();
    String toastMsg = toast.zGetToastMessage();
        "1 contact tagged \"" + tagName + "\"",
        "Verify toast message '" + "1 contact tagged \"" + tagName + "\"'");
      description =
          "Delete a contact, group, and folder permanently by Empty Trash folder on context menu",
      groups = {"smoke"})
  public void ClickOK() throws HarnessException {

    // -- Data

    // The trash folder
    FolderItem trash = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), SystemFolder.Trash);

    // Create a contact group via Soap
    ContactGroupItem group = ContactGroupItem.createContactGroupItem(app.zGetActiveAccount());

    // Move to trash
            "<ItemActionRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>"
                + "<action op='move' id='"
                + group.getId()
                + "' l='"
                + trash.getId()
                + "'/>"
                + "</ItemActionRequest>");

    // Create a contact via Soap
    ContactItem contact = ContactItem.createContactItem(app.zGetActiveAccount());

    // Move to trash
            "<ItemActionRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>"
                + "<action op='move' id='"
                + contact.getId()
                + "' l='"
                + trash.getId()
                + "'/>"
                + "</ItemActionRequest>");

    // Create a new folder in trash
    String name = "ab" + ZimbraSeleniumProperties.getUniqueString();
            "<CreateFolderRequest xmlns='urn:zimbraMail'>"
                + "<folder name='"
                + name
                + "' view='contact' l='"
                + trash.getId()
                + "'/>"
                + "</CreateFolderRequest>");

    // -- GUI

    // Refresh

    // Now open empty trash dialog
    DialogWarning dialogWarning =
            app.zTreeContacts.zTreeItem(Action.A_RIGHTCLICK, Button.B_TREE_FOLDER_EMPTY, trash);

    // Click OK

    // -- Verification

    // Verify items are permanently deleted

    // Verify Trash folder is empty
    ContactItem actualContact =
            app.zGetActiveAccount(), "is:anywhere #firstname:" + contact.firstName);
    ZAssert.assertNull(actualContact, "Verify the contact is deleted");

    ContactGroupItem actualGroup =
        ContactGroupItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), "is:anywhere " + group.getName());
    ZAssert.assertNull(actualGroup, "Verify the contact group is deleted");

    FolderItem actualAddressbook = FolderItem.importFromSOAP(app.zGetActiveAccount(), name);
    ZAssert.assertNull(actualAddressbook, "Verify the addressbook is deleted");