Exemple #1
  private ListenableFuture<Response> request(
      final URI uri, final String method, final Object entity) {
    final Map<String, List<String>> headers = Maps.newHashMap();
    final byte[] entityBytes;
        VersionCompatibility.HELIOS_VERSION_HEADER, Collections.singletonList(Version.POM_VERSION));
    if (entity != null) {
      headers.put("Content-Type", singletonList("application/json"));
      headers.put("Charset", singletonList("utf-8"));
      entityBytes = Json.asBytesUnchecked(entity);
    } else {
      entityBytes = new byte[] {};

    final ListenableFuture<Response> f = dispatcher.request(uri, method, entityBytes, headers);
    return transform(
        new Function<Response, Response>() {
          public Response apply(final Response response) {
            return response;
  public void testDeploymentGroupInspectCommandJson() throws Exception {
    final int ret = command.run(options, client, out, true, null);

    assertEquals(0, ret);
    final DeploymentGroup output = Json.read(baos.toString(), DeploymentGroup.class);

    assertEquals(DEPLOYMENT_GROUP, output);
  protected void undeployJob(final JobId jobId, final String host) throws Exception {
    final String undeployOutput = cli("undeploy", jobId.toString(), host);
    assertThat(undeployOutput, containsString(host + ": done"));

    final String output = cli("status", "--host", host, "--json");
    final Map<JobId, JobStatus> statuses =
        Json.readUnchecked(output, new TypeReference<Map<JobId, JobStatus>>() {});
    final JobStatus status = statuses.get(jobId);
    assertTrue(status == null || status.getDeployments().get(host) == null);
  protected String createJobRawOutput(final Job job) throws Exception {
    final String name = job.getId().getName();
    checkArgument(name.contains(testTag), "Job name must contain testTag to enable cleanup");

    final String serializedConfig = Json.asNormalizedString(job);
    final File configFile = temporaryFolder.newFile();
    Files.write(serializedConfig, configFile, Charsets.UTF_8);

    final List<String> args = ImmutableList.of("-q", "-f", configFile.getAbsolutePath());
    return cli("create", args);
  public void testDeploymentGroupInspectCommandNotFoundJson() throws Exception {
    final int ret = command.run(options, client, out, true, null);

    assertEquals(1, ret);
    final Map<String, Object> output =
        Json.read(baos.toString(), new TypeReference<Map<String, Object>>() {});

    assertEquals("DEPLOYMENT_GROUP_NOT_FOUND", output.get("status"));
 private <T> T tryGetEntity(
     final ZooKeeperClient client, String path, TypeReference<T> type, String name) {
   try {
     final byte[] data = client.getData(path);
     return Json.read(data, type);
   } catch (NoNodeException e) {
     return null;
   } catch (KeeperException | IOException e) {
     throw new HeliosRuntimeException("reading " + name + " info failed", e);
 private Job getJob(final ZooKeeperClient client, final JobId id) {
   final String path = Paths.configJob(id);
   try {
     final byte[] data = client.getData(path);
     return Json.read(data, Job.class);
   } catch (NoNodeException e) {
     // Return null to indicate that the job does not exist
     return null;
   } catch (KeeperException | IOException e) {
     throw new HeliosRuntimeException("getting job " + id + " failed", e);
  protected void deployJob(final JobId jobId, final String host, final String token)
      throws Exception {
    final List<String> deployArgs = Lists.newArrayList(jobId.toString(), host);

    if (token != null) {
      deployArgs.addAll(ImmutableList.of("--token", token));

    final String deployOutput = cli("deploy", deployArgs);
    assertThat(deployOutput, containsString(host + ": done"));

    final String output = cli("status", "--host", host, "--json");
    final Map<JobId, JobStatus> statuses =
        Json.readUnchecked(output, new TypeReference<Map<JobId, JobStatus>>() {});
  /** Given a jobId, returns the N most recent events in it's history in the cluster. */
  public List<TaskStatusEvent> getJobHistory(final JobId jobId) throws JobDoesNotExistException {
    final Job descriptor = getJob(jobId);
    if (descriptor == null) {
      throw new JobDoesNotExistException(jobId);
    final ZooKeeperClient client = provider.get("getJobHistory");
    final List<String> hosts;
    try {
      hosts = client.getChildren(Paths.historyJobHosts(jobId));
    } catch (NoNodeException e) {
      return emptyList();
    } catch (KeeperException e) {
      throw Throwables.propagate(e);

    final List<TaskStatusEvent> jsEvents = Lists.newArrayList();

    for (String host : hosts) {
      final List<String> events;
      try {
        events = client.getChildren(Paths.historyJobHostEvents(jobId, host));
      } catch (KeeperException e) {
        throw Throwables.propagate(e);

      for (String event : events) {
        try {
          byte[] data =
              client.getData(Paths.historyJobHostEventsTimestamp(jobId, host, Long.valueOf(event)));
          final TaskStatus status = Json.read(data, TaskStatus.class);
          jsEvents.add(new TaskStatusEvent(status, Long.valueOf(event), host));
        } catch (NoNodeException e) { // ignore, it went away before we read it
        } catch (KeeperException | IOException e) {
          throw Throwables.propagate(e);

    return Ordering.from(EVENT_COMPARATOR).sortedCopy(jsEvents);
Exemple #10
    public ListenableFuture<T> apply(@NotNull final Response reply) throws HeliosException {
      if (reply.status() == HTTP_NOT_FOUND && !decodeableStatusCodes.contains(HTTP_NOT_FOUND)) {
        return immediateFuture(null);

      if (!decodeableStatusCodes.contains(reply.status())) {
        throw new HeliosException("request failed: " + reply);

      if (reply.payload().length == 0) {
        throw new HeliosException("bad reply: " + reply);

      final T result;
      try {
        result = Json.read(reply.payload(), javaType);
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new HeliosException("bad reply: " + reply, e);

      return immediateFuture(result);
Exemple #11
    public Job build() {
      final String configHash;
      try {
        configHash = hex(Json.sha1digest(p));
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw propagate(e);

      final String hash;
      if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(this.hash)) {
        hash = this.hash;
      } else {
        if (p.name != null && p.version != null) {
          final String input = String.format("%s:%s:%s", p.name, p.version, configHash);
          hash = hex(sha1digest(input.getBytes(UTF_8)));
        } else {
          hash = null;

      final JobId id = new JobId(p.name, p.version, hash);

      return new Job(id, p);
 protected <T> T cliJson(final Class<T> klass, final String command, final List<String> args)
     throws Exception {
   final List<String> args0 = newArrayList("--json");
   return Json.read(cli(command, args0), klass);
  protected int runWithJobId(
      final Namespace options,
      final HeliosClient client,
      final PrintStream out,
      final boolean json,
      final JobId jobId,
      final BufferedReader stdin)
      throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, IOException {
    final String name = options.getString(nameArg.getDest());
    final long timeout = options.getLong(timeoutArg.getDest());
    final int parallelism = options.getInt(parallelismArg.getDest());
    final boolean async = options.getBoolean(asyncArg.getDest());
    final long rolloutTimeout = options.getLong(rolloutTimeoutArg.getDest());
    final boolean migrate = options.getBoolean(migrateArg.getDest());
    final boolean overlap = options.getBoolean(overlapArg.getDest());
    final String token = options.getString(tokenArg.getDest());

    checkArgument(timeout > 0, "Timeout must be greater than 0");
    checkArgument(parallelism > 0, "Parallelism must be greater than 0");
    checkArgument(rolloutTimeout > 0, "Rollout timeout must be greater than 0");

    final long startTime = timeSupplier.get();

    final RolloutOptions rolloutOptions =
    final RollingUpdateResponse response = client.rollingUpdate(name, jobId, rolloutOptions).get();

    if (response.getStatus() != RollingUpdateResponse.Status.OK) {
      if (!json) {
        out.println("Failed: " + response);
      } else {
      return 1;

    if (!json) {
              "Rolling update%s started: %s -> %s "
                  + "(parallelism=%d, timeout=%d, overlap=%b, token=%s)%s",
              async ? " (async)" : "",
              async ? "" : "\n"));

    final Map<String, Object> jsonOutput = Maps.newHashMap();
    jsonOutput.put("parallelism", parallelism);
    jsonOutput.put("timeout", timeout);
    jsonOutput.put("overlap", overlap);
    jsonOutput.put("token", token);

    if (async) {
      if (json) {
        jsonOutput.put("status", response.getStatus());
      return 0;

    String error = "";
    boolean failed = false;
    boolean timedOut = false;
    final Set<String> reported = Sets.newHashSet();
    while (true) {
      final DeploymentGroupStatusResponse status = client.deploymentGroupStatus(name).get();

      if (status == null) {
        failed = true;
        error = "Failed to fetch deployment-group status";

      if (!jobId.equals(status.getDeploymentGroup().getJobId())) {
        // Another rolling-update was started, overriding this one -- exit
        failed = true;
        error = "Deployment-group job id changed during rolling-update";

      if (!json) {
        for (DeploymentGroupStatusResponse.HostStatus hostStatus : status.getHostStatuses()) {
          final JobId hostJobId = hostStatus.getJobId();
          final String host = hostStatus.getHost();
          final TaskStatus.State state = hostStatus.getState();
          final boolean done =
              hostJobId != null && hostJobId.equals(jobId) && state == TaskStatus.State.RUNNING;

          if (done && reported.add(host)) {
                    "%s -> %s (%d/%d)",
                    host, state, reported.size(), status.getHostStatuses().size()));

      if (status.getStatus() != DeploymentGroupStatusResponse.Status.ROLLING_OUT) {
        if (status.getStatus() == DeploymentGroupStatusResponse.Status.FAILED) {
          failed = true;
          error = status.getError();

      if (timeSupplier.get() - startTime > TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(rolloutTimeout)) {
        // Rollout timed out
        timedOut = true;


    final double duration = (timeSupplier.get() - startTime) / 1000.0;

    if (json) {
      if (failed) {
        jsonOutput.put("status", "FAILED");
        jsonOutput.put("error", error);
      } else if (timedOut) {
        jsonOutput.put("status", "TIMEOUT");
      } else {
        jsonOutput.put("status", "DONE");
      jsonOutput.put("duration", duration);
    } else {
      if (failed) {
        out.println(format("Failed: %s", error));
      } else if (timedOut) {
        out.println("Timed out! (rolling-update still in progress)");
      } else {
      out.println(format("Duration: %.2f s", duration));

    return (failed || timedOut) ? 1 : 0;
Exemple #14
 public void testNotInOperatorSerialization() throws Exception {
   final HostSelector orig = HostSelector.parse("a notin (foo,bar)");
   final HostSelector parsed = Json.read(Json.asString(orig), HostSelector.class);
   assertEquals(orig, parsed);
  // TODO(drewc): this kinda screams "long method"
  private void deployJobRetry(
      final ZooKeeperClient client, final String host, final Deployment deployment, int count)
      throws JobDoesNotExistException, JobAlreadyDeployedException, HostNotFoundException,
          JobPortAllocationConflictException {
    if (count == 3) {
      throw new HeliosRuntimeException(
          "3 failures (possibly concurrent modifications) while " + "deploying. Giving up.");
    log.info("deploying {}: {} (retry={})", deployment, host, count);

    final JobId id = deployment.getJobId();
    final Job job = getJob(id);

    if (job == null) {
      throw new JobDoesNotExistException(id);

    final UUID operationId = UUID.randomUUID();
    final String jobPath = Paths.configJob(id);
    final String taskPath = Paths.configHostJob(host, id);
    final String taskCreationPath = Paths.configHostJobCreation(host, id, operationId);

    final List<Integer> staticPorts = staticPorts(job);
    final Map<String, byte[]> portNodes = Maps.newHashMap();
    final byte[] idJson = id.toJsonBytes();
    for (final int port : staticPorts) {
      final String path = Paths.configHostPort(host, port);
      portNodes.put(path, idJson);

    final Task task = new Task(job, deployment.getGoal());
    final List<ZooKeeperOperation> operations =
            check(jobPath), create(portNodes), create(Paths.configJobHost(id, host)));

    // Attempt to read a task here.  If it's goal is UNDEPLOY, it's as good as not existing
    try {
      final Node existing = client.getNode(taskPath);
      byte[] bytes = existing.getBytes();
      Task readTask = Json.read(bytes, Task.class);
      if (readTask.getGoal() != Goal.UNDEPLOY) {
        throw new JobAlreadyDeployedException(host, id);
      operations.add(check(taskPath, existing.getStat().getVersion()));
      operations.add(set(taskPath, task));
    } catch (NoNodeException e) {
      operations.add(create(taskPath, task));
    } catch (IOException | KeeperException e) {
      throw new HeliosRuntimeException("reading existing task description failed", e);

    // TODO (dano): Failure handling is racy wrt agent and job modifications.
    try {
      log.info("deployed {}: {} (retry={})", deployment, host, count);
    } catch (NoNodeException e) {
      // Either the job, the host or the task went away
      assertJobExists(client, id);
      assertHostExists(client, host);
      // If the job and host still exists, we likely tried to redeploy a job that had an UNDEPLOY
      // goal and lost the race with the agent removing the task before we could set it. Retry.
      deployJobRetry(client, host, deployment, count + 1);
    } catch (NodeExistsException e) {
      // Check for conflict due to transaction retry
      try {
        if (client.exists(taskCreationPath) != null) {
          // Our creation operation node existed, we're done here
      } catch (KeeperException ex) {
        throw new HeliosRuntimeException("checking job deployment failed", ex);
      try {
        // Check if the job was already deployed
        if (client.stat(taskPath) != null) {
          throw new JobAlreadyDeployedException(host, id);
      } catch (KeeperException ex) {
        throw new HeliosRuntimeException("checking job deployment failed", e);

      // Check for static port collisions
      for (final int port : staticPorts) {
        final String path = Paths.configHostPort(host, port);
        try {
          if (client.stat(path) == null) {
          final byte[] b = client.getData(path);
          final JobId existingJobId = parse(b, JobId.class);
          throw new JobPortAllocationConflictException(id, existingJobId, host, port);
        } catch (KeeperException | IOException ex) {
          throw new HeliosRuntimeException("checking port allocations failed", e);

      // Catch all for logic and ephemeral issues
      throw new HeliosRuntimeException("deploying job failed", e);
    } catch (KeeperException e) {
      throw new HeliosRuntimeException("deploying job failed", e);
Exemple #16
 public String toJsonString() {
   return Json.asStringUnchecked(this);
Exemple #17
 public static <T> ConvertResponseToPojo<T> create(
     final Class<T> clazz, final Set<Integer> decodeableStatusCodes) {
   return new ConvertResponseToPojo<>(Json.type(clazz), decodeableStatusCodes);
Exemple #18
 private <T> ListenableFuture<T> get(final URI uri, final Class<T> clazz) {
   return get(uri, Json.type(clazz));
Exemple #19
 private <T> ListenableFuture<T> get(final URI uri, final TypeReference<T> typeReference) {
   return get(uri, Json.type(typeReference));