 /** Test the option price from the future price. Standard option. */
 public void priceStandard() {
   final double expirationTime = ACT_ACT.getDayCountFraction(REFERENCE_DATE, LAST_TRADING_DATE);
   final InterestRateFutureOptionMarginSecurity optionEDU2Standard =
       new InterestRateFutureOptionMarginSecurity(EDU2, expirationTime, STRIKE, IS_CALL);
   final double priceOption = METHOD.optionPrice(optionEDU2Standard, SABR_BUNDLE);
   final InterestRateFutureSecurityDiscountingMethod methodFuture =
   final double priceFuture = methodFuture.priceFromCurves(EDU2, CURVES_BUNDLE);
   final double priceOptionExpected =
       METHOD.optionPriceFromFuturePrice(optionEDU2Standard, SABR_BUNDLE, priceFuture);
       "Future option with SABR volatilities: option price", priceOptionExpected, priceOption);
 /** Test the option price from the future price. Mid-curve one year option. */
 public void priceFromFuturePriceMidCurve() {
   final double priceFuture = 0.9905;
   final double priceOption =
       METHOD.optionPriceFromFuturePrice(OPTION_EDU2, SABR_BUNDLE, priceFuture);
   final double delay = EDU2.getLastTradingTime() - EXPIRATION_TIME;
   final double volatility =
       SABR_PARAMETER.getVolatility(EXPIRATION_TIME, delay, 1 - STRIKE, 1 - priceFuture);
   final BlackPriceFunction blackFunction = new BlackPriceFunction();
   final BlackFunctionData dataBlack = new BlackFunctionData(1 - priceFuture, 1.0, volatility);
   final EuropeanVanillaOption option =
       new EuropeanVanillaOption(1 - STRIKE, EXPIRATION_TIME, !IS_CALL);
   final double priceOptionExpected = blackFunction.getPriceFunction(option).evaluate(dataBlack);
       "Future option with SABR volatilities: option price from future price",
 /** Test the option price from the future price. Standard option. */
 public void priceFromFuturePriceStandard() {
   final double expirationTime = ACT_ACT.getDayCountFraction(REFERENCE_DATE, LAST_TRADING_DATE);
   final InterestRateFutureOptionMarginSecurity optionEDU2Standard =
       new InterestRateFutureOptionMarginSecurity(EDU2, expirationTime, STRIKE, IS_CALL);
   final double priceFuture = 0.9905;
   final double priceOption =
       METHOD.optionPriceFromFuturePrice(optionEDU2Standard, SABR_BUNDLE, priceFuture);
   final double delay = 0.0;
   final double volatility =
       SABR_PARAMETER.getVolatility(expirationTime, delay, 1 - STRIKE, 1 - priceFuture);
   final BlackPriceFunction blackFunction = new BlackPriceFunction();
   final BlackFunctionData dataBlack = new BlackFunctionData(1 - priceFuture, 1.0, volatility);
   final EuropeanVanillaOption option =
       new EuropeanVanillaOption(1 - STRIKE, expirationTime, !IS_CALL);
   final double priceOptionExpected = blackFunction.getPriceFunction(option).evaluate(dataBlack);
       "Future option with SABR volatilities: option price from future price",