/** Computes this Spatial's world bounding volume in the most efficient manner possible. */
  void checkDoBoundUpdate() {
    if ((refreshFlags & RF_BOUND) == 0) {


    // Go to children recursively and update their bound
    if (this instanceof Node) {
      Node node = (Node) this;
      int len = node.getQuantity();
      for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        Spatial child = node.getChild(i);

    // All children's bounds have been updated. Update my own now.
  * Convert a vector (in) from world coordinate space to this spatials' local coordinate space.
  * @param in vector to read from
  * @param store where to write the result
  * @return the result (store)
 public Vector3f worldToLocal(final Vector3f in, final Vector3f store) {
   return worldTransform.transformInverseVector(in, store);
  * Convert a vector (in) from this spatials' local coordinate space to world coordinate space.
  * @param in vector to read from
  * @param store where to write the result (null to create a new vector, may be same as in)
  * @return the result (store)
 public Vector3f localToWorld(final Vector3f in, Vector3f store) {
   return worldTransform.transformVector(in, store);
  * <code>getWorldTransform</code> retrieves the world transformation of the spatial.
  * @return the world transform.
 public Transform getWorldTransform() {
   return worldTransform;
  * <code>getWorldScale</code> retrieves the absolute scale factor of the spatial.
  * @return the Spatial's world scale factor.
 public Vector3f getWorldScale() {
   return worldTransform.getScale();
  * <code>getWorldTranslation</code> retrieves the absolute translation of the spatial.
  * @return the Spatial's world tranlsation vector.
 public Vector3f getWorldTranslation() {
   return worldTransform.getTranslation();
  * <code>getWorldRotation</code> retrieves the absolute rotation of the Spatial.
  * @return the Spatial's world rotation quaternion.
 public Quaternion getWorldRotation() {
   return worldTransform.getRotation();