@Override public void configure(WebAppContext context) throws Exception { if (!context.isConfigurationDiscovered()) return; // order the fragments context.getMetaData().orderFragments(); }
@Override public void preConfigure(WebAppContext context) throws Exception { if (!context.isConfigurationDiscovered()) return; // find all web-fragment.xmls findWebFragments(context, context.getMetaData()); }
public File findWorkDirectory(WebAppContext context) throws IOException { if (context.getBaseResource() != null) { Resource web_inf = context.getWebInf(); if (web_inf != null && web_inf.exists()) { return new File(web_inf.getFile(), "work"); } } return null; }
/** * @see * org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.AbstractConfiguration#cloneConfigure(org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext, * org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext) */ @Override public void cloneConfigure(WebAppContext template, WebAppContext context) throws Exception { File tmpDir = File.createTempFile( WebInfConfiguration.getCanonicalNameForWebAppTmpDir(context), "", template.getTempDirectory().getParentFile()); if (tmpDir.exists()) { IO.delete(tmpDir); } tmpDir.mkdir(); tmpDir.deleteOnExit(); context.setTempDirectory(tmpDir); }
/** * Look for jars in WEB-INF/lib * * @param context * @return the list of jar resources found within context * @throws Exception */ protected List<Resource> findJars(WebAppContext context) throws Exception { List<Resource> jarResources = new ArrayList<Resource>(); Resource web_inf = context.getWebInf(); if (web_inf == null || !web_inf.exists()) return null; Resource web_inf_lib = web_inf.addPath("/lib"); if (web_inf_lib.exists() && web_inf_lib.isDirectory()) { String[] files = web_inf_lib.list(); for (int f = 0; files != null && f < files.length; f++) { try { Resource file = web_inf_lib.addPath(files[f]); String fnlc = file.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); int dot = fnlc.lastIndexOf('.'); String extension = (dot < 0 ? null : fnlc.substring(dot)); if (extension != null && (extension.equals(".jar") || extension.equals(".zip"))) { jarResources.add(file); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.warn(Log.EXCEPTION, ex); } } } return jarResources; }
public void makeTempDirectory(File parent, WebAppContext context, boolean deleteExisting) throws IOException { if (parent != null && parent.exists() && parent.canWrite() && parent.isDirectory()) { String temp = getCanonicalNameForWebAppTmpDir(context); File tmpDir = new File(parent, temp); if (deleteExisting && tmpDir.exists()) { if (!IO.delete(tmpDir)) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Failed to delete temp dir " + tmpDir); } // If we can't delete the existing tmp dir, create a new one if (tmpDir.exists()) { String old = tmpDir.toString(); tmpDir = File.createTempFile(temp + "_", ""); if (tmpDir.exists()) IO.delete(tmpDir); LOG.warn("Can't reuse " + old + ", using " + tmpDir); } } if (!tmpDir.exists()) tmpDir.mkdir(); // If the parent is not a work directory if (!isTempWorkDirectory(tmpDir)) { tmpDir.deleteOnExit(); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Set temp dir " + tmpDir); context.setTempDirectory(tmpDir); } }
private static JaggeryContext createJaggeryContext( OutputStream out, String scriptPath, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { WebAppContext context = new WebAppContext(); context.setTenantId(Integer.toString(CarbonContext.getCurrentContext().getTenantId())); context.setOutputStream(out); context.setServletRequest(request); context.setServletResponse(response); context.setServletConext(request.getServletContext()); context.setScriptPath(scriptPath); context.getIncludesCallstack().push(scriptPath); context.getIncludedScripts().put(scriptPath, true); return context; }
private static void defineProperties(Context cx, JaggeryContext context, ScriptableObject scope) { WebAppContext ctx = (WebAppContext) context; JavaScriptProperty request = new JavaScriptProperty("request"); request.setValue(cx.newObject(scope, "Request", new Object[] {ctx.getServletRequest()})); request.setAttribute(ScriptableObject.READONLY); RhinoEngine.defineProperty(scope, request); JavaScriptProperty response = new JavaScriptProperty("response"); response.setValue(cx.newObject(scope, "Response", new Object[] {ctx.getServletResponse()})); response.setAttribute(ScriptableObject.READONLY); RhinoEngine.defineProperty(scope, response); JavaScriptProperty session = new JavaScriptProperty("session"); session.setValue( cx.newObject(scope, "Session", new Object[] {ctx.getServletRequest().getSession()})); session.setAttribute(ScriptableObject.READONLY); RhinoEngine.defineProperty(scope, session); JavaScriptProperty application = new JavaScriptProperty("application"); application.setValue(cx.newObject(scope, "Application", new Object[] {ctx.getServletConext()})); application.setAttribute(ScriptableObject.READONLY); RhinoEngine.defineProperty(scope, application); if (isWebSocket(ctx.getServletRequest())) { JavaScriptProperty websocket = new JavaScriptProperty("websocket"); websocket.setValue(cx.newObject(scope, "WebSocket", new Object[0])); websocket.setAttribute(ScriptableObject.READONLY); RhinoEngine.defineProperty(scope, websocket); } }
public void doStart() throws Exception { setConfigurations(configs); // Initialize map containing all jars in /WEB-INF/lib webInfJarMap.clear(); for (File file : webInfJars) { // Return all jar files from class path String fileName = file.getName(); if (fileName.endsWith(".jar")) webInfJarMap.put(fileName, file); } if (this.jettyEnvXml != null) envConfig.setJettyEnvXml(new File(this.jettyEnvXml).toURL()); setShutdown(false); super.doStart(); }
@Override public void deconfigure(WebAppContext context) throws Exception { // delete temp directory if we had to create it or if it isn't called work Boolean tmpdirConfigured = (Boolean) context.getAttribute(TEMPDIR_CONFIGURED); if (context.getTempDirectory() != null && (tmpdirConfigured == null || !tmpdirConfigured.booleanValue()) && !isTempWorkDirectory(context.getTempDirectory())) { IO.delete(context.getTempDirectory()); context.setTempDirectory(null); // clear out the context attributes for the tmp dir only if we had to // create the tmp dir context.setAttribute(TEMPDIR_CONFIGURED, null); context.setAttribute(WebAppContext.TEMPDIR, null); } // reset the base resource back to what it was before we did any unpacking of resources context.setBaseResource(_preUnpackBaseResource); }
/** * Look for any web-fragment.xml fragments in META-INF of jars in WEB-INF/lib * * @throws Exception */ public void findWebFragments(final WebAppContext context, final MetaData metaData) throws Exception { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Resource> frags = (List<Resource>) context.getAttribute(FRAGMENT_RESOURCES); if (frags != null) { for (Resource frag : frags) { if (frag .isDirectory()) // tolerate the case where the library is a directory, not a jar. useful // for OSGi for example { metaData.addFragment( frag, Resource.newResource(frag.getURL() + "/META-INF/web-fragment.xml")); } else // the standard case: a jar most likely inside WEB-INF/lib { metaData.addFragment( frag, Resource.newResource("jar:" + frag.getURL() + "!/META-INF/web-fragment.xml")); } } } }
@Override public void configure(WebAppContext context) throws Exception { // cannot configure if the context is already started if (context.isStarted()) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Cannot configure webapp " + context + " after it is started"); return; } Resource web_inf = context.getWebInf(); // Add WEB-INF classes and lib classpaths if (web_inf != null && web_inf.isDirectory() && context.getClassLoader() instanceof WebAppClassLoader) { // Look for classes directory Resource classes = web_inf.addPath("classes/"); if (classes.exists()) ((WebAppClassLoader) context.getClassLoader()).addClassPath(classes); // Look for jars Resource lib = web_inf.addPath("lib/"); if (lib.exists() || lib.isDirectory()) ((WebAppClassLoader) context.getClassLoader()).addJars(lib); } // Look for extra resource @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Resource> resources = (List<Resource>) context.getAttribute(RESOURCE_URLS); if (resources != null) { Resource[] collection = new Resource[resources.size() + 1]; int i = 0; collection[i++] = context.getBaseResource(); for (Resource resource : resources) collection[i++] = resource; context.setBaseResource(new ResourceCollection(collection)); } }
@Override public void preConfigure(final WebAppContext context) throws Exception { // Look for a work directory File work = findWorkDirectory(context); if (work != null) makeTempDirectory(work, context, false); // Make a temp directory for the webapp if one is not already set resolveTempDirectory(context); // Extract webapp if necessary unpack(context); // Apply an initial ordering to the jars which governs which will be scanned for META-INF // info and annotations. The ordering is based on inclusion patterns. String tmp = (String) context.getAttribute(WEBINF_JAR_PATTERN); Pattern webInfPattern = (tmp == null ? null : Pattern.compile(tmp)); tmp = (String) context.getAttribute(CONTAINER_JAR_PATTERN); Pattern containerPattern = (tmp == null ? null : Pattern.compile(tmp)); // Apply ordering to container jars - if no pattern is specified, we won't // match any of the container jars PatternMatcher containerJarNameMatcher = new PatternMatcher() { public void matched(URI uri) throws Exception { context.getMetaData().addContainerJar(Resource.newResource(uri)); } }; ClassLoader loader = context.getClassLoader(); while (loader != null && (loader instanceof URLClassLoader)) { URL[] urls = ((URLClassLoader) loader).getURLs(); if (urls != null) { URI[] containerUris = new URI[urls.length]; int i = 0; for (URL u : urls) { try { containerUris[i] = u.toURI(); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { containerUris[i] = new URI(u.toString().replaceAll(" ", "%20")); } i++; } containerJarNameMatcher.match(containerPattern, containerUris, false); } loader = loader.getParent(); } // Apply ordering to WEB-INF/lib jars PatternMatcher webInfJarNameMatcher = new PatternMatcher() { @Override public void matched(URI uri) throws Exception { context.getMetaData().addWebInfJar(Resource.newResource(uri)); } }; List<Resource> jars = findJars(context); // Convert to uris for matching URI[] uris = null; if (jars != null) { uris = new URI[jars.size()]; int i = 0; for (Resource r : jars) { uris[i++] = r.getURI(); } } webInfJarNameMatcher.match( webInfPattern, uris, true); // null is inclusive, no pattern == all jars match }
/** * Create a canonical name for a webapp temp directory. The form of the name is: <code> * "Jetty_"+host+"_"+port+"__"+resourceBase+"_"+context+"_"+virtualhost+base36_hashcode_of_whole_string * </code> host and port uniquely identify the server context and virtual host uniquely identify * the webapp * * @return the canonical name for the webapp temp directory */ public static String getCanonicalNameForWebAppTmpDir(WebAppContext context) { StringBuffer canonicalName = new StringBuffer(); canonicalName.append("jetty-"); // get the host and the port from the first connector Server server = context.getServer(); if (server != null) { Connector[] connectors = context.getServer().getConnectors(); if (connectors.length > 0) { // Get the host String host = (connectors == null || connectors[0] == null ? "" : connectors[0].getHost()); if (host == null) host = ""; canonicalName.append(host); // Get the port canonicalName.append("-"); // try getting the real port being listened on int port = (connectors == null || connectors[0] == null ? 0 : connectors[0].getLocalPort()); // if not available (eg no connectors or connector not started), // try getting one that was configured. if (port < 0) port = connectors[0].getPort(); canonicalName.append(port); canonicalName.append("-"); } } // Resource base try { Resource resource = context.getBaseResource(); if (resource == null) { if (context.getWar() == null || context.getWar().length() == 0) resource = context.newResource(context.getResourceBase()); // Set dir or WAR resource = context.newResource(context.getWar()); } String tmp = URIUtil.decodePath(resource.getURL().getPath()); if (tmp.endsWith("/")) tmp = tmp.substring(0, tmp.length() - 1); if (tmp.endsWith("!")) tmp = tmp.substring(0, tmp.length() - 1); // get just the last part which is the filename int i = tmp.lastIndexOf("/"); canonicalName.append(tmp.substring(i + 1, tmp.length())); canonicalName.append("-"); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Can't generate resourceBase as part of webapp tmp dir name", e); } // Context name String contextPath = context.getContextPath(); contextPath = contextPath.replace('/', '_'); contextPath = contextPath.replace('\\', '_'); canonicalName.append(contextPath); // Virtual host (if there is one) canonicalName.append("-"); String[] vhosts = context.getVirtualHosts(); if (vhosts == null || vhosts.length <= 0) canonicalName.append("any"); else canonicalName.append(vhosts[0]); // sanitize for (int i = 0; i < canonicalName.length(); i++) { char c = canonicalName.charAt(i); if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c) && "-.".indexOf(c) < 0) canonicalName.setCharAt(i, '.'); } canonicalName.append("-"); return canonicalName.toString(); }
public void unpack(WebAppContext context) throws IOException { Resource web_app = context.getBaseResource(); _preUnpackBaseResource = context.getBaseResource(); if (web_app == null) { String war = context.getWar(); if (war != null && war.length() > 0) web_app = context.newResource(war); else web_app = context.getBaseResource(); // Accept aliases for WAR files if (web_app.getAlias() != null) { LOG.debug(web_app + " anti-aliased to " + web_app.getAlias()); web_app = context.newResource(web_app.getAlias()); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug( "Try webapp=" + web_app + ", exists=" + web_app.exists() + ", directory=" + web_app.isDirectory() + " file=" + (web_app.getFile())); // Is the WAR usable directly? if (web_app.exists() && !web_app.isDirectory() && !web_app.toString().startsWith("jar:")) { // No - then lets see if it can be turned into a jar URL. Resource jarWebApp = JarResource.newJarResource(web_app); if (jarWebApp.exists() && jarWebApp.isDirectory()) web_app = jarWebApp; } // If we should extract or the URL is still not usable if (web_app.exists() && ((context.isCopyWebDir() && web_app.getFile() != null && web_app.getFile().isDirectory()) || (context.isExtractWAR() && web_app.getFile() != null && !web_app.getFile().isDirectory()) || (context.isExtractWAR() && web_app.getFile() == null) || !web_app.isDirectory())) { // Look for sibling directory. File extractedWebAppDir = null; if (war != null) { // look for a sibling like "foo/" to a "foo.war" File warfile = Resource.newResource(war).getFile(); if (warfile != null && warfile.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).endsWith(".war")) { File sibling = new File( warfile.getParent(), warfile.getName().substring(0, warfile.getName().length() - 4)); if (sibling.exists() && sibling.isDirectory() && sibling.canWrite()) extractedWebAppDir = sibling; } } if (extractedWebAppDir == null) // Then extract it if necessary to the temporary location extractedWebAppDir = new File(context.getTempDirectory(), "webapp"); if (web_app.getFile() != null && web_app.getFile().isDirectory()) { // Copy directory LOG.info("Copy " + web_app + " to " + extractedWebAppDir); web_app.copyTo(extractedWebAppDir); } else { // Use a sentinel file that will exist only whilst the extraction is taking place. // This will help us detect interrupted extractions. File extractionLock = new File(context.getTempDirectory(), ".extract_lock"); if (!extractedWebAppDir.exists()) { // it hasn't been extracted before so extract it extractionLock.createNewFile(); extractedWebAppDir.mkdir(); LOG.info("Extract " + web_app + " to " + extractedWebAppDir); Resource jar_web_app = JarResource.newJarResource(web_app); jar_web_app.copyTo(extractedWebAppDir); extractionLock.delete(); } else { // only extract if the war file is newer, or a .extract_lock file is left behind meaning // a possible partial extraction if (web_app.lastModified() > extractedWebAppDir.lastModified() || extractionLock.exists()) { extractionLock.createNewFile(); IO.delete(extractedWebAppDir); extractedWebAppDir.mkdir(); LOG.info("Extract " + web_app + " to " + extractedWebAppDir); Resource jar_web_app = JarResource.newJarResource(web_app); jar_web_app.copyTo(extractedWebAppDir); extractionLock.delete(); } } } web_app = Resource.newResource(extractedWebAppDir.getCanonicalPath()); } // Now do we have something usable? if (!web_app.exists() || !web_app.isDirectory()) { LOG.warn("Web application not found " + war); throw new java.io.FileNotFoundException(war); } context.setBaseResource(web_app); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("webapp=" + web_app); } // Do we need to extract WEB-INF/lib? if (context.isCopyWebInf() && !context.isCopyWebDir()) { Resource web_inf = web_app.addPath("WEB-INF/"); File extractedWebInfDir = new File(context.getTempDirectory(), "webinf"); if (extractedWebInfDir.exists()) IO.delete(extractedWebInfDir); extractedWebInfDir.mkdir(); Resource web_inf_lib = web_inf.addPath("lib/"); File webInfDir = new File(extractedWebInfDir, "WEB-INF"); webInfDir.mkdir(); if (web_inf_lib.exists()) { File webInfLibDir = new File(webInfDir, "lib"); if (webInfLibDir.exists()) IO.delete(webInfLibDir); webInfLibDir.mkdir(); LOG.info("Copying WEB-INF/lib " + web_inf_lib + " to " + webInfLibDir); web_inf_lib.copyTo(webInfLibDir); } Resource web_inf_classes = web_inf.addPath("classes/"); if (web_inf_classes.exists()) { File webInfClassesDir = new File(webInfDir, "classes"); if (webInfClassesDir.exists()) IO.delete(webInfClassesDir); webInfClassesDir.mkdir(); LOG.info( "Copying WEB-INF/classes from " + web_inf_classes + " to " + webInfClassesDir.getAbsolutePath()); web_inf_classes.copyTo(webInfClassesDir); } web_inf = Resource.newResource(extractedWebInfDir.getCanonicalPath()); ResourceCollection rc = new ResourceCollection(web_inf, web_app); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("context.resourcebase = " + rc); context.setBaseResource(rc); } }
@Override public void doHandle( String target, Request request, HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) throws IOException, ServletException { LOG.info("handling " + target); // !!! doHandle() is called twice for a request when using redirectiion, first time with // request.getPathInfo() // set to the URI and target set to the path, then with request.getPathInfo() set to null and // target set to the .jsp try { // request.setHandled(true); boolean secured; if (request.getScheme().equals("https")) { secured = true; } else if (request.getScheme().equals("http")) { secured = false; } else { httpServletResponse .getWriter() .println( String.format( "<h1>Unknown scheme %s at %s</h1>", request.getScheme(), request.getUri().getDecodedPath())); return; } if (request.getMethod().equals("GET")) { if (isInJar || target.endsWith(".jsp")) { // !!! when not in jar there's no need to do anything about params if it's not a .jsp, // as this will get called again for the corresponding .jsp if (prepareForJspGet(target, request, httpServletResponse, secured)) { return; } } if (target.startsWith(PATH_OPEN_ARTICLE)) { handleOpenArticle(request, httpServletResponse, target); return; } super.doHandle(target, request, httpServletRequest, httpServletResponse); LOG.info("handling of " + target + " went to super"); // httpServletResponse.setDateHeader("Date", System.currentTimeMillis()); //ttt2 review // these, probably not use // httpServletResponse.setDateHeader("Expires", System.currentTimeMillis() + 60000); return; } if (request.getMethod().equals("POST")) { if (request.getUri().getDecodedPath().equals(PATH_LOGIN)) { handleLoginPost(request, httpServletResponse, secured); } else if (request.getUri().getDecodedPath().equals(PATH_SIGNUP)) { handleSignupPost(request, httpServletResponse); } else if (request.getUri().getDecodedPath().equals(PATH_CHANGE_PASSWORD)) { handleChangePasswordPost(request, httpServletResponse); } else if (request.getUri().getDecodedPath().equals(PATH_UPDATE_FEED_LIST)) { handleUpdateFeedListPost(request, httpServletResponse); } else if (request.getUri().getDecodedPath().equals(PATH_ADD_FEED)) { handleAddFeedPost(request, httpServletResponse); } else if (request.getUri().getDecodedPath().equals(PATH_REMOVE_FEED)) { handleRemoveFeedPost(request, httpServletResponse); } else if (request.getUri().getDecodedPath().equals(PATH_CHANGE_SETTINGS)) { handleChangeSettingsPost(request, httpServletResponse); } } /*{ // for tests only; httpServletResponse.getWriter().println(String.format("<h1>Unable to process request %s</h1>", request.getUri().getDecodedPath())); request.setHandled(true); }*/ } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error processing request", e); try { // redirectToError(e.toString(), request, httpServletResponse); //!!! redirectToError leads // to infinite loop, probably related to // the fact that we get 2 calls for a regular request when redirecting httpServletResponse .getWriter() .println( String.format( "<h1>Unable to process request %s</h1>", // ttt1 generate some HTML request.getUri().getDecodedPath())); request.setHandled(true); } catch (Exception e1) { LOG.error("Error redirecting", e1); } } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { int timeout = (int) Duration.ONE_HOUR.getMilliseconds(); Server server = new Server(); SocketConnector connector = new SocketConnector(); // Set some timeout options to make debugging easier. connector.setMaxIdleTime(timeout); connector.setSoLingerTime(-1); connector.setPort(8080); server.addConnector(connector); Resource keystore = Resource.newClassPathResource("/keystore"); if (keystore != null && keystore.exists()) { // if a keystore for a SSL certificate is available, start a SSL // connector on port 8443. // By default, the quickstart comes with a Apache Wicket Quickstart // Certificate that expires about half way september 2021. Do not // use this certificate anywhere important as the passwords are // available in the source. connector.setConfidentialPort(8443); SslContextFactory factory = new SslContextFactory(); factory.setKeyStoreResource(keystore); factory.setKeyStorePassword("wicket"); factory.setTrustStoreResource(keystore); factory.setKeyManagerPassword("wicket"); SslSocketConnector sslConnector = new SslSocketConnector(factory); sslConnector.setMaxIdleTime(timeout); sslConnector.setPort(8443); sslConnector.setAcceptors(4); server.addConnector(sslConnector); System.out.println("SSL access to the quickstart has been enabled on port 8443"); System.out.println("You can access the application using SSL on https://localhost:8443"); System.out.println(); } WebAppContext bb = new WebAppContext(); bb.setServer(server); bb.setContextPath("/"); bb.setWar("src/main/webapp"); // START JMX SERVER // MBeanServer mBeanServer = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer(); // MBeanContainer mBeanContainer = new MBeanContainer(mBeanServer); // server.getContainer().addEventListener(mBeanContainer); // mBeanContainer.start(); server.setHandler(bb); try { System.out.println(">>> STARTING EMBEDDED JETTY SERVER, PRESS ANY KEY TO STOP"); server.start(); System.in.read(); System.out.println(">>> STOPPING EMBEDDED JETTY SERVER"); server.stop(); server.join(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } }
public void doStop() throws Exception { setShutdown(true); // just wait a little while to ensure no requests are still being processed Thread.currentThread().sleep(500L); super.doStop(); }
/** Resolve all servlet/filter/listener metadata from all sources: descriptors and annotations. */ public void resolve(WebAppContext context) throws Exception { LOG.debug("metadata resolve {}", context); // Ensure origins is fresh _origins.clear(); // Set the ordered lib attribute if (_ordering != null) { List<String> orderedLibs = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Resource webInfJar : _orderedWebInfJars) { // get just the name of the jar file String fullname = webInfJar.getName(); int i = fullname.indexOf(".jar"); int j = fullname.lastIndexOf("/", i); orderedLibs.add(fullname.substring(j + 1, i + 4)); } context.setAttribute(ServletContext.ORDERED_LIBS, orderedLibs); } // set the webxml version if (_webXmlRoot != null) { context.getServletContext().setEffectiveMajorVersion(_webXmlRoot.getMajorVersion()); context.getServletContext().setEffectiveMinorVersion(_webXmlRoot.getMinorVersion()); } for (DescriptorProcessor p : _descriptorProcessors) { p.process(context, getWebDefault()); p.process(context, getWebXml()); for (WebDescriptor wd : getOverrideWebs()) { LOG.debug("process {} {}", context, wd); p.process(context, wd); } } // get an apply the annotations that are not associated with a fragment (and hence for // which no ordering applies List<DiscoveredAnnotation> nonFragAnnotations = _annotations.get(NON_FRAG_RESOURCE); if (nonFragAnnotations != null) { for (DiscoveredAnnotation a : nonFragAnnotations) { LOG.debug("apply {}", a); a.apply(); } } // apply the annotations that are associated with a fragment, according to the // established ordering List<Resource> resources = getOrderedWebInfJars(); for (Resource r : resources) { FragmentDescriptor fd = _webFragmentResourceMap.get(r); if (fd != null) { for (DescriptorProcessor p : _descriptorProcessors) { LOG.debug("process {} {}", context, fd); p.process(context, fd); } } List<DiscoveredAnnotation> fragAnnotations = _annotations.get(r); if (fragAnnotations != null) { for (DiscoveredAnnotation a : fragAnnotations) { LOG.debug("apply {}", a); a.apply(); } } } }
@Override public void postConfigure(WebAppContext context) throws Exception { context.setAttribute(FRAGMENT_RESOURCES, null); }
/** * Get a temporary directory in which to unpack the war etc etc. The algorithm for determining * this is to check these alternatives in the order shown: * * <p>A. Try to use an explicit directory specifically for this webapp: * * <ol> * <li>Iff an explicit directory is set for this webapp, use it. Do NOT set delete on exit. * <li>Iff javax.servlet.context.tempdir context attribute is set for this webapp && exists && * writeable, then use it. Do NOT set delete on exit. * </ol> * * <p>B. Create a directory based on global settings. The new directory will be called * "Jetty_"+host+"_"+port+"__"+context+"_"+virtualhost Work out where to create this directory: * * <ol> * <li>Iff $(jetty.home)/work exists create the directory there. Do NOT set delete on exit. Do * NOT delete contents if dir already exists. * <li>Iff WEB-INF/work exists create the directory there. Do NOT set delete on exit. Do NOT * delete contents if dir already exists. * <li>Else create dir in $(java.io.tmpdir). Set delete on exit. Delete contents if dir already * exists. * </ol> */ public void resolveTempDirectory(WebAppContext context) { // If a tmp directory is already set, we're done File tmpDir = context.getTempDirectory(); if (tmpDir != null && tmpDir.isDirectory() && tmpDir.canWrite()) { context.setAttribute(TEMPDIR_CONFIGURED, Boolean.TRUE); return; // Already have a suitable tmp dir configured } // No temp directory configured, try to establish one. // First we check the context specific, javax.servlet specified, temp directory attribute File servletTmpDir = asFile(context.getAttribute(WebAppContext.TEMPDIR)); if (servletTmpDir != null && servletTmpDir.isDirectory() && servletTmpDir.canWrite()) { // Use as tmpDir tmpDir = servletTmpDir; // Ensure Attribute has File object context.setAttribute(WebAppContext.TEMPDIR, tmpDir); // Set as TempDir in context. context.setTempDirectory(tmpDir); return; } try { // Put the tmp dir in the work directory if we had one File work = new File(System.getProperty("jetty.home"), "work"); if (work.exists() && work.canWrite() && work.isDirectory()) { makeTempDirectory( work, context, false); // make a tmp dir inside work, don't delete if it exists } else { File baseTemp = asFile(context.getAttribute(WebAppContext.BASETEMPDIR)); if (baseTemp != null && baseTemp.isDirectory() && baseTemp.canWrite()) { // Use baseTemp directory (allow the funky Jetty_0_0_0_0.. subdirectory logic to kick in makeTempDirectory(baseTemp, context, false); } else { makeTempDirectory( new File(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir")), context, true); // make a tmpdir, delete if it already exists } } } catch (Exception e) { tmpDir = null; LOG.ignore(e); } // Third ... Something went wrong trying to make the tmp directory, just make // a jvm managed tmp directory if (context.getTempDirectory() == null) { try { // Last resort tmpDir = File.createTempFile("JettyContext", ""); if (tmpDir.exists()) IO.delete(tmpDir); tmpDir.mkdir(); tmpDir.deleteOnExit(); context.setTempDirectory(tmpDir); } catch (IOException e) { tmpDir = null; throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot create tmp dir in " + System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + " for context " + context, e); } } }
private void run() throws Exception { InetSocketAddress address; if (this.host != null) { address = new InetSocketAddress(this.host, this.port); } else { address = new InetSocketAddress(this.port); } Server server = new Server(address); ContextHandlerCollection handlerCollection = new ContextHandlerCollection(); final ModelRegistry modelRegistry = new ModelRegistry(); final MetricRegistry metricRegistry = new MetricRegistry(); Binder binder = new AbstractBinder() { @Override protected void configure() { bind(modelRegistry).to(ModelRegistry.class); bind(metricRegistry).to(MetricRegistry.class); } }; ResourceConfig config = new ResourceConfig(ModelResource.class); config.register(binder); config.register(JacksonFeature.class); config.register(MultiPartFeature.class); config.register(ObjectMapperProvider.class); config.register(RolesAllowedDynamicFeature.class); // Naive implementation that grants the "admin" role to all local network users config.register(NetworkSecurityContextFilter.class); ServletContextHandler servletHandler = new ServletContextHandler(); servletHandler.setContextPath(this.contextPath); ServletContainer jerseyServlet = new ServletContainer(config); servletHandler.addServlet(new ServletHolder(jerseyServlet), "/*"); InstrumentedHandler instrumentedHandler = new InstrumentedHandler(metricRegistry); instrumentedHandler.setHandler(servletHandler); handlerCollection.addHandler(instrumentedHandler); if (this.consoleWar != null) { WebAppContext consoleHandler = new WebAppContext(); consoleHandler.setContextPath(this.contextPath + "/console"); // XXX consoleHandler.setWar(this.consoleWar.getAbsolutePath()); handlerCollection.addHandler(consoleHandler); } server.setHandler(handlerCollection); DirectoryDeployer deployer = null; if (this.modelDir != null) { if (!this.modelDir.isDirectory()) { throw new IOException(this.modelDir.getAbsolutePath() + " is not a directory"); } deployer = new DirectoryDeployer(modelRegistry, this.modelDir.toPath()); } server.start(); if (deployer != null) { deployer.start(); } server.join(); if (deployer != null) { deployer.interrupt(); deployer.join(); } }
private static ScriptableObject executeScript( JaggeryContext jaggeryContext, ScriptableObject scope, String fileURL, final boolean isJSON, boolean isBuilt, boolean isIncludeOnce) throws ScriptException { WebAppContext webAppContext = (WebAppContext) jaggeryContext; Stack<String> includesCallstack = jaggeryContext.getIncludesCallstack(); Map<String, Boolean> includedScripts = jaggeryContext.getIncludedScripts(); ServletContext context = webAppContext.getServletConext(); String parent = includesCallstack.lastElement(); String keys[] = WebAppManager.getKeys(context.getContextPath(), parent, fileURL); fileURL = getNormalizedScriptPath(keys); if (includesCallstack.search(fileURL) != -1) { return scope; } if (isIncludeOnce && includedScripts.get(fileURL) != null) { return scope; } ScriptReader source; RhinoEngine engine = jaggeryContext.getEngine(); if (isBuilt) { source = new ScriptReader(context.getResourceAsStream(fileURL)) { @Override protected void build() throws IOException { try { if (isJSON) { sourceReader = new StringReader("(" + HostObjectUtil.streamToString(sourceIn) + ")"); } else { sourceReader = new StringReader(HostObjectUtil.streamToString(sourceIn)); } } catch (ScriptException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } }; } else { source = new ScriptReader(context.getResourceAsStream(fileURL)); } ScriptCachingContext sctx = new ScriptCachingContext(webAppContext.getTenantId(), keys[0], keys[1], keys[2]); sctx.setSecurityDomain(new JaggerySecurityDomain(fileURL, context)); long lastModified = WebAppManager.getScriptLastModified(context, fileURL); sctx.setSourceModifiedTime(lastModified); includedScripts.put(fileURL, true); includesCallstack.push(fileURL); if (isJSON) { scope = (ScriptableObject) engine.eval(source, scope, sctx); } else { engine.exec(source, scope, sctx); } includesCallstack.pop(); return scope; }