public void testWrite() throws Exception { Car car = new Car(); car.numberOfDoors = 2; car.milesPerGallon = 30; car.model = "Grand Am"; car.manufacturer = "Pontiac"; car.topSpeed = 220; Document carDocument = marshaller.objectToXML(car); Element root = (Element) carDocument.getElementsByTagNameNS("mynamespaceuri", "vehicle").item(0); Attr elem = root.getAttributeNodeNS("", "type"); String carType = elem.getNodeValue(); assertTrue( "The type field was written incorrectly for the subclass", carType.equals("prefix:car-type")); Vehicle vehicle = new Vehicle(); vehicle.model = "Blah Blah"; vehicle.manufacturer = "Some Place"; vehicle.topSpeed = 10000; Document vehicleDocument = marshaller.objectToXML(vehicle); root = (Element) vehicleDocument.getElementsByTagNameNS("mynamespaceuri", "vehicle").item(0); elem = root.getAttributeNodeNS("", "type"); String vehicleType = elem.getNodeValue(); assertTrue( "The type field was written incorrectly for the superclass", vehicleType.equals("prefix:vehicle-type")); }