Exemple #1
 // Read up to 'len' bytes of Value. Value should already be persisted to
 // disk.  A racing delete can trigger a failure where we get a null return,
 // but no crash (although one could argue that a racing load&delete is a bug
 // no matter what).
 public byte[] load(Value v) {
   long skip = 0;
   Key k = v._key;
   // Convert an arraylet chunk into a long-offset from the base file.
   if (k._kb[0] == Key.ARRAYLET_CHUNK) {
     skip = ValueArray.getChunkOffset(k); // The offset
     k = ValueArray.getArrayKey(k); // From the base file key
   if (k._kb[0] == Key.DVEC) {
     skip = water.fvec.NFSFileVec.chunkOffset(k); // The offset
   try {
     FileInputStream s = null;
     try {
       s = new FileInputStream(getFileForKey(k));
       FileChannel fc = s.getChannel();
       AutoBuffer ab = new AutoBuffer(fc, true, Value.NFS);
       byte[] b = ab.getA1(v._max);
       assert v.isPersisted();
       return b;
     } finally {
       if (s != null) s.close();
   } catch (IOException e) { // Broken disk / short-file???
     return null;
Exemple #2
 public Value lazyArrayChunk(final Key key) {
   final Key arykey = ValueArray.getArrayKey(key); // From the base file key
   final long off = (_iceRoot != null) ? 0 : ValueArray.getChunkOffset(key); // The offset
   final Path p =
       (_iceRoot != null)
           ? new Path(_iceRoot, getIceName(key, (byte) 'V'))
           : new Path(arykey.toString());
   final Size sz = new Size();
       new Callable() {
         public Object call() throws Exception {
           FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(p.toUri(), CONF);
           long rem = fs.getFileStatus(p).getLen() - off;
           sz._value = (rem > ValueArray.CHUNK_SZ * 2) ? (int) ValueArray.CHUNK_SZ : (int) rem;
           return null;
   Value val = new Value(key, sz._value, Value.HDFS);
   val.setdsk(); // But its already on disk.
   return val;
Exemple #3
  static Value lazyArrayChunk(Key key) {
    Key arykey = ValueArray.getArrayKey(key); // From the base file key
    long off = ValueArray.getChunkOffset(key); // The offset
    long size = getFileForKey(arykey).length();
    long rem = size - off;

    // the last chunk can be fat, so it got packed into the earlier chunk
    if (rem < ValueArray.CHUNK_SZ && off > 0) return null;
    int sz = (rem >= ValueArray.CHUNK_SZ * 2) ? (int) ValueArray.CHUNK_SZ : (int) rem;
    Value val = new Value(key, sz, Value.NFS);
    val.setdsk(); // But its already on disk.
    return val;
Exemple #4
 public byte[] load(final Value v) {
   final byte[] b = MemoryManager.malloc1(v._max);
   long skip = 0;
   Key k = v._key;
   final Path p;
   if (_iceRoot != null) {
     p = new Path(_iceRoot, getIceName(v));
   } else {
     // Convert an arraylet chunk into a long-offset from the base file.
     if (k._kb[0] == Key.ARRAYLET_CHUNK) {
       skip = ValueArray.getChunkOffset(k); // The offset
       k = ValueArray.getArrayKey(k); // From the base file key
       if (k.toString().endsWith(Extensions.HEX)) { // Hex file?
         int value_len = DKV.get(k).memOrLoad().length; // How long is the ValueArray header?
         skip += value_len;
     p = new Path(k.toString());
   final long skip_ = skip;
       new Callable() {
         public Object call() throws Exception {
           FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(p.toUri(), CONF);
           FSDataInputStream s = null;
           try {
             s = fs.open(p);
             // NOTE:
             // The following line degrades performance of HDFS load from S3 API:
             // s.readFully(skip,b,0,b.length);
             // Google API's simple seek has better performance
             // Load of 300MB file via Google API ~ 14sec, via s.readFully ~ 5min (under the same
             // condition)
             ByteStreams.skipFully(s, skip_);
             ByteStreams.readFully(s, b);
             assert v.isPersisted();
           } finally {
           return null;
   return b;
Exemple #5
 public byte[] load(final Value v) {
   final byte[] b = MemoryManager.malloc1(v._max);
   long skip = 0;
   Key k = v._key;
   if (k._kb[0] == Key.ARRAYLET_CHUNK) {
     skip = ValueArray.getChunkOffset(k); // The offset
     k = ValueArray.getArrayKey(k); // From the base file key
   } else if (k._kb[0] == Key.DVEC) {
     skip = water.fvec.NFSFileVec.chunkOffset(k); // The offset
   final Path p =
       _iceRoot == null ? new Path(getPathForKey(k)) : new Path(_iceRoot, getIceName(v));
   final long skip_ = skip;
       new Callable() {
         public Object call() throws Exception {
           FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(p.toUri(), CONF);
           FSDataInputStream s = null;
           try {
             s = fs.open(p);
             // NOTE:
             // The following line degrades performance of HDFS load from S3 API:
             // s.readFully(skip,b,0,b.length);
             // Google API's simple seek has better performance
             // Load of 300MB file via Google API ~ 14sec, via s.readFully ~ 5min (under the same
             // condition)
             ByteStreams.skipFully(s, skip_);
             ByteStreams.readFully(s, b);
             assert v.isPersisted();
           } finally {
           return null;
   return b;
Exemple #6
   * Map function for distributed parsing of the CSV files.
   * <p>In first phase it calculates the min, max, means, encodings and other statistics about the
   * dataset, determines the number of columns.
   * <p>The second pass then encodes the parsed dataset to the result key, splitting it into equal
   * sized chunks.
  public void map(Key key) {
    try {
      Key aryKey = null;
      boolean arraylet = key._kb[0] == Key.ARRAYLET_CHUNK;
      boolean skipFirstLine = _skipFirstLine;
      if (arraylet) {
        aryKey = ValueArray.getArrayKey(key);
        _chunkId = ValueArray.getChunkIndex(key);
        skipFirstLine = skipFirstLine || (ValueArray.getChunkIndex(key) != 0);
      switch (_phase) {
        case ONE:
          assert (_ncolumns != 0);
          // initialize the column statistics
          // perform the parse
          CsvParser p = new CsvParser(aryKey, _ncolumns, _sep, _decSep, this, skipFirstLine);
          if (arraylet) {
            long idx = ValueArray.getChunkIndex(key);
            int idx2 = (int) idx;
            assert idx2 == idx;
            assert (_nrows[idx2] == 0)
                : idx
                    + ": "
                    + Arrays.toString(_nrows)
                    + " ("
                    + _nrows[idx2]
                    + " -- "
                    + _myrows
                    + ")";
            _nrows[idx2] = _myrows;
        case TWO:
          assert (_ncolumns != 0);
          // initialize statistics - invalid rows, sigma and row size
          // calculate the first row and the number of rows to parse
          int firstRow = 0;
          int lastRow = _myrows;
          _myrows = 0;
          if (arraylet) {
            long origChunkIdx = ValueArray.getChunkIndex(key);
            firstRow = (origChunkIdx == 0) ? 0 : _nrows[(int) origChunkIdx - 1];
            lastRow = _nrows[(int) origChunkIdx];
          int rowsToParse = lastRow - firstRow;
          // create the output streams
          _outputStreams2 = createRecords(firstRow, rowsToParse);
          assert (_outputStreams2.length > 0);
          _ab = _outputStreams2[0].initialize();
          // perform the second parse pass
          CsvParser p2 = new CsvParser(aryKey, _ncolumns, _sep, _decSep, this, skipFirstLine);
          // store the last stream if not stored during the parse
          if (_ab != null) _outputStreams2[_outputIdx].store();
          assert (false);

      ParseStatus.update(_resultKey, DKV.get(key).length(), _phase);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      _error = e.getMessage();