   * @param file the file the block belongs to
   * @param readType the InStream's read type
   * @param blockIndex the index of the block in the file
   * @param ufsConf the under file system configuration
   * @throws IOException
  RemoteBlockInStream(TachyonFile file, ReadType readType, int blockIndex, Object ufsConf)
      throws IOException {
    super(file, readType, blockIndex);

    mBlockInfo = TFS.getClientBlockInfo(FILE.FID, BLOCK_INDEX);
    mReadByte = 0;
    mBufferStartPosition = 0;

    if (!FILE.isComplete()) {
      throw new IOException("File " + FILE.getPath() + " is not ready to read");

    mRecache = readType.isCache();
    if (mRecache) {
      mBlockOutStream = new BlockOutStream(file, WriteType.TRY_CACHE, blockIndex);


    mUFSConf = ufsConf;
    if (mCurrentBuffer == null) {
      setupStreamFromUnderFs(mBlockInfo.offset, mUFSConf);

      if (mCheckpointInputStream == null) {

        throw new IOException("Can not find the block " + FILE + " " + BLOCK_INDEX);
  private synchronized void appendCurrentBuffer(byte[] buf, int offset, int length)
      throws IOException {
    if (!TFS.requestSpace(length)) {
      mCanWrite = false;

      String msg =
          "Local tachyon worker does not have enough "
              + "space ("
              + length
              + ") or no worker for "
              + FILE.FID
              + " "
              + BLOCK_ID;
      if (PIN) {
        throw new IOException(msg);

      throw new IOException(msg);

    MappedByteBuffer out = mLocalFileChannel.map(MapMode.READ_WRITE, mInFileBytes, length);
    out.put(buf, 0, length);
    mInFileBytes += length;
 private void setupStreamFromUnderFs(long offset, Object conf) throws IOException {
   String checkpointPath = TFS.getUfsPath(FILE.FID);
   if (!checkpointPath.equals("")) {
     LOG.info("May stream from underlayer fs: " + checkpointPath);
     UnderFileSystem underfsClient = UnderFileSystem.get(checkpointPath, conf);
     try {
       mCheckpointInputStream = underfsClient.open(checkpointPath);
       while (offset > 0) {
         long skipped = mCheckpointInputStream.skip(offset);
         offset -= skipped;
         if (skipped == 0) {
           throw new IOException(
               "Failed to find the start position " + offset + " for block " + mBlockInfo);
     } catch (IOException e) {
           "Failed to read from checkpoint "
               + checkpointPath
               + " for File "
               + FILE.FID
               + "\n"
               + e);
       mCheckpointInputStream = null;
  BlockOutStream(TachyonFile file, WriteType opType, int blockIndex) throws IOException {
    super(file, opType);

    if (!opType.isCache()) {
      throw new IOException("BlockOutStream only support WriteType.CACHE");

    BLOCK_INDEX = blockIndex;
    BLOCK_CAPACITY_BYTE = FILE.getBlockSizeByte();
    PIN = FILE.needPin();

    mCanWrite = true;

    if (!TFS.hasLocalWorker()) {
      mCanWrite = false;
      String msg = "The machine does not have any local worker.";
      throw new IOException(msg);

    File localFolder = TFS.createAndGetUserTempFolder();
    if (localFolder == null) {
      mCanWrite = false;
      String msg = "Failed to create temp user folder for tachyon client.";
      throw new IOException(msg);

    mLocalFilePath = CommonUtils.concat(localFolder.getPath(), BLOCK_ID);
    mLocalFile = new RandomAccessFile(mLocalFilePath, "rw");
    mLocalFileChannel = mLocalFile.getChannel();
    // change the permission of the temporary file in order that the worker can move it.
    // use the sticky bit, only the client and the worker can write to the block
    LOG.info(mLocalFilePath + " was created!");

    mBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(USER_CONF.FILE_BUFFER_BYTES + 4);
  public void close() throws IOException {
    if (!mClosed) {
      if (!mCancel && mBuffer.position() > 0) {
        appendCurrentBuffer(mBuffer.array(), 0, mBuffer.position());

      if (mLocalFileChannel != null) {

      if (mCancel) {
        TFS.releaseSpace(mWrittenBytes - mBuffer.position());
        new File(mLocalFilePath).delete();
        LOG.info("Canceled output of block " + BLOCK_ID + ", deleted local file " + mLocalFilePath);
      } else {
    mClosed = true;
  private ByteBuffer readRemoteByteBuffer(ClientBlockInfo blockInfo, long offset, long len) {
    ByteBuffer buf = null;

    try {
      List<NetAddress> blockLocations = blockInfo.getLocations();
      LOG.info("Block locations:" + blockLocations);

      for (int k = 0; k < blockLocations.size(); k++) {
        String host = blockLocations.get(k).mHost;
        int port = blockLocations.get(k).mSecondaryPort;

        // The data is not in remote machine's memory if port == -1.
        if (port == -1) {
        if (host.equals(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName())
            || host.equals(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress())) {
          String localFileName = CommonUtils.concat(TFS.getRootFolder(), blockInfo.blockId);
          LOG.warn("Master thinks the local machine has data " + localFileName + "! But not!");
                + ":"
                + port
                + " current host is "
                + InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName()
                + " "
                + InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress());

        try {
          buf =
                  new InetSocketAddress(host, port), blockInfo.blockId, offset, len);
          if (buf != null) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
          buf = null;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      LOG.error("Failed to get read data from remote " + e.getMessage());
      buf = null;

    return buf;
  private void updateCurrentBuffer() throws IOException {
    long length = BUFFER_SIZE;
    if (mBufferStartPosition + length > mBlockInfo.length) {
      length = mBlockInfo.length - mBufferStartPosition;

            "Try to find remote worker and read block %d from %d, with len %d",
            mBlockInfo.blockId, mBufferStartPosition, length));

    mCurrentBuffer = readRemoteByteBuffer(mBlockInfo, mBufferStartPosition, length);

    if (mCurrentBuffer == null) {
      mBlockInfo = TFS.getClientBlockInfo(FILE.FID, BLOCK_INDEX);
      mCurrentBuffer = readRemoteByteBuffer(mBlockInfo, mBufferStartPosition, length);