public String toString() { StringBuilder txt = new StringBuilder(256); txt.append("XID[Format=").append(fmtId).append(", Global=0x"); txt.append(Support.toHex(gtran)).append(", Branch=0x"); txt.append(Support.toHex(bqual)).append(']'); return txt.toString(); }
public BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int parameterIndex, int scale) throws SQLException { BigDecimal bd = (BigDecimal) Support.convert(this, getOutputValue(parameterIndex), java.sql.Types.DECIMAL, null); return bd.setScale(scale); }
public byte[] getBytes(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException { return ((byte[]) Support.convert( this, getOutputValue(parameterIndex), java.sql.Types.VARBINARY, connection.getCharset())); }
/** * Substitute actual data for the parameter markers to simulate parameter substitution in a * PreparedStatement. * * @param sql The SQL containing parameter markers to substitute. * @param list The parameter descriptors. * @param connection The current connection. * @return The modified SQL statement. */ static String substituteParameters(String sql, ParamInfo[] list, ConnectionJDBC2 connection) throws SQLException { int len = sql.length(); for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (!list[i].isRetVal && !list[i].isSet && !list[i].isOutput) { throw new SQLException( Messages.get("error.prepare.paramnotset", Integer.toString(i + 1)), "07000"); } Object value = list[i].value; if (value instanceof || value instanceof { try { if (list[i].jdbcType == java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR || list[i].jdbcType == java.sql.Types.CLOB || list[i].jdbcType == java.sql.Types.VARCHAR) { // TODO: Should improve the character set handling here value = list[i].getString("US-ASCII"); } else { value = list[i].getBytes("US-ASCII"); } // Replace the stream/reader with the String/byte[] list[i].value = value; } catch ( e) { throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.generic.ioerror", e.getMessage()), "HY000"); } } if (value instanceof String) { len += ((String) value).length() + 5; } else if (value instanceof byte[]) { len += ((byte[]) value).length * 2 + 4; } else { len += 32; // Default size } } StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(len + 16); int start = 0; for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { int pos = list[i].markerPos; if (pos > 0) { buf.append(sql.substring(start, list[i].markerPos)); start = pos + 1; final boolean isUnicode = connection.getTdsVersion() >= Driver.TDS70 && list[i].isUnicode; Support.embedData(buf, list[i].value, isUnicode, connection); } } if (start < sql.length()) { buf.append(sql.substring(start)); } return buf.toString(); }
public Date getDate(int parameterIndex, Calendar cal) throws SQLException { java.sql.Date date = getDate(parameterIndex); if (date != null && cal != null) { date = new java.sql.Date(Support.timeToZone(date, cal)); } return date; }
public Time getTime(int parameterIndex, Calendar cal) throws SQLException { java.sql.Time time = getTime(parameterIndex); if (time != null && cal != null) { time = new java.sql.Time(Support.timeToZone(time, cal)); } return time; }
public Timestamp getTimestamp(int parameterIndex, Calendar cal) throws SQLException { Timestamp timestamp = getTimestamp(parameterIndex); if (timestamp != null && cal != null) { timestamp = new Timestamp(Support.timeToZone(timestamp, cal)); } return timestamp; }
public URL getURL(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException { String url = (String) Support.convert( this, getOutputValue(parameterIndex), java.sql.Types.VARCHAR, connection.getCharset()); try { return new; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.resultset.badurl", url), "22000"); } }
/** * Copy the contents of a Reader stream to the server as bytes. * * <p>NB. Only reliable where the charset is single byte. * * @param in The Reader object with the data. * @param length The length of the data in bytes. * @throws IOException */ void writeReaderBytes(Reader in, int length) throws IOException { char buffer[] = new char[1024]; for (int i = 0; i < length; ) { int result =; if (result == -1) { throw new"Data in stream less than specified by length"); } else if (i + result > length) { throw new"More data in stream than specified by length"); } write(Support.encodeString(socket.getCharset(), new String(buffer, 0, result))); i += result; } }
public void registerOutParameter(int parameterIndex, int sqlType, int scale) throws SQLException { ParamInfo pi = getParameter(parameterIndex); pi.isOutput = true; if (Support.getJdbcTypeName(sqlType).equals("ERROR")) { throw new SQLException( Messages.get("error.generic.badtype", Integer.toString(sqlType)), "HY092"); } if (sqlType == java.sql.Types.CLOB) { pi.jdbcType = java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR; } else if (sqlType == java.sql.Types.BLOB) { pi.jdbcType = java.sql.Types.LONGVARBINARY; } else { pi.jdbcType = sqlType; } pi.scale = scale; }
public void updateRow() throws SQLException { checkOpen(); checkUpdateable(); rowUpdated = false; rowDeleted = false; if (currentRow == null) { throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.resultset.norow"), "24000"); } if (onInsertRow) { throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.resultset.insrow"), "24000"); } if (updateRow == null) { // Nothing to update return; } boolean keysChanged = false; // // Construct an SQL UPDATE statement // StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(128); ArrayList params = new ArrayList(); sql.append("UPDATE "); sql.append(tableName); // // OK now create assign new values // sql.append(" SET "); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { if (updateRow[i] != null) { if (count > 0) { sql.append(", "); } sql.append(columns[i].realName); sql.append("=?"); updateRow[i].markerPos = sql.length() - 1; params.add(updateRow[i]); count++; if (columns[i].isKey) { // Key is changing so in memory row will need to be deleted // and reinserted at end of row buffer. keysChanged = true; } } } if (count == 0) { // There are no columns to update in this table // so bail out now. return; } // // Now construct where clause // ParamInfo parameters[] = buildWhereClause(sql, params, false); // // Now execute update // updateTds.executeSQL( sql.toString(), null, parameters, false, 0, statement.getMaxRows(), statement.getMaxFieldSize(), true); int updateCount = 0; while (!updateTds.isEndOfResponse()) { if (!updateTds.getMoreResults()) { if (updateTds.isUpdateCount()) { updateCount = updateTds.getUpdateCount(); } } } updateTds.clearResponseQueue(); statement.getMessages().checkErrors(); if (updateCount == 0) { // No update. Possibly row was changed on database by another user? throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.resultset.updatefail"), "24000"); } // // Update local copy of data // if (resultSetType != ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE) { // Make in memory copy reflect database update // Could use refreshRow but this is much faster. ConnectionJDBC2 con = (ConnectionJDBC2) statement.getConnection(); for (int i = 0; i < updateRow.length; i++) { if (updateRow[i] != null) { currentRow[i] = Support.convert(con, updateRow[i].value, columns[i].jdbcType, con.getCharset()); } } } // // Update state of cached row data // if (keysChanged && resultSetType == ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE) { // Leave hole at current position and add updated row to end of set rowData.add(currentRow); rowsInResult = rowData.size(); rowData.set(pos - 1, null); currentRow = null; rowDeleted = true; } else { rowUpdated = true; } // // Clear update values // cancelRowUpdates(); }
public double getDouble(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException { return ((Double) Support.convert(this, getOutputValue(parameterIndex), java.sql.Types.DOUBLE, null)) .doubleValue(); }
public byte getByte(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException { return ((Integer) Support.convert(this, getOutputValue(parameterIndex), java.sql.Types.TINYINT, null)) .byteValue(); }
public Timestamp getTimestamp(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException { return (Timestamp) Support.convert(this, getOutputValue(parameterIndex), java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP, null); }
public float getFloat(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException { return ((Double) Support.convert(this, getOutputValue(parameterIndex), java.sql.Types.FLOAT, null)) .floatValue(); }
public int getInt(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException { return ((Integer) Support.convert(this, getOutputValue(parameterIndex), java.sql.Types.INTEGER, null)) .intValue(); }
public Date getDate(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException { return (java.sql.Date) Support.convert(this, getOutputValue(parameterIndex), java.sql.Types.DATE, null); }
public BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException { return (BigDecimal) Support.convert(this, getOutputValue(parameterIndex), java.sql.Types.DECIMAL, null); }
public void insertRow() throws SQLException { checkOpen(); checkUpdateable(); if (!onInsertRow) { throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.resultset.notinsrow"), "24000"); } if (!tempResultSet) { // // Construct an SQL INSERT statement // StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(128); String dbName = columns[0].catalog; String userName = columns[0].schema; String tableName = columns[0].tableName; ArrayList params = new ArrayList(); sql.append("INSERT INTO "); if (dbName != null) { sql.append(dbName); sql.append('.'); if (userName == null) { sql.append('.'); } } if (userName != null) { sql.append(userName); sql.append('.'); } sql.append(tableName); int sqlLen = sql.length(); // // Create column list // sql.append(" ("); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { if (insertRow[i] != null) { if (count > 0) { sql.append(", "); } sql.append(columns[i].realName); count++; } } // // Create new values list // sql.append(") VALUES("); count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { if (insertRow[i] != null) { if (count > 0) { sql.append(", "); } sql.append("?"); insertRow[i].markerPos = sql.length() - 1; params.add(insertRow[i]); count++; } } sql.append(')'); if (count == 0) { // Empty insert sql.setLength(sqlLen); sql.append(" DEFAULT VALUES"); } ParamInfo parameters[] = (ParamInfo[]) params.toArray(new ParamInfo[params.size()]); // // execute the insert statement // updateTds.executeSQL( sql.toString(), null, parameters, false, 0, statement.getMaxRows(), statement.getMaxFieldSize(), true); int updateCount = 0; while (!updateTds.isEndOfResponse()) { if (!updateTds.getMoreResults()) { if (updateTds.isUpdateCount()) { updateCount = updateTds.getUpdateCount(); } } } updateTds.clearResponseQueue(); statement.getMessages().checkErrors(); if (updateCount < 1) { // No Insert. Probably will not get here as duplicate key etc // will have already been reported as an exception. throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.resultset.insertfail"), "24000"); } } // if (resultSetType == ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE || resultSetType == ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY && cursorName == null) { // // Now insert copy of row into result set buffer // ConnectionJDBC2 con = (ConnectionJDBC2) statement.getConnection(); Object row[] = newRow(); for (int i = 0; i < insertRow.length; i++) { if (insertRow[i] != null) { row[i] = Support.convert(con, insertRow[i].value, columns[i].jdbcType, con.getCharset()); } } rowData.add(row); } rowsInResult++; initialRowCnt++; // // Clear row data // for (int i = 0; insertRow != null && i < insertRow.length; i++) { if (insertRow[i] != null) { insertRow[i].clearInValue(); } } }
public String getString(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException { return (String) Support.convert( this, getOutputValue(parameterIndex), java.sql.Types.VARCHAR, connection.getCharset()); }
public long getLong(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException { return ((Long) Support.convert(this, getOutputValue(parameterIndex), java.sql.Types.BIGINT, null)) .longValue(); }
/** * Create a new scrollable result set in memory or a named server cursor. * * @param sql The SQL SELECT statement. * @param procName Optional procedure name for cursors based on a stored procedure. * @param parameters Optional stored procedure parameters. * @exception java.sql.SQLException */ private void cursorCreate(String sql, String procName, ParamInfo[] parameters) throws SQLException { // boolean isSelect = false; SQLWarning warning = null; // // Validate the SQL statement to ensure we have a select. // if (resultSetType != ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY || concurrency == ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE || cursorName != null) { // // We are going to need access to a SELECT statement for // this to work. Reparse the SQL now and check. // ArrayList params = new ArrayList(); String tmp[] = new SQLParser(sql, params, (ConnectionJDBC2) statement.getConnection()).parse(true); if (tmp[2].equals("select") && tmp[3] != null && tmp[3].length() > 0) { // OK We have a select with at least one table. tableName = tmp[3]; isSelect = true; } else { // No good we can't update and we can't declare a cursor cursorName = null; if (concurrency == ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE) { concurrency = ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY; warning = new SQLWarning(Messages.get("warning.cursordowngraded", "CONCUR_READ_ONLY"), "01000"); } if (resultSetType == ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE) { resultSetType = ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE; SQLWarning warning2 = new SQLWarning( Messages.get("warning.cursordowngraded", "TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE"), "01000"); if (warning != null) { warning.setNextWarning(warning2); } else { warning = warning2; } } } } // // If a cursor name is specified we try and declare a conventional cursor // if (cursorName != null) { // // We need to substitute any parameters now as the prepended DECLARE CURSOR // will throw the parameter positions off. // if (parameters != null && parameters.length > 0) { sql = Support.substituteParameters(sql, parameters, statement.getTds().getTdsVersion()); } StringBuffer cursorSQL = new StringBuffer(sql.length() + cursorName.length() + 128); cursorSQL.append("DECLARE ").append(cursorName).append(" CURSOR FOR ").append(sql); cursorTds.executeSQL( cursorSQL.toString(), procName, parameters, false, statement.getQueryTimeout(), statement.getMaxRows(), statement.getMaxFieldSize(), true); cursorTds.clearResponseQueue(); cursorSQL.setLength(0); cursorSQL.append("\r\nOPEN ").append(cursorName); if (fetchSize > 1 && isSybase) { cursorSQL.append("\r\nSET CURSOR ROWS ").append(fetchSize); cursorSQL.append(" FOR ").append(cursorName); } cursorSQL.append("\r\nFETCH ").append(cursorName); // // OK Declare cursor, open it and fetch first (fetchSize) rows. // cursorTds.executeSQL( cursorSQL.toString(), null, null, false, statement.getQueryTimeout(), statement.getMaxRows(), statement.getMaxFieldSize(), true); while (!cursorTds.getMoreResults() && !cursorTds.isEndOfResponse()) ; if (!cursorTds.isResultSet()) { throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.statement.noresult"), "24000"); } columns = cursorTds.getColumns(); columnCount = getColumnCount(columns); } else { // // Open a memory cached scrollable or forward only possibly updateable cursor // if (isSelect && (concurrency == ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE || resultSetType != ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY)) { // Need to execute SELECT .. FOR BROWSE to get // the MetaData we require for updates etc // OK Should have an SQL select statement // append " FOR BROWSE" to obtain table names // NB. We can't use any jTDS temporary stored proc cursorTds.executeSQL( sql + " FOR BROWSE", null, parameters, false, statement.getQueryTimeout(), statement.getMaxRows(), statement.getMaxFieldSize(), true); while (!cursorTds.getMoreResults() && !cursorTds.isEndOfResponse()) ; if (!cursorTds.isResultSet()) { throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.statement.noresult"), "24000"); } columns = cursorTds.getColumns(); columnCount = getColumnCount(columns); rowData = new ArrayList(INITIAL_ROW_COUNT); // // Load result set into buffer // while ( { rowData.add(copyRow(currentRow)); } rowsInResult = rowData.size(); initialRowCnt = rowsInResult; pos = POS_BEFORE_FIRST; // // If cursor is built over one table and the table has // key columns then the result set is updateable and / or // can be used as a scroll sensitive result set. // if (!isCursorUpdateable()) { // No so downgrade if (concurrency == ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE) { concurrency = ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY; statement.addWarning( new SQLWarning( Messages.get("warning.cursordowngraded", "CONCUR_READ_ONLY"), "01000")); } if (resultSetType == ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE) { resultSetType = ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE; statement.addWarning( new SQLWarning( Messages.get("warning.cursordowngraded", "TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE"), "01000")); } } return; } // // Create a read only cursor using direct SQL // cursorTds.executeSQL( sql, procName, parameters, false, statement.getQueryTimeout(), statement.getMaxRows(), statement.getMaxFieldSize(), true); while (!cursorTds.getMoreResults() && !cursorTds.isEndOfResponse()) ; if (!cursorTds.isResultSet()) { throw new SQLException(Messages.get("error.statement.noresult"), "24000"); } columns = cursorTds.getColumns(); columnCount = getColumnCount(columns); rowData = new ArrayList(INITIAL_ROW_COUNT); // // Load result set into buffer // while ( { rowData.add(copyRow(currentRow)); } rowsInResult = rowData.size(); initialRowCnt = rowsInResult; pos = POS_BEFORE_FIRST; if (warning != null) { statement.addWarning(warning); } } }
public boolean getBoolean(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException { return ((Boolean) Support.convert(this, getOutputValue(parameterIndex), BOOLEAN, null)) .booleanValue(); }
public short getShort(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException { return ((Integer) Support.convert(this, getOutputValue(parameterIndex), java.sql.Types.SMALLINT, null)) .shortValue(); }